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Brighter days

11 days ago

There are sacrifices one must make. To the evil powers that control entertainment. If you want to be famous. It’s interesting how many famous people have close family members who have died. Or gone completely off the rails. When you sell your soul. It catches up to you. There are 2 ways I see what happened with Billy Ray Cyrus. One is that it was not him at all. The other is that it was him. But he sold his daughter into the hands of evil. For his own fame. And now it eats him inside. But what happened was not just a drunken man acting a fool.
J6 hostage’s released. After a few hours of a fight back. From prison wardens. And IT IS NOT like they say on the news. There are 6 people that are being investigated. As they may have actually done something wrong.
The real criminals will pay.
Great news coming on taxes.
Looking back at life pre covid. It is shocking how the world has unveiled itself. Most see with there own eyes now. But the Main Street media NEEDS to go.

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