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165.20250112 The 9/11 WarRoom
165.20250112 The 9/11 WarRoom Notes
In this episode of The 9/11 War Room the discussion covers a range of important topics and developments in the 9/11 Truth Movement. The episode begins with a heartfelt tribute to Miles Flagg, a dedicated advocate who recently passed away. Rest In Peace Myles! Updates include efforts by Congressman Curt Weldon to create a presidential task force to investigate 9/11, renewed discussions around WTC7, and the ongoing controversy over plea deals for detainees at Guantanamo Bay. The group also explores ways to collaborate with other organizations to amplify the movement's impact, shares insights on activism strategies, and highlights the importance of preserving evidence and challenging the official narratives. The session concludes with reflections on Miles's legacy and a call for continued dedication to seeking justice and truth.
===9/11 CORPORATE NEWS============
I Was an Engineer at Ground Zero After 9/11
By Vicki Arbitrio (
Cotton, McConnell, Lawler Reintroduce Bill to Stop Joe Biden from Releasing 9/11 Terrorists
===9/11 TRUTH MOVEMENT NEWS============
Congressman Curt Weldon joins the 9/11 WarRoom: A Recap and Call to Action
Weldon Taps Truth Movement’s Expertise for 9/11 Approach to Trump
Congressman Curt Welden & Capt. Raul Angulo on RichardGage911UNLEASHED!
If anyone would like to order Ghosts of 9/11 patches
===9/11 TRUTH EVENTS============
-Jan 13, 8PM ET, LIVE Webinar – January 13: Intelligence Agencies and Trump – What can we expect?
-Jan 14, 8PM ET, Live Zoom TAP Talk Roundtable: Fostering Collaboration in 2025 for One Common Cause: Our American Emergency!
-Jan 14, 2PM ET, International Call
-Jan 15, Jimmy Dore Interviews Curt Weldon
-Feb 6, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Nelson Martens
-Feb 20, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Joe Olson
=PINNED MESSAGES================
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===CHAT LOG================
17:00:47 From magnus langlete to Everyone: myles list
17:02:43 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Myles boston
17:08:19 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Thanks much for the tribute!! I love that quote from Chief Crowfoot btw…. <3 I have several fun and interesting things to share- if/when y’all have time, they are worth checking out. First, something just totally fun, some deeper meanings, but mostly just fun- INCREDIBLE driving skills! I’ve always thought that I should have been a stuntman and I hope to share a related link to that…. This film is on Netflix
17:08:58 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
RIP Myles. Fly high. 🙏 Thank you, Gene and Sandra. 💖
17:10:50 From Joshua Shoenfeld to Everyone:
This sounds like a very interesting webinar from CovertAction Magazine tomorrow night.
17:13:03 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Yes! I’m looking forward to checking out that covert action magazine tmrw!!! I try to keep up, but it’s so hard… I was following them when it was covert action quarterly and a paper publication, before we had internet, I guess around 30 years ago… I really hope that we are headed someplace better when we leave here, those of us who deserve it… Happy Trails Myles!
17:14:21 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’m going to just try to get all this out before I forget. This is the doc by the stuntmen. We met in Chicago in 06 at my first 9/11 truth conference. It was an interesting conversation, just hanging out.
17:14:47 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
I personally talked to Oliver Stone and asked him to do another 9/11 movie (he told me I did one) and he declined at the time, and now maybe he will change his mind. He comes to Dallas occasionally for JFK conferences
17:15:16 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
If that link doesn’t work, you can just search for “out of shadows”. They are good guys and I wish we could have hung out and adventured a bit…
17:18:07 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I fell asleep and missed that appearance, though I was trying to stay awake… Curt Weldon on RG911
17:19:19 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
NIST said "we had no evidence of explosives so we didn't check for it"
17:23:08 From J.B. Hockersmith to Everyone:
FYI - I have no microphone today
17:23:27 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
I have no microphone either!!
17:24:30 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
It’s a hard thing, but the intelligence agencies are well aware of just about everything, while we are wondering what’s going on. Weldon is being smart by not letting cats out of the bag, knowing full well that “they” already know…
17:30:05 From chuck fall to Everyone:
post the link in chat please for Raul article
17:30:30 From Gene Laratonda to Everyone:
Did World Trade Center Building 7 really collapse due to an office fuel load fire?
17:31:04 From magnus langlete to Everyone: lol
17:32:20 From Ross Migrating Bird to Everyone:
Got to go soon..check out the new T's above based on Gene's facebook post..
17:34:31 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I want patches!
17:35:09 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
Me too! AE would look great on a jean jacket!
17:35:22 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I paid $100 for some high quality way marked down leather and need to make vests, jackets, etc.
17:35:28 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
Yeah. It’s a club thing.
17:35:50 From magnus langlete to Everyone: wtc7
17:36:12 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
That leather was around $400 or so- very nice!
17:37:00 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Originally $400-$500 or so. I just went in the Tandy Leather store and just dug around- super fine find!
17:37:54 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
That’s a world rocking image- awesome!
17:37:57 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
wow that is wow
17:39:05 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
That image is chilling.
17:39:26 From Michael Florida to Everyone:
The 911 crime was conducted by a highly organized system. Unless we create a parallel system in the fight we don’t stand a chance at success. The founders of America produced a parallel system and won.
17:39:33 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
Proof of why we’re here.
17:41:12 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "The 911 crime was co..."
We can’t compete with them on that level- they have all the cards, all the funding, all the tech, it’s more like gorilla warfare- you gotta go around…
17:43:18 From Michael Florida to Everyone:
Replying to "The 911 crime was co…"
Tyranny has the money which is their power but we have far greater numbers but not organized into a system.
17:44:01 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "The 911 crime was co..."
17:47:16 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
If you have serious weather concerns, and you should from time to time, this is an excellent site from Ryan Hall Y’all - freely available on YouTube- who is in my estimation a very informed and reliable meteorologist- 24/7 updates in emergencies. The emergencies will be coming more frequently.
17:47:39 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
This Tuesday TAP is holding a live Zoom strategizing and networking Roundtable meeting. Everyone is welcome. The topic, “Our American Emergency.” 8 PM EST
You can register at the Events Calendar:
17:48:20 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
with 5 million people hired by the intelligence community, we do have government people that can investigate anything
17:48:50 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
One more wtc 7
17:49:39 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
where is the covert action link?
17:49:49 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Things like this can help a lot with sleeping during tense times, or any time <3
17:50:40 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Covert Action Magazine used to be in print, before the web, and was called covert action quarterly. Outstanding stuff!
17:51:42 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
17:53:12 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
I think we should seriously find this representative and ask her to help.....I see no reason to NOT send her material on this point?
17:53:13 From Gene Laratonda to Everyone:
17:53:16 From Brendan Palmaccio to Everyone:
17:55:20 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
This is also, very, very important…
17:56:58 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
can we get this document somehow?
18:00:44 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
study Operation Mockingbird....never ended
18:01:18 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
can he send us this document he is showing on the screen now?
18:01:37 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
can he do it in this chat?
18:01:44 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "can he send us this ..."
18:02:47 From Ross Migrating Bird to Everyone:
Jane ,,,take a screenshot...look at the link on that..
18:03:39 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "can he send us this ..."
Hopefully this will come through- sometimes it’s just the freaking commercials… “Patience” by Guns And Roses….
18:04:02 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
can we get that document??
18:04:25 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
I can't see it's not all there on the screen
18:04:39 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
if you have it Ross, send to me
18:05:18 From Ross Migrating Bird to Everyone:
It should be in the window at the top no..?
18:05:36 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "where is the covert ..."
I do not agree with everything on Covert Action- I’ll find a link to what was brought up here shortly. What’s happening Monday.
18:06:02 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
Replying to "It should be in the ..."
it was longer than the screen
18:06:39 From chuck fall to Everyone:
Replying to "where is the covert ..."
posted at 253pm
18:08:12 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "where is the covert ..."
18:08:34 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Covert Action link for Monday, if it comes through.
18:09:00 From Ross Migrating Bird to Everyone:
Replying to "It should be in the ..."
.unmute and ask for it...I'm losing internet here..
18:11:24 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Dr maximillian ruppert
18:14:22 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
Replying to "It should be in the ..."
I can't my microphone doesn't work
18:15:06 From Jane Clark to Gene Laratonda(direct message):
Gene, can you ask Brendan for his document to be put on the chat room so we can read what was posted? it was a google document
18:16:59 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
Replying to "It should be in the ..."
thanks, Ross anyway
18:18:55 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
18:19:13 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
I need Brendan's google document
18:19:20 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
if he wants to share
18:19:42 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’ve signed up for TAP and other things and been kicked off multiple times. I really don’t think it’s the admins- pretty damn sure it’s the hackers. Gotta always be were of that possibility…
18:22:04 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’ve been FB friends with folks who I regularly hung out with, rock climbed with, not hearing from them for awhile, I had to go looking, we were no longer friends! So, I called them up on the phone, they didn’t remove me and I didn’t remove them, so, someone else took care of that for us. One must be aware of these possibilities in these times…
18:23:49 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
Oh no, Mike! We certainly did not boot you from a TAP meeting. Come and try again on Tuesday.
18:23:55 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
I’m sorry that happened
18:25:42 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "I’m sorry that happe..."
Yes- exactly- thank you! Again, extremely important information- If you can’t laugh at all of this, you’ll lose your mind. None of us want that! I think this is genius level comedy, btw, from a teenager!
18:26:40 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
It’s good to see RG unleashed!!
18:29:44 From Gene Laratonda to Jane Clark(direct message):
sorry. i can't concentrate on the chat. did you try unplugging and replugging your mic?
18:31:43 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
There’s something really good about COVID- I like to continually point this out. Actually, I’d like to only have to do it once…. Most folks don’t really give a shit unless it effects them directly- that’s just how it is. COVID effected EVERYONE- I think it was a stupid move on the chessboard on their part. Attention may need to shift from 9/11 to COVID- we shall see…
18:34:01 From Michael Florida to Everyone:
Either we all collaborate or we all collapse together
18:36:15 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
18:37:34 From magnus langlete to Everyone: goodbye twin towers before 9/11
18:38:06 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:43:09 From Brendan Palmaccio to Everyone:
some good info here
18:45:31 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Either we all collab..."
If you are interested, I have a heck of a lot to say about the collapse. It’s not good news. But, the good part of it is all the extremely smart people also keenly aware of what the actual F is going in. I can clue you in- no disrespect, but you seem pretty clueless, but with your heart obviously in the right place. or
18:45:38 From Brendan Palmaccio to Everyone: apologize info is not in perfect presentable format
18:46:15 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
I respect your decision, Al, and always appreciate your support of TAP. ❤️
18:47:26 From Michael Florida to Everyone:
18:48:18 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
18:48:57 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
18:49:36 From Trina Silvers’ iPhone to Everyone:
Good night and thank you, everyone! Take care and we hope to see you on Tuesday!
18:51:00 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
What was destroyed in Building 7 and the Pentagon are far more important than what the F actually happened there…
18:51:15 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
They were destroying evidence.
18:51:22 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
Brendan, save this one:
18:51:50 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
Brendan it is a pdf report by a lawyer from a global law firm (now retired and living in France)
18:53:12 From Brendan Palmaccio to Everyone:
18:53:50 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
Replying to "Special Report(1).pdf"
thanks, got it
18:54:29 From chuck fall to Everyone:
9/11 truthers should condemn the military industrial complex that drives the “forever wars” we were promised soon after the 9/11 attacks. Gaza, Ukraine, Syria and others were ‘forever wars,’ promised by the neocons
18:55:07 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Woo Hoo- the document came through- thank you Brendon!
18:55:39 From Michael Florida to Everyone:
911 is a byproduct of deep state.
18:56:55 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
Replying to "Special Report(1).pdf"
did you get the Shea Report, Brendan?
18:58:13 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
There are things that I know about that not very many people do, apparently… There is scientific evidence of life after death. I have personal experience that confirms this.
19:01:51 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
For Myle’s wife- Thank you for loving him!
19:03:39 From Brendan Palmaccio to Everyone:
Replying to "Special Report(1).pdf"
yes I have looked at that. Interesting it states that the art gallery was opening up in New York in that document. Then taking in info from the attatched- the Gelitin article is alarming regarding the art group on the 91st floor - this group I believe was part of the Neue gallery that opened in 2001-connections to lauder/state dept.
19:05:37 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
Replying to ""
thanks, Brendan, and I hope you downloaded the Shea report
19:07:26 From Jane Clark to Everyone:
Replying to ""
if don't download before it closes here you can't get it, but my email is if you don't have it and I will send
19:07:46 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Sorry for your loss Brendan- many have lost also- you are not alone- let’s stop this stupid shit… <3
19:11:31 From Gene Laratonda to Everyone:
Jill Stein says the 9/11 story is still not over
19:11:34 From Brendan Palmaccio to Everyone:
Thank you so much God Bless
19:11:56 From chuck fall to Everyone:
19:15:17 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Does anyone here actually play chess? Want to play?
19:15:49 From chuck fall to Everyone:
what effect are the fires in california having on bond market?
19:17:30 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "what effect are the ..."
I can supply lots and lots and lots on the overall situation- it’s not good at all. The insurance companies are going under, the bond markets are a freaking joke- the federal reserve has been buying it’s own bonds, because no one else will- and collapse is imminent.
19:18:20 From Brian Good to Everyone:
Still here. I don't have a mic. Brian Good
===9/11 MEMES BY GENE======
WTC7 didn't blow itself up graffiti
Trees don't magically collapse near-simultenously during a forest fire. Why would steel?
Gulf of 9/11 was an inside job
===WHO WE ARE==============
The 9/11 WarRoom ( is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.
Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET
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===9/11 Truth Movement Partners===============
Protecting All Protectors Alliance
Richard Gage, AIA
International Center for 9/11 Justice
The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry or
The Truth Action Project
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
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