Why does Bible say God is a JEALOUS GOD? | Sam Shamoun

2 months ago

Why does the Bible Say God is a Jealous God ?

In the bible Sam Shamoun Discusses why God in the bible he says he is a jealous God most people think this is a bad characteristic for God to have because he is all loving but this is not the case because there is feeling that we can have that are there that can be used in order to show more love rather than using it for evil in this case God uses it to portray himself as a parent in order to show himself that he wants his people to turn to him so he can keep loving them blessing them and preserving them because he is heartbroken when they leave him

(New Testament / Old Testament)
Exodus 20 verse 5

0:00 Is Jealous a bad characteristic overall?
2:55 Why does God say he is Jealous
5:49 God showing Hosea the analogy of his people through his wife
9:16 Heart of God how he describes loving his children
13:20 God not wanting to punish his children
15:58 God being heartbroken connection with Jesus wept
17:50 Gods love to the foreigners
19:48 Gods reflection

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