Canine And Feline Do Their Morning Stretching Routine Together

6 years ago

Ellie the Great Dane and Jack the cat have a very set morning routine. After Ellie finally decides she is going to get out of bed, she and Jack enjoy few yoga moves and some stretches before moving on to breakfast! Watch and enjoy the way these unusual buddies interact with each other living under the same roof.

We might think that cats and dogs aren’t meant to be the best of friends, but just take a look at these two. Jack the cat and Ellie the Great Dane love to play together. Ellie loves to play with her buddy Jack. Even though, it might seem like Ellie and Jack don’t really get along that well, but the truth is they are actually really good pals!

Sure, Jack isn’t really all that interested in playing with the big pooch, while she is up to no good most of the time. But, for what it’s worth, they love and respect each other as equal members of this household. Still, that does not stop Ellie from using every ace up her sleeve in an attempt, albeit in vain, to coerce the orange tabby into playing with her.

The difference between dogs and cats is extreme, in fact, other than being the most favorite pets in every house, they have nothing else in common. The way they play and hang out with their owners is something that is pretty characteristic for every pet. While dogs are very energetic and friendly to humans, cats are nothing like that. Cats love to stay at home all day long and chill on the couch. On the other hand, your dog needs more space to fool around and most canines want to be outside as much as possible.

There is a widespread belief that cats and dogs do not get along with each other that well and that their friendship is virtually impossible. This might have been true in the past but not any more. In these modern times, with tons of videos going viral, it is practically impossible not to witness a BFFs among unmatchable species in the animal world.

A perfect example of a quirky friend’s relation is the one between a Great Dane and a cat. We know when a girl and boy become true friends, it is a perfect recipe for a lifelong friendship. The canine-feline friendship presented in this video is the perfect example of that.

When someone says “Great Dane”, the term conjures up a picture of the gangly and troublesome Marmaduke ruining the neighbor’s yard, or Shaggy’s clumsy canine companion in a Scooby Doo mystery, cowering or devouring everything in sight. The most we get from these caricatures are lovable, bumbling giants generally causing mayhem. Does Ellie’s personality live up to its cartoonish hype?

Thanks to her friendly nature, Ellie shows a demonstrative attachment to Jack because she likes to play otherwise she becomes quite stressed when she doesn’t have companionship. Maybe that is the reason why owner decided to bring a cat and make Ellie’s life more memorable!

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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