His Glory TV - Donné Clement Petruska joins His Glory - The Best of His Glory - Captions

2 months ago

In a detailed conversation, Donné Clement Petruska, daughter of the renowned prophet Kim Clement, shares insights into her father's prophetic words and their relevance to current global events. Beginning with a reading from Psalm 91, the conversation highlights Kim Clement's 2013 prophecy which suggests that despite global tensions, there will be no world war yet as God has a plan involving a generation inspired by Christ. Donné discusses her father's prophecies about political events, the rise of Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani's role after the 2020 election, and the vision of a unified new party in America. She further explores Kim Clement's prophecies about the current state of Israel, including a notable prophecy made on October 7, 2012, closely aligning with the recent attacks on Israel. The discussion underscores the importance of prophetic understanding, unity, prayer, and the anticipation of a significant spiritual revival. Donné emphasizes the need for individuals to engage with God directly, maintain hope, and avoid being driven by fear during tumultuous times.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 12-28-2024, and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v63dfi5

Prophetic Insights: Kim Clement’s Daughter Donné Clement Discusses Her Father's Foretelling and Current Events

In this compelling episode, Donné Clement Petruska, the daughter of the late prophet Kim Clement, joins the show to delve into her father's prophetic words and their relevance to current global events. The discussion spans various topics, including Kim Clement’s prophecies about World War III, Donald Trump, and the spiritual state of America. Donné shares insights into how these prophecies provide hope and guidance in tumultuous times, emphasizing the importance of unity, prayer, and relying on God. She also highlights the role of the House of Destiny network in continuing Kim Clement’s legacy and providing spiritual direction during these challenging times. Don’t miss this insightful episode that brings prophetic words to light and offers a beacon of hope in today’s world.

00:00 Psalm 91: A Divine Promise of Protection
02:06 A Vision of Unity and Leadership
04:12 Welcoming Donné Clement Petruska
05:20 Prophetic Insights and Current Events
06:45 The Role of Prophets in Modern Times
09:34 The New American Party and Political Shifts
12:01 The Spiritual Battle and Awakening
14:21 The Importance of Prophetic Guidance
20:22 The Mantle of Prophecy: A Legacy Continues
27:11 House of Destiny: Continuing the Mission
49:52 Prophetic Insights and Reflections
50:13 The Trump Prophecy
51:34 Water Filtration Solutions
52:40 Health and Wellness Innovations
53:28 Introduction to Donné Clement Petruska
54:00 Wars and Prophecies
59:56 Hope in Prophecy
01:02:46 The Role of Prophetic Voices
01:04:03 Personal Reflections and Training
01:06:09 The Importance of Prophetic Understanding
01:24:27 The Donald and Clark Prophecy
01:31:31 Eschatology and Current Events
01:37:46 Concluding Thoughts and Blessings

Video Information:

Donne Clement Petruska joins His Glory: The Best of His Glory

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Video Transcript:

Psalm 91, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God and Him I will trust. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler. And from the perilous pestilence, he shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall take refuge.

His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side and 10, 000 at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.

Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the most high, your dwelling place. No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near you, your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.

In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against the stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. Because he has set his love upon me, Therefore I will deliver him. I will set him on high, Because he has known my name.

He shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him my salvation.

His glory is coming to you live. There's another ministry on the planet that I trust more. I'm Dr. Brian artist. Tune in every day to his glory.

I was standing in my garden. Suddenly the spirit came removed from my eyes scales. I was praying for America and I was praying for Israel. Nothing unusual

suddenly behind me, starting behind my back, going in a form of an arrow. Well, hundreds of thousands of people and I turned around and I was stunned at what I saw. This was not just a mere dream, but this was a vision. And so I raised my hand like this and every one of them raised their hands. I looked back and they were doing the same thing.

I shouted and they all shouted. They were one. They were one, one party, one party of people.

It continued until I realized that the unity of these amongst them stood one, that God had set aside to be the leader of this nation. And then I heard gold. I wasn't sure if this was attached to his name, But he said to me, he will restore the fortunes in this nation because of his brilliance. I couldn't quite see his face because that was not allowed because there was a mist that covered all the people.

And he was amongst them.

We want to welcome all of his glory nation to this edition of take five. We are spreading the good news from east to west, north to south. And I'm Janice white. And I have a very special guest here with me today that I am so very excited about. And that is vice president of the house of destiny network and daughter of the late great prophet

Kim Clement, Donné Clement Petruska. Donné welcome to his glory. Hello, hello. Thank you for having me today. So lovely to be with you guys always. I have I have Dave interviewed me in on the Reawakened America tour on the very first one I ever, I think he may have been one of the first people to interview me and it was just so lovely.

So it's so nice to be back with you guys. Well, the honor and privilege is all ours. And my gosh, that was like, how many tours ago we were just talking. We can't keep up. And you and I got to meet in Virginia beach. And I am just, you know, so honored to have you on here today because of what your father's prophecies mean to me personally, and to so many others, especially Donné and the time that we find ourselves in right now.

And so we just played one of your dad's clips from a prophecy. He had talking about a new party. And also talking about how the wealth in this nation is going to be restored. And so I wanted to definitely jump into that prophecy because what we're seeing play out in the physical right now is so horrific.

I mean, you've got the BRICS nations that are completely devaluing the U S dollar. You've got Russia and China, you know, banding together. You've got Middle Eastern countries who normally are fighting, banding together. Against Israel. You've got here in the United States. You know, we're seeing our border crisis with with thousands and thousands and and just coming across our border and droves and terrorists and drug cartels.

And then you've got the attack and war on our Children going on. And so Your dad is such a source of hope because we need to remember that we need to also see in the spiritual. And with that, I'll let you kind of dissect that prophecy because it really talks about A great future in this great nation.

It does. And also it's showing you sort of God's solution. And we, we have a lot of stuff on our, on our website and our YouTube channel that you can go, you know, anybody watching, if you're unfamiliar, you can go and look this stuff up. Cause we're going to jump into something here. But when my dad was prophesying like that about the new party, He spoke about scales being removed from eyes.

And if you think about the woke culture as being the enemy's counter. Right now to whatever God's doing, which is usually how it goes. You know, God's working the enemy's counter and trying to, it's, it's a resistance. And just think about just the language alone. You have woke, which I always say to people, that's not even grammatically correct.

So that really irks me, but woke versus being awake. And then you think about my dad was seeing scales removed from eyes. So truth being revealed. And we've definitely seen that since Donald Trump, for sure, where Trump being a trumpet, which is the other thing my dad prophesied was a very, I've described to people as it being a very loud noise, a trumpet makes a loud noise and it got our attention and it revealed to us.

On mass, you know, what had been conspiracy, what had been whispered began to manifest and God was preparing us through prophets. So there's, there's other profits, you know, not just my dad, but my dad has become a very loud voice. Now, even posthumously. Especially so, and I think that's, that adds to the purity of what came from him prophetically, because he is not here to make an opinion or to have a preference.

He prophesied these things so far in advance. And you see this new party he was seeing and you see the name being attached to gold. So he's giving a hint there at Trump. Now he knew it was Trump, but he. He, if he was unsure, he presented it the way God wanted him to. So he was very particular about saying what God wanted him to say and not allowing his mind to interfere because the carnal mind can interfere with the prophetic, because you have your opinions.

For instance, when my dad would go minister somewhere, if he was going to a church, he was going he would not socialize with people beforehand. And it wasn't because he was being a snob or because he was trying to be rude. It was because he knew that God had him there for a purpose, and he was going to have to prophesy and and minister to people.

And he didn't want to be, you know, because if you're sitting in a green room, you're going to people at the church are going to come talk to you and tell you things and what he wouldn't want that obstruction. And not again, not because he didn't want to know or not because he wanted to be rude, but because he knew when he got on that platform and prophesied that he, as clear as it could be.

So the least he knew the better. And then he would get up there and be able to, and so if you look at what he was seeing, understanding that he was seeing a new party and I've, I've been discussing this quite, quite a bit lately because then this is my opinion now. I don't think that that means a whole new political party is going to be created in America.

Now I could be wrong, but what I'm seeing Trump doing is trying to fix on the Republican side because I feel like there's more. It's more maybe more fixable because we're hearing about this unit party now, and that's definitely a thing where there's a, you know, you're watching the news, the media, everything that they're, they're putting in front of you stuff to divide us one against the other.

And I, you know, I just feel like. Only way that, that, that kind of thing has to be sorted out is kind of go in, dig in deep from inside and get out the mess. And that's not only happening in one political party, but throughout the country. And what you're starting to see, what started as MAGA is now, is now growing into something else because you see Democrats.

I mean, look, General Flynn is a Democrat or was a Democrat. Right. Donald Trump had gone back and forth. This is not a partisan thing. So this new party, and we found actually just recently the other day, found another prophecy about what my dad termed as, and I didn't have it to send it to you today, but I will have it up on, on our YouTube channel.

It's up on there. Okay. So it's up on our YouTube channel now called new American party. And this is another prophecy we found from The year before this, where he, the one we just watched, where he actually called it the new American party entitled it. He was trying to find a way to describe what he was seeing.

And what came out of him was an American party, the true Americans coming together. And again, like I said, you'll find the Democrats. And the Republicans are on both sides waking up and seeing, and this is not even getting to the Christian part of things. This is just general across the board.

Americans are waking up to the fact that, hang on, this isn't great. Wait a minute. That wasn't true. We were being lied to about all that stuff. And now they're paying attention. And before we weren't paying attention, Trump came in and he was a trumpet that made a loud, loud sound that got everybody's attention so that we all started looking.

What are they doing behind that curtain? Oh, the deep state is a real thing. It's not a conspiracy. And so God was showing us. It's not. And again, this, the prophecy is not about to wow you, or it's not just, it's not a carnival show. It's not just like, oh, that's cool. He saw that God does everything with a purpose.

So when he's prophesying through a prophet, there is purpose to it. For instance, it's not just, there's things that there's no way my dad could have figured out in his mind to be able to, you know, for someone who's not a Christian, doesn't understand the prophetic at all. There's no way for him to have figured those things out in his mind.

A lot of things that he prophesied in 2007 was, and then seeing the wall, seeing the economy Booming, seeing a takeover, seeing a wall being built and then a takeover. He saw all of those things. And then you mentioned the BRICS nations to me and the way my dad was seeing it when he prophesied about it was the, the brothers of Goliath and in the prophecy, he says the, the brothers of Goliath stand and glee saying, we will cripple you America, you will lose your credit.

Now that's very specific about economically. And that's the only way that any of these nations might have any chance. To infiltrate America would be financially because America's military you know, they can't just come at us in the old school way and just start a war because our military is so strong and because Americans are armed.

You know, the North Koreans aren't flying over here and dropping In parachutes, because they know in every American house, there's at least one gun. And so Americans are going to defend themselves. So we don't have the problem of being invaded on the ground here. And so that's why they came from within.

And that's why we need the new party, because instead they're dividing us within our own country. And so divided, we fall united, we stand. And so that's why this, this prophecy is so very important because we are starting to Because of things like the perversion we're seeing going on in our school systems and the attacks on our kids, just to name one thing, and that's starting to get people.

It's not about a party. It's not about Democrat or Republican. It's about doing what's right morally, ethically, and, you know, it's So I do totally see this taking place, but I'm sorry to interrupt. Please keep going. You're okay. You're right. You're right on the money. Because the thing about it is that he prophesied over and over and over again about the schools.

And he was talking about the infiltration in the schools and how God was going to take care of that. And and, and through leadership, he was going to do that, that there was even times where he prophesied and my dad was prophesying and, and God said, I Am going to leave this lead this nation. I Am going to.

Take the reins. And so it's indicative to me that God is in control now and he let us know through my dad and others that he is actually in control. And so when we look around and everything just seems so, so overwhelming, like there's no way out of this. I remember my dad would say things like don't let your current circumstances dictate your future to you.

You know what God's promised you in the future. God promised that this would be overcome. And he, he, he saw the brothers of Goliath, the giants, standing in glee with their plan. We've got our bricks nations over there. And he saw this David. And in the prophecy that we, that we just watched, he, he could, he saw that he was amongst them, meaning he was part of the people.

And if you look at Trump, that's really what he's, what he's been. It's like, you have all the politicians and then you had Trump come in and Trump just disrupted everything because he wasn't part of that group and that they didn't want him there too, because as soon as he got in there, it was like, he's not in with the plan.

He's going to mess everything up. He's picking up the phone and he's calling Ukraine. Talking to Zelensky and they freaked out and impeached him. You can see what the reaction was because he was an outsider. So my dad saw this person who was amongst them, amongst the people, one of us. And you know, people may say, well, he's a billionaire.

He's rich. Well, you know, people's wealth goes up and down throughout their lives. That's not a, that's not a gauge for that. The good thing about it is that he cannot be bought, right? He can't be bribed. And he's not controlled. He's not controlled because it appears to me that he has led quite an upright life.

And even though he may have had affairs and done things wrong in his life, it was very open. Like the whole world knew what was going on. I mean, they even made the first wives club movie, remember when he got the divorce from Ivana Trump. So you see how, you know, everything is very open. It's not like this secret, you know, these people are being secret and hiding over there.

And my, my dad. You know, I saw this many, many times in many, many ways as he prophesied and as God revealed things to him, he was seeing these things coming, you know, and he made a very specific point of saying, this is not going to be a Democrat and Republican issue. This is much bigger than that. And so, that attempt to divide is, is, is already falling apart.

And you can see it happening because why, because people are waking up, the scales are being removed from the eyes that the enemy, the devil cannot create. He can only imitate. And so when that happens, he will imitate and then corrupt. And so that's what the woke culture has become. And as well intended as some of those people might've been, they were doing it without God.

They were trying to come from a place of compassion and it has turned very, very ugly, very, very quickly. And so God knew that was going to happen, and he started to tell his prophets in advance, my dad being one of them, to prepare his people, us, the Christians, on how we are going to deal with this. What are we going to do?

And that's been the question all along the way. And dad saw that there would be some who build their house on the sand and some who build their house on the rock. And those who built their house on the, on the, on the rock are the ones who would, who would remain, is what he saw. I don't remember the date, but that is what he saw, so.

Yeah, and you, you know, to add to this, Charlie Jordan, who does a phenomenal job on your show, just came out yesterday. He was talking about D Day, and he tied in another prophecy that kind of goes hand in hand with what you're talking about, Doné. So what I'm going to do is we're going to take a quick break.

And when we return, we're going to dive deep into that prophecy.

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Welcome back. So Donné, we were talking about one of your dad's prophecies that Charlie Jordan had gone over yesterday and I believe it was from 2011. And I think he was in St. Louis and he talked about kind of like what we're hearing about this Jesus revolution that's going to take place. And he talked about first he talked about D Day and how God had raised up these Davids during that time from our country to storm Normandy.

And to fight back, and that was the beginning of the turn of World War II and the fight against the Nazis. And so he was applying that to this prophecy when your dad said that a mantle would be placed on our children, our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren. And that they would be blessed, but also that there would be liberty and that he was going to continue to raise up David's, Daniel's, Ezekiel's, Jeremiah's, Samson's, both men and women that would stand up and they would fight this remnant of people.

And he said that our nation would in fact be free again. And he also said that the laws would change because the remnant would trust in the Lord. That's absolutely true. And you know what, Charlie, his insights are always really, really what I will go to first, oftentimes, because he spent so many years standing behind my dad.

If you look in any prophecy video that we have, you'll see Charlie Jordan standing behind him. And, and he's absolutely right. And he's, he's talking about a spirit of David, the spirit of King David that has rested upon not only Donald Trump being the, the leader that God chose, for the season, but Donald Trump will go, you know, like, even if he has, you know, coming 2024, he's got a term after that, what will happen after that?

That's the kind of stuff we're looking at because it's not just confined to Donald Trump in this season. It's going further. And what he was seeing was a spirit of King David resting upon a generation. And that spirit is one of worship, but also of warfare. He was a warrior. And all the way back in the 90s, my dad did a thing called The Gathering of the Dangerous.

And he prophesied 9-11 in that time. And at the, I remember that prophesied 9-11, but he also prophesied about the Warriors of the New Millennium. During that season, he was seeing coming up upon the new millennium, that God would raise up a group of warriors that would be unlikely people, as opposed to what the Christian world was used to.

He saw them being tattooed. He saw them going into the marketplace. And, and making a difference, not just being a pastor or being in ministry, but actually you're doing your job, but you happen to be a Christian who is walking with God. And if you have that relationship with God, he's going to open doors for you where you can reach people who may be what my dad called unreachable, reach the unreachable and touch the untouchable.

So we're looking at a generation that has been given this mantle. And, you know, what's interesting that you brought that up. And Charlie actually knows this, but when my dad passed away, I was with him and I saw a vision of mantles. Now my dad wore a mantle, which was a scarf that he used as a representation of the responsibility that he carried as a prophet.

And he started doing that in 2009. He had, before a meeting in 2009, he had this vision of Christ and he saw that Christ would appear to people. In what he called Damascus road conversions or those who Christians wouldn't be able to reach. And he had this incredible experience and saw Jesus in a mantle.

And so from that day forth. He wore this, this mantle and he had these blue mantles that he used to put on people when he would pray over them. You know, like normally you would anoint someone with oil, but he was putting these on people. He was doing something different, but it was the same thing. He was anointing them prophetically.

And when he passed, I had a vision of, All of these blue mantles just raining, raining, raining, raining, raining, raining down. And that is indicative to me. And what God showed me after I, because I asked him is, you know, he has put a prophetic anointing on this generation as is needed because you have the five fold ministry and all of it.

We understand so well, but there has been a neglect with the prophetic side of that because it is so difficult. Because it has been abused without question. So that is so unfortunate because it's such a beautiful, you know, it's a gift of the Holy Spirit. If you receive the Holy Spirit. So, so you don't have to be.

in the office of the prophet, like my dad, you know, in order to function prophetically as a people. And dad even wrote books. You can, you can hear the voice of God for yourself because there is going to be a necessary. We're in that moment. Actually, it's not coming. We are in that moment where each and every one of us need to be able to talk to God and hear from him ourselves for what we need to be doing.

Personally, and for things that he'll show you around you. And if we're all doing that, we're going to see what God sees. Think about Moses. When Moses asked God, I want to see your face. God says, no man can see my face and live, but I'll show you my back. And he wasn't turning his back on Moses. He was showing Moses what he saw.

And so that's what we, as the people of Christ in this hour need to be doing. And you know, it is a, it is very much like King David, that attitude of King David of, of this, this most. You know, unexpected child that threw a stone that hit a giant and took it down. And so, there is that theme that continues to come up in the prophecies.

And so oftentimes when you're listening to prophecy, it's not just what are the words. But for instance, where is he? When my dad prophesied Trump two terms for Trump, he prophesied that from Maricopa County. So he was in, he was in Maricopa County and prophesied two terms. So that is a defiance to the enemy as well, because that's saying we're all of that corruption and cheating and whatever has been going on over there.

I don't know all the details of Maricopa County, but I know it's been trouble. All the places he would prophesy from there. So there's so much depth to the prophetic that the people of Christ, that Christians in general really need to understand. And I know we have the preterists who don't believe it at all for many reasons, theologically.

And I, I find that I have been very patient with that as well, because if you listen to some of my dad's prophecies, it's shocking. I remember when Eric Trump heard them for the first time. I did my presentation in Ohio and he kept saying, but how did he know? We didn't know. How could he have known if we didn't know?

And so that's where we were given the opportunity, more so Clay Clark and his wife, to explain to the Trump family what that actually means and that it's actually God. And that's something my dad would have said from, from day I am a servant. And I am going to prophesy this, but it's coming from God. This is God.

Oh, it totally is. And I want to point out too, I want to add real quick, when you're talking about Eric Trump. In New York, when you were outside the tent and you're filming these bald eagles flying around the tent at the same exact time that Eric Trump is on the stage at the reawaken America tour with Amanda Grace.

And Clay Clark and Pastor Dave, and they are doing a prayer. Amanda's praying over him and it is this powerful prayer and unbeknownst to you, that's going on and you're filming two bald eagles flying around the tent. Yes. And it's so weird that I even left because normally I'll stay there while Eric's talking and I, cause I want to hear Eric, you know, but normally I would stay.

But he had gone about halfway through and I was set to speak and I needed to review my stuff. And I thought, everybody is inside focus that way. I'm just going to step outside for a minute, pray, get myself ready for what I'm going to do. And I was sitting out there, my husband had come with me and he's actually the one who noticed the eagle and filmed it.

And so I'm, I was sitting there on the side of the car, because we were outside, it was a tent, we were outside in a cornfield. And apparently it's not common to see the Eagles there either is what we heard afterwards. But yes, right when we stepped out and that was God who did that. And that's a really great example to bring up from what I was just saying is how God is in everything like that.

Because normally I would have stayed. I step outside and see. And it was, it was flying around over as Amanda and Dave and everybody were praying. And, and that was just, and we didn't know what was going on inside either. So great. We're filming the Eagles and we don't know that they're praying over because I didn't know they were going to do that.

We didn't know, or I would have stayed actually. But I mean, there, they were praying and there was God giving another sign. And he keeps doing that with us, you know, as we're going through the tour. Right. Me on my little journey here that I've been on is that over and over again, I even said to general Flynn last night that I, if, if I look back now, I'm actually shocked.

I am astounded at what God has done because he's moving for sure. Yeah. But you can see without question, it's God. And one thing my dad saw was that it would not be one denomination or one ministry. Or one movement when we're talking about the Jesus revolution, that it will be undeniable that it came from him because it's not going to be centralized.

It's just going to explode. And I'm starting to hear about in, in, in Muslim countries, in Middle Eastern countries people, Muslims having visions of Christ. Because Christ is going to reach them when he can't get a person to them. And it is sort of a trap you're born into that. And if you leave, they kill you, you know, so, I've had them communicate with me even, and my dad saw these Damascus road conversions.

And so I am watching because I know we're about to see some people like you brought up Bill Gates. But to see what could God do there, because I don't like Bill Gates at all. I don't either, but you know, your dad saw him opening a gate. Yeah. I did point out, I do point out to people about that prophecy is that he said Bill Gates will open up a gate for the financial realm for the church, right?

He doesn't necessarily have to mean to do that in order for that to be fulfilled. It doesn't mean Bill Gates is going to say, I'm a Christian and I'm going to help Christians. He invents things and he could open a gate for, for something. So, because dad wasn't specific, he didn't say anything more than that.

You know, some people have come to me and said, Oh, your dad said Bill Gates would get saved. And, and actually he didn't. And I've looked it up. He didn't, he prayed for him. He prayed for everybody to be saved and prayed for Hillary Clinton to be saved. And I know Obama and he was under, I was under the Obama presidency and he was sitting there just disagreeing with everything that was going on, but he would still say, pray for them, pray for them, pray for them.

Because what we want is these people to be redeemed. I mean, that is our goal as Christians is to bring them to Christ. Someone like Elon Musk, who I don't trust, even though I'm happy with what he's done with Twitter. I still don't trust his long term plans because he's wanting to put chips in brains and do stuff with AIs.

But he's also not a Christian. He doesn't understand eschatology. He has not read revelation the way we have, and he's not aware. And if someone were to make what make these people aware, what an impact could they make, you know, if they were Christian. And I've seen Babylon Bees interview with Elon Musk, and they talked to him about Jesus and he was very polite, but he wasn't rude about it, and he seemed like someone you might be able to talk to, and so I pray that God sends the right people to those people.

Yeah. The goal is to get as many people awake as we can, right? We want them to wake up. We don't want you to be woke. We want you to be awake. And once you are awake, you can't unsee this stuff. You can't unsee the things that, that have been going on once you've been made aware of them. And so as soon as, as many people can see as possible, the bigger our side becomes, and the more we have to fight against this enemy we face.

Absolutely overwhelming enemy. I mean, look around. It is overwhelming. It's in the media. It's in Hollywood. It's in music, politics, everywhere you go school, it is in school. And, and so it can get like, what are we going to do? What are we going to do? What are we going to do? Well, that's not going to be productive.

We're going to be a generation of Davids and we're going to fight this and we're going to do it righteously. We're not going to, I heard somebody say the other day, well, if they're cheating in the elections, well, we might as well just, and it's like, hang on a minute. They've all been cheating. Cheating is why we're here in this situation.

And to lower yourself and say, well, they're doing, that means I'm doing it. That is a terrible mentality. We have to, we have to be seeking from God. The right way, his way. What is your way of doing this? You know, what, what are we supposed to do? And that comes back down to being a prophetic people and hearing from God ourselves because we don't live in that world where that time square is physically there anymore.

It's a virtual square. That's why social media platforms are there. And so every God was not surprised by any of this. So he was. Ready. And he has been preparing us. And if we have the eyes to see, we can see, and we'll know how to move forward and how to do it righteously, I guess, is the bottom line of what I was trying to say.

Yeah. And that's why it was so important when your dad saw the scales being removed from their eyes. And I do want to highlight a couple of things that you just said, Donné, cause they're important first. It has weighed, God has really weighed on my heart. You mentioned Elon Musk to pray for him specifically.

And so I have been, because you're right. If he were to come to Christ, look at the amazing things that he could do. And so we should always pray for him and for everybody. Because you know, that would be a big part of turning this around, but, and you have to remember Paul and you mentioned Damascus and that's another thing that God has weighed on my heart is a, and this has been, oh my gosh, months and months back, he really weighed on my heart, a Damascus road.

Moment, but not road. It Damascus world moment and movement. And so that's exactly what you're saying that your dad saw with the mantles. And so with the mantle, I do want to touch on something because this was so neat. I was at the, the reawakened America tour. I was watching when you did. When you pass the mantle onto Amanda grace.

So can you talk about that and, and kind of what led up to that? Yes, I can. So Clay had put Amanda and I in an additional slot. So, you know, when we do the reawaken America tour, we each have like a time and that's when we speak and he had Amanda and I in an additional slot together. And so Amanda and I prayed about, you know, what, what should we do?

I called her. Beforehand and I said, you know, what are we going to do? Like he's put us there together. What is he doing? We don't mind though. I mean me and amanda are friends and so I called her and I, you know, we prayed about it and after doing that, you know, because I was at home still I went and God I went and prayed about it some more and God said I want you to go And get one of your dad's mantles.

Now, dad had the blue mantles that I was telling you about before, and he would put those on people and he had mass produced, you know, he had boxes of them everywhere, but he had personal mantles. And if you watch any video of my dad, he might be wearing a plaid or red or all. He had different colored ones.

He would wear. And I have a box in, in. My house here where I keep all my dad's things and in that box are all the mantles he wore and I keep those and I don't give them to anyone. I gave Jean Ho one. I did give Jean Ho. And God said, you need to put a mantle on, on Amanda. And I said, well, what do I, is it okay for me to do that?

And then he is responsible. I'm telling you to. So what I did was I didn't even look, I put my hand in the box. Just pulled it out and I looked at it and it was purple and God said royalty. And so I held the royal, the royal purple mantle. And then he said, and for Chris. And I reached my hand in and that Chris is Amanda's husband.

I reached my hand in and pulled out whatever, and it was black. And I looked at them together and they were the exact same scarf or mantle he'd bought with the same label. He just had two different colors of it, but I didn't know that. And they were on opposite sides of the box from each other. So that was really an interesting little God moment.

And then when we, I still wasn't sure, you know, how am I going to do this? What am I going to do? And I did see some things that God wanted to address as well, a spirit of absolute on this nation. And So Amanda, I told Amanda about that. We prayed about it. And then when we went up there, it was just the most precious moment because I wasn't sure what to expect.

She wasn't sure what to expect. And really we just submitted to God and I just did what God told me to do. And again, I never, never, never do that, but I, that's, I had to do what he said. So I put that, I put that mantle on her and it was just a very powerful, beautiful moment for us. All of us at the reawakened America tour.

And because of everything we've been through over the past, what's a couple of years now, it's going on a couple of years, so. That's that was a beautiful moment. It really was. And it, and it kind of goes hand in hand with what you're talking about. The, the mantles that your dad saw as well. Of course, there is a distinction between the office of the prophet and then the prophetic gifting, you know, the, the gift of the spirit.

You can obviously ask for prophecy, but there's, there's a distinction between the two. And I did want to get into real quick, Donné, cause we're running short on time, how your dad how he was anointed into the office of the prophet. That was from young, from young, so from a child, even before he was a Christian, he could see.

Things, things would happen. And he got saved when he was 17. He was an extraordinary musician, a genius musician, and he was in the rock and roll scene in the sixties and seventies, he overdosed and became a Christian because a man picked him up off the street when he called out the name of Jesus and started to go to church.

And because he was so good at music. He started to lead worship, and that's how you met my mother and ended up moving with my uncle Fred who had the first multiracial church under apartheid South Africa, so they were getting arrested and and beaten and stuff because they were saying, we're having church with everybody of every race and we don't care what the government says.

And so they come from a place where we're. You know, these kinds of things we're seeing in America in a different way, that same spirit was over there. And what happened was as he would worship, God started to show him things. And so it came through for my dad, it came through worship. And worshiping him.

And, and you know, King David was my dad's favorite. One of my dad's favorites because of the fact that he was a psalmist and my dad was also a psalmist. And it began when early twenties, he was I think the first time he ever really prophesied it was over a person and he got a person's name and he was standing on the stage and.

He said, who is Maud? And it's such a weird name. Who's Maud? And a little lady in the back put her hand up and he didn't even know what to do with her. So he just prayed for her, but it grew from there. And I watched that my whole life growing up, because that was when I was a little, little girl and watching him growing up my whole life.

I watched that increase in him. And as he learned and grew as a Christian. His gift grew with him to the point that it got to, and he was also very, very brave, very bold. And God created him for that. To be able to do that too. You know, they say God chooses people. He does, but he also creates us for, and that's what my dad was.

Yeah, your dad was incredible. He truly was. And, you know, these prophecies will live on forever. He was truly anointed by God. You can tell that. You can hear a pin drop when you do the presentation at the Reawaken America Tour. And then it's funny, because I've been at the back of the room when you're doing your presentation, and everybody's phones come on and everybody is like Duck, duck going Kim Clement, because they're like, Oh my gosh, if they hadn't heard of him before, they certainly know who he is now.

And I think that's also part of God's plan. And I do want to touch on before we end real quick, you have some other shows that house the destiny. So one that has truly been dear to my heart. Also is what you do with your mom, Jane, and that is current events. And so you guys have done a beautiful job, Donné, of keeping up with where we are scripturally.

You've done some great work with Revelation and Daniel and, you know, the other books that talk about end time events. So can you just kind of do a brief blurb on that? And also, your dad had asked somebody to do to, to kind of be a teacher for him during this time and was directed to Chuck Missler regarding in time events.

So can you speak about that? Yes. So, my dad had been a replacement theologist when he, when he became a Christian and this was in the seventies. And at some point in time, God revealed to him the importance of Israel and how he was wrong. And there was a whole process that he had to go through with that.

And so he, you know, he actually had Chuck Missler come to our broadcast center in California and teach the people, teach our people because he had, he actually went on Chuck Missler was on his show and was interviewed by him and went up there and said, I was wrong about the way I was viewing Israel.

And as soon as. As soon as that light was turned on in my dad, that was another time that we realized just a catapult in the way he saw prophetically. So that connection with Israel was, was was, was so, so important, you know, and and, and, and seeing that way. And then what was the rest of your question?

I got distracted by Israel. Oh, that's, that's okay. Just so Chuck Missler helped him kind of understand. And then you and your mom, yeah. My mom also had a huge effect on the way my dad viewed eschatology because dad actually just didn't want to look at it. It wasn't that he disagreed, it wasn't that he didn't believe it.

It was just so much for him and he was so hyper focused on what God had him doing. And in hindsight now Jesus didn't come back during my dad's lifetime. And so I suppose it wasn't supposed to be something for him. It was supposed to be for my mother. And in this time, and let me tell you, she knows exactly what's going on.

She is, that's all she does all day long is study the Bible and listen to different teachers and different perspectives. Chuck Missler being, you know, our number. I mean, we loved Chuck, you know, and God rest his soul, but we, we, we loved Chuck Missler. I still, I was watching him the other day. He is, was so brilliant, but she looks at lots of other people too.

And she's trying to understand. The timeline and where we are. And that's because she feels God led her to do that in this time because she didn't do that before. And around 2011 is when she started doing that. So that's what we do on Saturdays on Saturdays at the house of destiny. We do a thing called current events.

And so she'll look at current events and then tie in biblically. What's, what's going on and how does eschatology explain this? And, and, you know, for me, it's been a real learning experience because I was much as my dad was when it came to studying revelation and just studying eschatology, a little overwhelming.

And so I also didn't really delve too much into it. So I've learned a lot just sitting there talking to her and it's really helped me to see better around me, what's going on. And people prophesied over my parents about how they would be. About their connection and and even after my dad passed there was something they were prophetic team.

And so that's why mom and I continued the house of destiny network. That was something mom and dad created. And when dad passed away, we weren't sure what to do. And we had a lot of big name people telling us, Oh, you need to shut it down. You need to give up. And we felt when we prayed about it, that God wanted us to continue the network because all of these prophecies were sitting there and what we, we have felt responsible to let.

People know God has made promises and here they are. And there's some hope in this time right now. And so we kept the network going. And so, yes, we have a whole network of broadcasts. We don't just have one show. We have current events. On a Saturday, I do Prophetic Rewind. On a Monday, which is where I replay old footage of Dad.

I've got 40 years of it. So I pray about it, and I put up with God shows me we, I mean, every day of the week. We have something we have a Wednesday service church service. Charlie's got a show launching now Israel update on Fridays. We get, news from the ground in Israel every Friday. We have a correspondent there, Juvie Saba, who gets with Christy Desfontaine, who hosts Israel Update.

She's very knowledgeable about Israel, Israel. I mean, she even speaks. Yeah, she is. She's amazing. She's so incredible. And so they you know, they do that, the Israel Update on Fridays. And I've really been telling people to check that out because if you want news from Israel we have a an unfiltered media source there in dubia who's very knowledgeable and he lets us know I mean just the other day there were rockets fired right by his house yet to go into the bomb shelter with his daughter.

So there's a lot going on there and. You know, they also look at dad's prophecies, particularly about Israel, and they've been playing a lot of prophecies for people to, to sort of help them understand, like, here's the prophecy and here's what's happening in Israel. So it's, it's just, it's just very, very full at the house of destiny.

And that's, thanks to my mom and dad's labor of 40 years, you know, I'm here as a support right now. I'm helping my mom. I'm representing my dad, but the truth is it was, it was my mom and dad who built this it was truly guided by God's hand all the way, all of the way. And were you working there as well, Donné?

Cause I remember there was a, somebody prophesied over you that they could see you on the stage with the big name. So you were certainly anointed to do what you're doing as well. And when that was prophesied, I was sitting there like, what is he talking about? Because I'd always been a back, you know, a behind the scenes person.

I never wanted to be on the stage. I'm a writer. You know, I, I wanted to write children's books. But God had other plans. He tricked me. He tricked you. Now, real quick, Donné, where can everybody find all those amazing shows you just talked about? And to bless your ministry. Okay. So if you go to houseofdestiny.

org or kimclement. com, it's that easy. Either way, it's going to take you to our website. Our website, that website is a platform. And we have so much that we have a prayer wall too. So if you just go to that website or download the app. We have the house of destiny app, which is on all platforms. You should be able to get the app and everything on the website is on the app.

So you can watch a live stream shows and our streaming shows on the app as well. As well as all social media, we're on YouTube, we're on rumble truth, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tik TOK. Even the bad ones. And I've been telling people like, sometimes people be like, you shouldn't be there. My dad had this thing he used to say about piercing the darkness.

And so we believe that no matter what, as long as they'll let us be there, we're going to be a light in a dark place. So if it's a dark place, we're going to be just, just streaming light in there. Prophetic light. We're just prophesying everywhere we can, everywhere we can see that, that there's darkness, we're just sending light into it.

And so that is really what the house of destiny is about. Well, that light radiates out of you, Donné. Thank you so much for being with us today. I'm sure you brought some light to many of our viewers who are watching, especially your dad's prophecy on what to expect in this great nation. And you're right.

We just need to turn to God. We need to submit to him, be obedient and continue to share that light. Thank you so much for being with us today. It's been an honor. Thank you very much for having me. And what we're going to do is we're going to end with one of his very popular prophecies known as the Trump Prophecy.

God bless everybody watching. God bless you, Donné. And God bless this great nation. Trump shall become a trumpet, says the Lord. No, you didn't hear me. Trump shall become a trumpet. Are you listening to me? I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet.

A praying president, not a religious one, but I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people. Yes, I will. God says the one that is chosen shall go in and they shall say he has hot blood for the spirit of God says yes. He may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of this country shall change rapidly, says the Lord of Hosts.

Listen to the word of the Lord. God says, I will put at your helm for two terms, a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power, says the Lord of Hosts.

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It's my very special guest today is Donné Clement Petruska. She is the daughter of the late great prophet Kim Clement, whose prophecies are world renowned. Donné is also a speaker at the Reawaken America Tour and does several shows on House of Destiny where she shares her father's prophetic words.

Donné, welcome back to His Glory. It's so good to see you again. Hi, thank you so much for having me. I love to come and see you guys. Thanks Well, we love seeing you just as much. So, again, thank you for being with us today. And, my gosh, Donae, there's so much going on in the world since the last time we talked.

But I wanted to start off with wars and rumors of wars and jump right into one of your dad's prophecies. So, there's a powerful clip from your dad that you shared not long ago where he prophesied that there would be no world war yet. So, I want to play that real quick and then we'll get your thoughts on it.

So, he prophesied it on August 3rd, 2013. Here it is. The nations are itching. The nations are hungry for war. The nations are crying for war. Give us blood, they say. We want blood. Have you not had enough blood?

Says the Spirit of God, blood from children. And what has happened to my shepherds throughout the earth? As Ezekiel saw it, and Jeremiah saw it, and as Christ saw it, the shepherds have scattered. Where are the shepherds? God says there is a new way and yet it is an old way I Am a stone for this generation I Am the stone for this generation That stone is My Son.

That Stone is the Rock Christ Jesus and that Stone shall be given to the davids of this generation and they shall bring down The force of hell that is crying from Russia from Syria from Iran from all over the world, crying,

Give us blood give us Give us blood, give us blood, give us blood. But the spirit says, no, there shall be no world war yet. For I have yet to show you the manifestation of a Rock in the hand of a generation.

All right, Donné. So we just played that powerful clip from your dad. And so he's talking about. Either nations itching for war and every one of the countries that he lists, which were Russia, Syria, Iran were just to name a few were either seeing right now today, either at war or itching for war. And so that prophecy was so spot on.

What can you tell us about that? Well, first of all, I, I had been watching that prophecy for years and what happens with me with some of these is, you know, I've got 40 years of material of, of footage of my dad prophesying and so it's difficult to keep up with all of it. But there's certain ones that that will stay with me and that one in particular over the years.

I felt like this is not come to pass. And at one point I even thought to myself, well, maybe he was talking about. During that time, but something that I've learned going through this experience that I've gone through since losing my dad and all these things that he prophesied coming to pass, is that.

Your perspective on prophecy is very important. So, you know, a lot of times while he was prophesying in the moment, people were looking for the fulfillment in that moment or or, you know, soon. And I've found there's a lot more longevity to prophecy. It has outlasted, even my father and that particular prophecy, the thing that struck me and the thing that That made me post that again recently because it's was a little bit of a jump, a little bit of faith there because it looks like world war.

And so I thought, you know what, I'm putting this up because I have not seen any of these things occur. I have not seen these countries aligned together and what he is referring to. So we're in this situation where everybody's shouting world war, everybody is afraid. And I could hear him prophesying.

There will be no world war yet because I have yet to show you the manifestation of a rock in the hand of a generation. That's staying with me, that rock being Christ Jesus. And it's so fitting with the other things he's prophesied. He prophesied so much about a spirit of King David, about the spirit of King David on Donald Trump.

Donald Trump would take a "Stone", remember the name, and we know we've got Roger Stone over there, so there's, there's something there that we haven't seen yet. And you know, again, so when I put that prophecy up recently, it was like, I'm taking a chance here, because my dad's not here for me to ask him, were you meaning, you know, what else did you see?

Is this the time? And so, you know, really, it is sort of sons of Issachar, we should be, you know. We should be, you know, and that's a big part of what I do right now when I share these prophecies is Is this the right thing to share right now? So I really have to go to God and ask him to guide me through it and I thought you know what i'm just going to put this out there and Hopefully this is the right thing.

I think it I think it was because if you look now I mean since i've even put it up Since we posted that prophecy again, we've seen all of those countries starting to line up together. And so I, I, I feel better about posting it, you know, because again, I was a little bit unsure, but I can't see anywhere else

it could mean where I am in the timeline now, like wherever we are now. Me either. Yeah, it was spot on Donné. And the other thing is it gives so much hope because he says there will be no world war yet because you have yet to see the manifestation of the stone in the hands of the generation, which you just said which is Jesus Christ.

And he also says they will bring down the gates of hell. He did. And so what you, what you see in that prophecy is a lot of hope which is. I mean, in the environment that we're in right now, it is so difficult to navigate through this, to try to and I'm so grateful for my dad's prophecies because had I not had them, it would have been much more difficult for me.

I mean, the 2020 election and what happened there, I was sitting with these prophecies. And I mean, there was even one where he said, there's a wall that will not be completed because of a takeover. And I mean, this before Trump had even announced his candidacy, there's no way my dad could have known about the wall, what would happen with the wall.

There's no guessing this many times. So, you know, he was a true prophet and we know that what he was saying, he was a vessel. So when he was saying he was coming through God and the longevity of that will, like I said, will stand. After the person, my dad isn't even alive anymore. And so, it's a testament to, yes, that was God speaking to us.

And he's, he's giving us this little glimpse. You know, we see, we prophesy in part. We see through a glass darkly. So we only see enough. He can't show us everything. Because there's things that we have to go through in this life. You And so he won't give you everything, but he gives us enough that it's a little light along the way.

And this prophecy was one of those because we can see his list of the countries. We're seeing those alignments. We can say, okay, that's like a timestamp because my dad never would give a date or a time to things. Right. I, I, I very rare for him to actually prophesy a date. He might've said things like in a 48 hour period or in a two week period, you know, he would see things like that.

And oftentimes God would show him some kind of an indicator that you would know it was the time for that prophecy. And so, the indicator for me was all those countries. It's all lining up. And I hadn't seen that since he prophesied it. So, again, there it was. And then the hope is there. Because he was seeing that God was going to use especially young people in a very unique way.

But that there would be a He didn't want to even call it a revival. I want to say revival right now, but it's more than that. He said it would be the, the, it would take all the revivals in history. You could put them all together and it won't compare to what God is about to do. And so as dim and grim as things look right now there's this little light of hope in, in, in these prophecies and in the prophetic, which really we're in a, we're in a time where that needs to be looked at more and understood better by the church because it is, it is a tool for us.

It is there to help us. It's not entertainment. It's not, it will strengthen your faith. Yes. But it is actually God assisting us along the way in a time where I can think of another time in my lifetime for sure that things have been so difficult To see just to see what is true. What is not true.

There's so much deception that Having the prophetic so not just my dad But that gift of the holy spirit, which is the prophetic which is in all of us So we may not all be prophets like my dad, but there needs to be an activation of that An understanding of it so that we are equipped as a spiritual army To see our way For the first thing we need to do is be able to see where to go.

And that's been a very difficult thing. And I'm sure a lot of people understand what I'm saying is navigating through this has been so hard. It has not been easy. I can't imagine. But we were talking pre show, Donné, about the training you had from traveling with your dad. I was training. I didn't know I was getting, I mean, I just, it was, I was used to my life.

And when you're a child and you don't know anything else, you don't really understand. But as I got older. I did start to understand something's different here. Like, no, there's no other kids whose dads do what my dad does. And so sometimes it was a little bit difficult for me because I felt, you know, every time you meet someone and they say, well, what does your dad do?

That would be difficult often because not everybody understands the prophetic and what even Christians, you know, he does watch, he's a watch, he's a prophet. So, a good thing that's happened through all of this is there has been This this sort of highlight on the prophetic and the church and these prophetic voices that are r

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