Mini Piglet Dives Into A Pool For Slice Of Watermelon

6 years ago

Adorable footage has emerged of a tiny piglet enjoying healthy snack as owner invites it to join in for a swim and get a treat. One-year-old Cooper doesn't hesitate to jump right into the pool in order to fetch a tasty slice of watermelon. After a quick swim, the tiny creature munches on the tasty snack, much to the amusement of his owner. Yum!

Few members of the food world can claim to be more refreshing than the humble and delicious watermelon. It’s no surprise that numerous animals enjoy munching on this tasty treat. A tiny black pig is featured in this video going to extreme extents for its favorite treat. Adorable footage shows a piglet swimming for joy when owner offers it a piece of fruit.

Watch as the little guy jumps in the pool and starts moving towards the treat, swimming with flying colors! Amazing! Did someone teach this little guy how to tackle water, or did nature do the trick? Nonetheless, it sure made for this amusing video. Why knew that piglets would go through all that trouble for a piece of watermelon. There was one clear winner in this battle for the delightful fruit - the brave piglet. We know dogs love watermelon, but did you know miniature pigs do too?

However, Copper isn’t the black ship in pig’s family. In another video, we see five-months-old Smalls from Sussex County, New York, devouring a plate of cut-up watermelon cubes. Watch as it munches on the snack with greed!

"My hobbies include rooting, napping and eating," Smalls' owner wrote on her behalf. "This was my first time eating watermelon! As you can probably tell, I love it!"

Have you ever witnessed a mini pig eating before? If so, it probably was an apple or a pumpkin, being one of pig’s favorite treats. However, this cute video of mini pigs munching on some shaved ice will have you in stitches.

We knew that pigs are greedy when it comes to food and sharing. Watch as greedy Pickle struggles to get a hold of the lion’s share of the treat, quickly munching with delight the shaved ice cream served right in front of him. In all that rush, he forgets to chew on it, he simply swallows it and asks for more! This treat has definitely awoken the sweet tooth in this critter!

Previously, we have seen videos of Pickle the mini pig snacking on various treats, so it is safe to say that he is gradually becoming an Internet sensation thanks to his owners putting him in the spotlight, allowing him to collect all the credit!

Do you have any beloved pets that you would want to be featured in a viral video? You should start recording your precious moments with them, because you never know what pet video might make you a fortune! Lights, camera, action!

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!


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