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Come to Me: Encounters with the Eucharist E. 2 - To Jesus through Mary

1 month ago

Logan Ansede is a local musician who was once trying to win over his generation with not so nice words, and then, this conversion happened.. through Mary to Jesus.

Today, Logan is influencing people with his actions, music, and testimony of faith. If you want to witness the transformation of the man through his music, visit Logan at Papa Bear on Apple Music or Spotify (*pre-conversion songs not suitable for children). You may also join Logan on the weekends at Raleigh Catholics Young Adults https://www.facebook.com/groups/shcyag/ or find him being a strong witness of faith during Mass at Saint Joseph Catholic Church.

As Marian theology is often a mystery to many Christians, we can easily think that we do not need Mary to get to Christ. But, if we consider that Jesus chose Mary to enter the world, we can, in return, go to Jesus through Mary. Logan's story is one that tells us how Mary intercedes for us to her Son, and petitions us into having a direct relationship with Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Join us this Friday to hear the the FULL Story with your host, Brittany Makely for Episode 2 of Come to Me: Encounters with the Holy Eucharist.

LISTEN live at 540am, online at divinemercyradio.org/listen or in app Divine Mercy Radio NC after the 3PM Divine Mercy Chaplet on Jan. 17 & Pray the Rosary everyday like Logan! Father Mark-Mary Ames just topped the Joe Rogan Show for the #1 podcast of 2025 with his Rosary in a Year Podcast. "When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and is more meritorious than any other prayer." -St. Louis de Montfort

For perpetual adoration, visit our Lady's grotto and her Son in the Holy Eucharist at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish @our_lady_of_lourdes_raleigh https://ourladyoflourdescc.org/perpetual-adoration-chapel

#dmrnc #cometome #eucharist #ToJesusThroughMary


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