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Communist China Is Not a Trustworthy Partner

30 days ago

01/13/2025 Mark Sabah @MarkSabah, UK director of The Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong Foundation @thecfhk: China is not the UK's economic saviour. It's not just based on the economy, it's also based on the fact that they're not a trustworthy partner. We should stop treating China as some golden goose who will keep laying these eggs that will save us from all of our woes.
#China #UK #Espionage #Geopolitical #ChinaUKrelations
01/13/2025 香港自由委员会基金的英国主任马克·萨巴赫:中共国不是英国的经济救星。这不仅仅基于经济因素,还基于这样一个事实:中共国不是一个值得信赖的合作伙伴。我们应停止把中共国视为能解决我们所有问题的金母鸡。
#中国 #英国 #间谍 #地缘政治 #中英关系

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