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🔥 signs|LIVE reading!🤳🏾|💍👀💘💲😭💩💀😈🔫💯💔

1 month ago

Hi Babes! This is this morning's LIVE from my other tiktok page(autisticmommy)! This reading was for 🔥 signs, but at the end I did decide to take a couple of questions! ❓️ Also, I did go LIVE last night for about 1.5hrs, it was for 🌎 signs. This video uploaded super fast! So I may see if I can upload last night's LIVE as well. We will see. Follow autisticmommy on tiktok to catch me LIVE! Later Babes! 🫡

Catch me here!: 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

This is a GENERAL reading for 🔥 signs! Remember to take ONLY what resonates and, to LEAVE the rest for the NEXT! Also, this can be the past, the present OR the future! Flip and, switch the signs/roles/genders as You see fit! Later babes! 😘

🏳️‍for entertainment purposes *ONLY*‼️
🚩this video was created for ages 1️⃣8️⃣+
This video may scare You‼️ 👻
watch at YOUR OWN risk‼️ 🫣
Rated-R for language! 🙊

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