Ecuador Is Home To A Stunningly Beautiful Treehopper

5 years ago

Nature is so beautiful and so are all the living creatures in it! If you are someone who is frightened by insects or bugs this might not be the one for you! If you do like insects and how beautiful they can be, then you will definitely enjoy this short video showing off an Ecuadorian insect! They can look kind of creepy but they also look very elegant at the same time! Hope you enjoy this little video showing of this little treehopper !

The Amazon Rainforest is actually located in 9 different countries, mainly in Brazil but it also located in Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Venezuela. It is the largest rainforest on Earth and actually has one of the largest river systems with the main one being the Amazon River. The Amazon is home to some of the most unique, scary, beautiful, and strange creatures. Some of the most dangerous creatures reside in this giant forest such as Poison Dart Frogs, Anaconda, Jaguars, and all sorts of insects and spiders! Definitely not somewhere to explore alone and with no professional help! Always have to remember to be careful in the habitat of wild animals and remember that you are invading their space now.

The treehopper in this video definitely looks very unique. It can be found in the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador and it has such vibrant colors! Actually, it can be mistaken for a butterfly that has its wings closed ready to fly! Treehoppers are insects related to leafhoppers and cicadas. Leafhoppers are very similar to grasshoppers but are much smaller and do not jump as far as a grasshopper. I imagine most people have seen a grasshopper maybe in their garden or in the grass but definitely haven’t seen one like the Amazon has to offer!

A cicada is a family of insects that usually jump and are small and round. They have wings to fly and are usually pretty frightening. They have been around since ancient times and you can see they have an old mythological look to them! Wide eyes and small wings and they can be pretty noisy! They usually appear at night to avoid predators and mostly live in trees and feed off sap. Since this treehopper is a member of the cicada family it shares similar traits!

This colorful treehopper has a very pronounced pronotum. It is the colorful part of its body and its seen like a big hump on its back. In fact, this is what makes it look like a butterfly with closed wings! Even though these are actually not its wings but part of its body. The treehopper has 6 legs and feed off plant sap to get a high sugar intake! This is quite an amazing insect. One of the more pleasant insects to look at with its butterfly like appearance. Maybe if it was flying towards you it might be a different story, but in this video, it looks very elegant. There is many more surprising and strange creatures in the Amazon !

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