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Steve Bannon Highlights The Fecklessness Of California Dems Amid The LA Fires

2 months ago

Aired On 1/10/2025


  • 0/2000
  • I'm wondering why North Carolina didn't get this much media attention ?

  • Did the people of Lahaina, Hawaii wake up to the evil ways of the left? Just something to think about before you say the people of California are going to wake up en masse. Some people are just too dumb or too brainwashed to "get it".

  • Biden will give Newsom the medal of freedom for burning down LA

  • BUSY DEFLECTING THEIR NEGLIGENCE. This NEWSOM AND THIS state government is absolutely criminally negligent. If THEY had DONE THEIR JOB!!! You wouldn’t have to FIND OUT WHAT THE PROBLEMS ARE! STOP making up stories about climate change. The TRUTH IS ARROGANT NEGLIGENCE.

  • Trump needs to IMMEDIATELY rescind the recent illegitimate Joe schmoe illegal activities of (1) granting amnesty to 850K illegals (2) granting a blank check for CA (3) money to Ukraine. The American citizens of East Palestine, the state of NC and other hurricane affected get top priority in funding. The events in CA are not a natural disaster but due to criminal negligence and should NOT be receiving ANY taxpayer money but resignations and charges of criminal corruption for endangering the lives of CA citizens.

  • officials are corrupt

  • Bannon for President in 2028! we will lwt Trump soften em up, so we can send Bannon to the Oval Office where he belongs! so we can finally play real smashmouth

  • 'Fought these fires simultaneously'. Why were there so many fires in disparate regions?

  • How the MSNBC reporter could look herself in the mirror, nothing could be done, full reservoirs wouldn't have made a difference, people will look for someone to blame and CLIMATE CHANGE 🤢🤮🤬

  • Democrats are DANGEROUS to live around. They cannot be trusted as voters, and they cannot be trusted as representatives and elected "leaders" - they refuse to look in the mirror and do some true introspection. This has been happening for a long time now and devastating parts of central and northern california which are filled with people who have beliefs, politics, and worldview that the Democrat Party HATES, and they couldn't care less. I've shelled out lots of money to help those people out, they have way less resources and get way less help than wealthy Democrat elites. People have memories like a slug, and they only care about this now that it hit a major center of wealthy Democrat elitism YEARS LATER.

  • now let's show hiw us weapons are burning children alive in tents in G A Z A . rich hypocrites in Pacific Palisades

  • 'It's not there for you' , infrastructure failure appears to be an intentional position worldwide. The health system, the judicial system, the energy supply, water supply,immigration......etc.. The fear created by inexplicable counter intuitive action everywhere is why Trump succeeds. We hope and pray and act to fix these problems. The problems multiply and re surface like multiple hydra. All we heard about was trans/LGBT etc . Everyone's issues deserved attention.

  • Gavin Newsom…. Now is absolutely the time to put you on the SPOT AND POINT THE FINGER AT DEMOCRAT POLICIES.

  • Just like the border crisis opened the eyes of We the People, causing the Dims to lose power, these Southern California fires will open the eyes of Californians and will cause the Dim majority in Sacramento to lose theirs. What a crying shame it took a tragedy of this scale to do so. Sometimes I guess ya have to use a 2 by 4 to get someone’s attention.

  • So that's terrible about the fire victims, but WHAT ABOUT THE HURRICANE VICTIMS IN NORTH CAROLINA?? ARE THEIR HOMES AND SCHOOLS AND LIVES ANY LESS "GONE", "DEMOLISHED" THAN THE WEALTHY CALIFORNIANS???? This whole situation, and the gnashing of teeth and media blitz and the mass sympathy for the California victims, WHILE THE MEDIA *BURIED* THE SUFFERING OF THE RURAL NORTH CAROLINA HURRICANE VICTIMS is EXHIBIT A of the TWO TIER society we have setup in this country, the rigging of the entire system, from insurance to federal aid to media coverage that SKEWS everything in favor of the coastal leftist elites at the expense of the rural conservative "fly over country" "peasants". The people in California deserve NOT ONE PENNY, NOT ONE SECOND OF ATTENTION MORE than the people suffering in North Carolina, but WATCH as the coastal wealthy leftists are catered to and pampered and lavished attention and aid, while the hurricane victims in North Caroline sit ABANDONED, FORGOTTEN, POLITICALLY TARGETED BY FEMA for being "Trump supporters". SICKENING.