Little Girl Receives Video Message For Disney World Trip

6 years ago

Remember how amazing it was to be a kid? Summer vacations, enjoying birthdays and Christmas much more than you do now, not many cares just having fun and going to school. The days when you wanted to stay up late watching TV or playing video games, and even taking trips to your favorite amusement parks! Disneyland and Disney World are some of the grandest and most well-known amusement parks around the world. Disneyland, the first of the two, located in Southern California is the home of all of Disney’s characters and rides. Disney World is the bigger version of Disneyland located in Florida. Both locations are full of adventures, fun, and loving characters and you are sure to have a blast while at any Disney themed park.

Most people do not get to enjoy these parks but it is something you should try to experience at least once in your life! The young girl in this video, Madison, is about to get a nice surprise about a trip to Disney World. She must be extremely excited and ready for her big adventure! Madison is picked up from school today and she is given the cellphone to watch a pre-recorded video. The unknown woman in the video is relaying a message to Madison who is a bit confused as to why she got picked up from school early. The woman in the video says she went to a party at the Magic Kingdom and that Madison must be wondering why she got taken out of school early when she has dance lessons later on. The woman says instead of explaining herself, she’ll have some friends do it for her! Madison must be so puzzled as to what is going on but she will soon be getting a great surprise!

A different woman begins to speak in the video and it is Elsa from Frozen, the very popular Disney movie! Madison must be a big fan since she starts to giggle and grin from ear to ear! She says that they heard she is coming for a visit and they can’t wait for her to arrive! Madison looks up to her mother in disbelief- she must be so excited! The video continues on as Madison is being welcomed by different Disney princesses and characters such as Anna from Frozen, Princess Tiana from The Princess and the Frog, and Rapunzel! They all sound so excited and ready for Madison’s visit. Eventually the first woman, Madison’s sister it appears, comes back and says that Madison is actually headed to the airport right now! The sister and her mom planned a big surprise and Madison will not be attending dance lessons today! Madison is overwhelmed with joy and excitement and starts getting antsy in the backseat of the car. If they were outside when she got the news, there is no doubt Madison would be running and jumping around she was that excited. Madison will have a blast at Disney World with her family and she can meet all her favorite characters and princesses!

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