Detective Suiter's wife speaks out against IRB report's conclusion

5 years ago

When asked what the past few months since the death of her husband, Detective Sean Suiter, have been like, Nicole Suiter was succinct. "Hell," she said. "....Hell." Nicole does not believe her husband took his own life, an action that would have abandoned her and their five children. Sean was given a hero's ceremony at his funeral after being killed in November of 2017 in what, at the time, was believed to have been a shooting in the line of duty. The medical examiner ruled her husband's death a homicide, but the Independent Review Board tasked with looking into his death came to a different conclusion, believing Detective Suiter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The chairs of the IRB stood behind that conclusion at a press conference Wednesday. Baltimore Police Interim Commissioner Gary Tuggle said investigators will review the IRB's findings, but the case remains open and any change in cause of death would need to be determined by the medical examiner. "He wouldn't have went out like that," Nicole Suiter said when speaking with WMAR 2 News' Brian Keubler. "He wouldn't leave his family like this. He had no reason to." Nicole said the IRB's report is full of lies and inconsistencies, and their determinations have inflicted even more pain. She said she will fight any attempt to change the ruling of her husband's death from a homicide to a suicide. She said her family feels cheated by the review board. She believes her husband's killer is still out there.

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