Veteran Reunite With His Dogs Will Make You Tears

6 years ago

James Pack is (at the time of the video) 58 year old Navy veteran who suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized. Unable to care for his two beloved dogs, Blaze and Bailey, he put them into an animal shelter.

However, due to his health, he wasn’t able to go and get the dogs, so the shelter decided to put the dogs up for adoption. Every person who looked at them, passed on them, probably due to being part pit bull.

James found out his dogs were up for adoption and was trying to raise money, even willing to sell his car to get is doggies back.

He said he didn’t have all the money the next day, but that’s when Melissa Eagle at the First State Animal Shelter and her colleagues stepped in to raise the money so that James wouldn’t need to sell his car.

In addition to some stuff for his dogs, they also got stuff for him.

It’s nice to see others stepping in to help.

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