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January 24 - Genesis 35-37 - Names Matter, ask Benjamin and Israel

8 days ago

Our Chronological Bible reading plan for January 24, 2025 is Genesis 35-37. Names matter. Jacob renamed his son Benoni to Benjamin.

God renamed Jacob to Israel.

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We are believers of Jesus reading and studying the Bible together in chronological order. This video podcast is a chronological Bible study companion. For your copy of the chronological Bible study, visit www.bibleinorder.com for a free download.

Today David Doty explores the transformative journey of Jacob into Israel, the significance of names and identity, and the trials faced by Joseph as a dreamer. It emphasizes the importance of faith, personal growth, and the power of words in shaping one's destiny.

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Transcripts and more are available at the BIO (Bible In Order) website: https://bibleinorder.com
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Heather Doty's FASTer Way to Fat Loss: https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/heatherdoty

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