NAFTA Is Done! Trump Delivers On New Deal With Mexico And Canada Is Next

6 years ago

President Trump on Monday said he plans to terminate the existing North American Free Trade Agreement, as he announced a new tentative agreement between the United States and Mexico that he described as "one of the largest trade deals ever made."

"I'll be terminating the existing deal and going into this deal," the president said in the Oval Office, calling it a "big day for trade."

But the president said Monday “we’ll see” if Canada can still be part of the trade pact, leaving open the possibility of separate agreements.

"We are starting negotiations with Canada pretty much immediately," Trump said.

Trump, sitting at the Resolute Desk, put Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on his speaker phone as the press watched in the Oval Office. The Mexican president, speaking through a translator, congratulated the negotiators on both sides and expressed hope the United States and Canada would come to an agreement.

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