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Daystar: Joyce Meyer Stands with Courage for Baby Lamb

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Today we also feature psychologist Dr. Magdalena Battles who is an expert in helping the recovery of people who have experienced trauma.
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~ L I N K S ~
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  • Hey Laura Lynn, congrats on being the new "CBC" ie., Canadian Click Bait Cockroach! Wear it PROUDLY, sister! :) YOU and JT are sharing TRUE NEWS instead of so much fake news out there...inside and outside of the church, and we can't thank you enough. Thank you for standing UP for dear Baby Lamb and ALL children suffering from SA... Incidentally, the news of child Ra*e gangs across UK is now resurfacing, as certain news agencies and diplomats run from the awful truth. Those who cover stories with whitewash will certainly wish they had not. Jesus loves these little children, ALL the children of the world! They're ALL His lambs. Thank you for being a voice for the voiceless, for God hears their every cry. His Justice is at Hand as stories unfold...

  • Pete shouldn’t be able to leave the country , travelling to Australia

  • This is jam packed with insightful information. I grew in my faith walk listening to Joyce Meyer and I am so proud of her for parting ways with Daystar at this time and for standing for righteousness. I would encourage the other ministry leaders that stepped down recently to be brave and courageous and to speak out on behalf of Jonathan, Suzy and baby Lamb. God is pointing out who in leadership are the “whitewash showman” and who are real Godly leaders. God has a spotlight on each and everyone of us. Thank you Laura-Lynn for being courageous and bold ❤️🙏🏻🥰

  • why do you all say SA instead of sexual abuse...is it deemed a censored term???

  • Don't know much about Joyce Meyer. Only watched her twice. The first message was a whole lot of pop psychology with one or two scriptures thrown in to call it a Bible teaching. The second was a 45 minute rant on "Oooh, look at my new tatoo!" Sorry, just not my cup of tea.

  • What the prosperity gospel does, is tell people to ignore the instruction God's Word gives for living a blessed life. It tells that all your problems are solved by throwing money at it. They tell you that you can't out-give God, but what they don't tell you is that you can't out-give your own disobedience. God's word gives more instruction on problem solving than just giving money to greedy preachers who use the Bible to manipulate instead of teach.

  • W ~ O ~ W !!! W ~ O ~ W !!! W ~ O ~ W !!! An AMAZING INSIGHTFUL podcast LLTT & JT✨🙏🏼✨🙌🏼✨💕… and THANK YOU to Dr. Magdalena for such PROFOUND INSIGHT, ENCOURAGEMENT & HOPE IN HEALING FROM SA✨🙏🏼✨🙏🏼✨

  • Oh the Vatican and Catholic Churches priests and TD Jake’s at a Ditty freak off party 🤔

  • We the people of God will not rest until there is complete exposure and retribution

  • I am so glad Joyce stepped up. I have gone through SA. .I was planning after these to not stand up if she didn't do something. I am now going for counseling because of trigger point anger.

  • watch the bones.

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  • Joyce is an Eastern Star Free Mason. A wolf in sheep's clothing.

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  • It's mind-boggling that people are so shocked this has been happening in the church. We've known for decades and decades about the catholic priests, how did you think it wasn't happening in these cult ministeries?

    1 like
  • Thank you for doing this with love…and joy! Showing us it is possible to love through the difficult things.♥️

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  • God has spoken through his prophets concerning Daystar and other church and ministry leaders. He’s cleaning up His church and He’s exposing all the evil going on. So if any of these leaders are involved in anything they know they shouldn’t be involved in, especially if it involves children God will deal very harshly with them . And yes, there are prophets today that he’s brought forth to let His people know the news before the news . He’s still the same God today in case any of us have forgotten that!

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