MSNBC — Is Any of McCain’s Bravery Left in the Republican Party?

6 years ago

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson who turned the Trump vs. McCain conversation back to honoring the life and service of the six-term Senator and former Vietnam War hero while making a not-s0-subtle dig at the character of the Republican party.

“You know, John McCain, whatever you thought of his politics. you could disagree with him,” Robinson opined, adding “It was impossible not to find him funny and entertaining at just a, and just a delight to talk to and be around.”

“He had his clashes with President Trump,” Robinson acknowledged but adding “He saw who trump was, but he did something about it. I mean, he spoke out.” He then cited McCain’s famous thumbs-down vote in repealing the Affordable Care Act and wondered aloud “is any of that sort of bravery left in the Republican party?”

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