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SD Governor Kristi Noem says Homeland Security needs to work more closely with the CIA to identify how U.S. citizens are becoming RADICALIZED!

11 days ago

I’ll give it a shot:
Maybe Americans are becoming radicalized because their politicians are stealing their wealth and destroying their standard of living.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because the government chose to shut down their businesses, close their children’s schools, decide how many family members could attend a funeral, and forced them to take experimental vaccines to keep their jobs or attend a concert.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because they’ve witnessed the media relentlessly lie about, or cover-up, nearly every major news story as far back as they can remember. Russian Collusion, Jeffrey Epstein, Iraq’s WMD’s, COVID, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Charlottesville “Fine People” hoax, Biden is “sharp as a tack”, inflation is transitory, Brett Kavanaugh is a gang r*pist, 2020 Election Fraud, Nick Sandmann, Kyle Rittenhouse, Bubba Wallace, Jussie Smollett’s staged “modern day lynching”, Whitmer’s FBI driven “kidnapping” plot, Michael Brown, Benghazi was because of a YouTube video, the 2020 summer of “most peaceful” BLM riots, January 6th or Trump “locking kids in cages”.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because the cost of living is skyrocketing, which is increasingly putting the American dream out of reach for the average citizen. Housing is the least affordable it’s ever been. College tuition is saddling young adults w/ a lifetime of debt for an often times subpar education. The cost of healthcare and insurance are more expensive than they’ve ever been. Food is not only becoming more expensive, but littered with toxic and cheap ingredients in an effort to reduce costs. The price of new and used cars cost the equivalent of of a mortgage 10 years ago. This applies to nearly every other aspect of life: clothing, travel, sporting events, concerts.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because while they’re witnessing the American dream slipping out of reach, their government opened the borders and is giving out “free” healthcare, education, food and housing to illegal immigrants, all of which is being paid by the American taxpayer.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because their see the corporate and political elite breaking the law with impunity, while parents are being labeled domestic terrorists at PTA meetings for opposing pornographic books in libraries and men being allowed in women’s bathrooms.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because every major institution and media outlet is labeling over half of the country racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic or transphobic for holding common sense views such as: Men don’t belong in women’s sports; People should be hired based on their competency; Children shouldn’t have their genitals mutilated or being given irreversible life-altering drugs; And adults shouldn’t prance around naked in front of kids.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because those same institutions are attacking Christianity at every turn.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because the government has been working hand-in-glove with social media corporations to implement widespread censorship and destroy everyone’s God-given right to free speech if they disagree with whatever the preferred corporate news or government narrative is.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because they’re experiencing a rapid increase in the crime-rate and the steady erosion of safety in nearly every major city across the United States, as radical District Attorney’s refuse to arrest and charge criminals.

Maybe they’re becoming radicalized because they’re watching their cities burn to the ground because their politicians refuse to perform the necessary controlled burns, clear the underbrush in forests, fill their reservoirs, build the proper water infrastructure, slashed funding for the fire department, fired all of the firefighters who refused the experimental COVID vaccine, prioritized DEI over competence and refuse to address the homeless problem (who happen to start a lot of wildfires, intentionally or not).

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