Dog Carries Hilariously Big Stick At A Dog Park

6 years ago

Faithful, kind, affectionate, loyal - all these complimentary characteristics apply to dogs that know their owners, like no other. Imagine what kind of secrets your beloved furry amigo could tell about you, if only it could talk. Scientists have conducted comprehensive research and have determined that when a person looks at a pet dog, the hormone oxytocin is produced in his or her body. Apparently, that's why dogs love to look at their master with their gentle eyes, when they want to get something. By the way, the same hormone in the body is produced when a person looks at a small child. This oxytocin is the sole culprit why dogs “understand” us so profoundly. Many dog owners can confirm that whenever they are sad, worried or anxious their dog starts to behave differently, as if they can read our thoughts and feelings.

Dogs are absolutely amazing. They remind us of smaller and hairier versions of humans that love nothing more than to have fun. It seems like we can never get enough of the puppy awesomeness. They keep us at our toes with their antics and melt us into puddles of mush when they turn on their charm. They are like our furry offspring that likes to wake us up early in the morning to go potty but we don’t mind because they are adorable.

Do you want to go out for a little while and play with your dog? All you need is any toy you can get, a stick, or a rope. You hold the plaything at one end, and the dog - at another, and each party pulls to their side. Just do not forget that this is a game, and your efforts should be aimed at having fun. There are so many types of toys on the market designed and intended for dogs precisely, but it ultimately boils down to one thing - it is the tactile stimulation that makes the most meaningful difference. If the dog likes the way the toy feels when it uses it, it will continue to ask for it. Take the dog in this video, for instance - he doesn’t take notice of the other dogs in the park and instead of playing with them, he has found one possession that he cherishes a lot and he carries it around with him. Toys from shops are overrated but not this big stick, it’s his trophy and he will do everything just to take it home.

Lots of dogs love carrying sticks - but this guy's taking his position as canine branch manager to a whole new level. He's at the dog park, and while other dogs are busy running around, he's on a mission. Instead of carrying an ordinary twig, he has claimed a whole log for himself! Instead of a favorite doggy toy, he has his own treasured stick. Watch how he steps with pride as he holds the branch in his mouth. Don't miss the end, when he catches his balance and picks up the pace to start his proud trot!

Have you ever witnessed a dog take on a stick of this size?

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