Prophet Julie Green - A Spiritual War is Brewing - Captions

1 month ago

An inspirational talk delivered on the morning of December 18, 2024. Julie Green, who is operating solo due to her son, Carter, being hospitalized, encourages viewers to remain steadfast in their faith amidst life's battles. Emphasizing the power of declarations and standing on the Word of God, Julie shares personal anecdotes and biblical scriptures, such as Romans 8:37 and 1 John 4:4, to illustrate that believers are more than conquerors through Jesus. The address also includes a prophetic word titled 'A Spiritual War is Brewing,' warning of intensified spiritual attacks but assuring victory through prayer and standing firm in faith. Various future news predictions, spiritual warfare insights, and prayers for protection and healing are also shared.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 12-18-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Stand Firm: Declaring Victory Amid Spiritual Battles | December 18th, 2024

In today's message, we discuss the importance of steadfast faith and spiritual resilience amid adversities. Carter is hospitalized, but the affirmation 'all is well' reinforces unwavering trust in God's protection. The script underscores the power of declaring God's Word, citing scriptures from Romans, Corinthians, and John that remind us of our victory over adversities through Christ. A prophetic word reveals an intensifying spiritual battle, emphasizing vigilance, prayer, and the authority given to believers. The message encourages standing firm in faith, using the power of God's name against any adversarial attacks.

00:00 Introduction and Personal Update
00:27 Standing on the Word of God
07:00 Prophetic Word: A Spiritual War is Brewing
13:58 The Power of Scripture and Faith
23:31 Authority of the Believer
37:58 The Power of God's Church
43:24 Understanding Spiritual Warfare
44:10 The Reality of Witchcraft and Sorcery
47:10 The Battle for the Nation's Soul
11:51 Exposing Government Corruption
01:04:14 Standing Firm in Faith
01:08:13 Closing Remarks and Encouragement

Video Information:


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org



Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Isa. 54:17
Rom. 8:37
Heb. 10:23
2 Cor. 2:14
Ps. 34:19

Trust in God and that all is well.

Don't allow the enemy to get a foothold through fear or anxiety.

Receive more of God's Glory-His presence, power and goodness.

The victory is yours because of what Jesus already did for you on the cross.

Declare and decree all is well, that you have the victory, and you are healed.

Prophecy Scriptures-Your Enemies Are Not Going Down Without a Fight:
1 John 4:4
1 John 5:1, 4-5
John 6:63
Heb. 2:14
Job 22:28
Heb. 10:23
Luke 10:19
Matt. 4:4
Acts 3:16
Jer. 1:10
Ps. 32:7
2 Kings 5 (Story of Gehazi)
Ps. 47:3
Eph. 1:17-19
Isa. 54:17
James 4:7
Deut. 28:7
Job 6:25

The walls of your enemies are coming down and lies are being exposed.

God, the Greater One, lives on the inside of you and He destroys the power of the enemy.

Thank and praise God for the revelation that you have the Greater One on the inside of you.

Thank and praise God for what He has done for you and that He lives on the inside of you. You are a new creation in Christ.

You can do all things through HIS blood and HIS power.

God has already done it all.

Even though there's a spiritual battle brewing you can stand strong knowing you're a world overcomer.

Speak and declare God's Word.

When Satan is trying to tempt you or attack you, speak the Word of God to him because the Word destroys him.

You need to know the authority of the believer so when attacks come your way you know how to fight and stand against them.

When you're fighting a battle, use the name of Jesus-the name above every name. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. All hell quakes at that name.

Your life can change If you have faith and trust in the name of Jesus, .

The Word of God is the solution and answer to every problem.

Don't magnify the problem. Magnify on the problem-solver, God.

Speak blessings and life over all your situations and circumstances.

You're never alone because God doesn't leave or forsake you.

You are not subject to your enemies because you serve the Most High God and He has put them under your feet.

Go into an attack with boldness like a lion knowing you have the name above all names and His power.

Jesus is the head, you are the body and Satan is under your feet.

Trust God and don't forget all His promises. You already have the victory because He is greater than anything you are facing.

Which report are you going to believe? God's or the enemy's?

Don't allow the enemy to deceive, distract or destroy!

Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday, December 18th of 2024 and you will notice something different today. You'll notice the visual and the audio is different this morning. Okay. I am by myself. So I have the old camera and I do not have a microphone that's connected to my computer right now because Carter's not here.

And the reason why Carter's not here, he's actually in the hospital. Chris took him there this morning. But, all is well, and I'm saying all is well, and I want all of you to say all is well, and agree with me that no weapon formed against him, no weapon formed against you, no weapon formed against anyone shall prosper.

And when our enemy wants to attack our families, our own lives, and our bodies, What we have to do is stand on the Word of God and declare and decree that all is well. Declare and decree that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. No matter what the weapon of the enemy is using, again, we know that God says in His Word that he will always lose.

Because one of the first scriptures He gave me this morning is that we are more than conquerors. And so as we go and we're dealing with attacks and as we're dealing with the enemy trying to stop what God wants us to do, we will always declare and decree, all is well, no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and the first scripture I'm going to give to you this morning.

Romans 8 37 and it says yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through him who loved us and so we are more than conquerors and as I was even praying for Carter this morning before Chris to take him to the hospital one of the things again I was telling him by the blood of Jesus you are healed we think it's food poisoning we don't know but no matter what the attack is Again, our enemy loses, he is a loser, and he's not going to stop the word of God.

He's not going to stop the plans of almighty God. He tries to do that. He tries to get our minds focused on what's wrong. He tries to get our minds focused on the problem instead of what God has. And if I would have gone by feelings as a mom, I'd be in the hospital right now. But I'm going and doing as what God wants me to do is to trust.

In him that he's got it, that everything's okay, that all is well. And I can still do what he needs me to do, knowing that this solution is in his hands. That's what we need to do because if we're in fear, if we are panicked. That's when the enemy comes in, and that's when he is allowing to do what he wants to do because we usher him in with that fear, that worry, that anxiety.

The enemy's on the prowl. God said he would be. But he also said that his glory is going to fill this earth. So we can ask God for more of his glory. We can ask God for more of his presence, his power, and his goodness. That's what we do. The enemy has attacked my family, myself, my children, my husband, and many, many people in my extended family and this ministry.

But every single time we stood on the word of God and we said all is well, it's always been all is well. Why? Because we trust what we, what God says, and we trust that we have the authority over our circumstances, over our tests, over those trials, over those attacks. And so that's why we can boldly stand on the word of God.

And we know that we have what we say in his word, because God is faithful to perform his work. Another he's scripture he gave me this morning is a second Corinthians two and 14. So he's made us more than a conqueror. And then he also says in second Corinthians two 14, but thanks be to God who in Christ always leaves us in triumph.

As trophies of Christ's victory and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the fragrance of God everywhere God makes us more than conquerors And he's also given us a triumphant Victory, so again many people are under attack right now, but God is telling you you are more than a conqueror He's telling you that he has already paid for that victory.

The victory has already been won. The victory is yours You Because what Jesus has done, Jesus paid for it. Jesus is the one who conquered the enemy. That's why it says in his word in Romans, We are more than conquerors. We didn't have to conquer the enemy. Jesus conquered the enemy. And so when we're speaking that name above every name and we're speaking and saying and declaring and decreeing God's word, we know that God says in Psalm 34 that he will deliver us out of it all.

It doesn't matter what it is. All means all. So no matter what you are also facing today, no matter how your body is feeling or how what your mind is screaming at you, you say all is well. You say that you're more than a conqueror. You say that you have the victory. You say that you have your health, healing, wholeness, soundness, restoration, whatever it is that you need, declare it and know as you're declaring the word of God, God is the one who is faithful to perform it.

You don't have to worry about performing it. God is the one who performed his word. What we have to do is align ourselves With his word and say all is well. Okay, so I will try again. I have my computer Next to me as close as I possibly can so it's not echoing too bad for the sound and of course because I am doing this by myself today You're not going to see any scriptures on the screen.

So what I will try to do I mean, this is the old days we used to do this all the time together by you know I was by myself behind this computer and behind this camera so I can't do the scriptures on the screen this morning and I know sometimes I can talk fast So what I'll do is I'll try to talk slowly and more clearly when I'm reading those scriptures.

That way you can catch what I'm reading. Okay. Now with this prophetic word, now this was the first one that I received on December 15. So I received two that day. And the one I received this morning Again, the enemy tries to attack you and stop you from focusing on what God is doing and i'm telling you I was bound to determine i'm like no satan You're not gonna sit there and you're not gonna get me off what God wants me to hear today You're not gonna get me off the assignment that I have for today No, because all is well in the midst of all that where he was trying to attack the God gave me a strong and powerful Prophetic word and I know again When we're standing and we're focusing on God, even under the onslaught of attack, Oh, there's goodness there.

There is God's grace there. There is God's glory there. There is God's power there. When a believer dares to stay on the word of God and say, God, I trust you. God, I'm not going to be moved by what I see. God, I'm not going to be moved by what I hear. But I'm only going to be moved by the Word of God. The blessings that come out of it.

The breakthroughs that come out of it. Because we're doing what we're supposed to do. It's fighting that good fight of faith. We're standing. We're trusting, we're believing in God. Okay. So now in this prophetic word This is like I was almost like seriously This is this morning from being under this kind of attack with him and this was the name of the prophetic word this morning that I received on Sunday morning.

A Spiritual War is Brewing. That's the name of it. A Spiritual War is Brewing. And it says, my children, A spiritual war is brewing. Your enemies are kicking things in high gear against you. They are using witchcraft, sorcery, and sacrifices on a level like never before. On a level like never before. Your enemies know my glory is coming to fill this earth.

They are trying to stop it with everything in their arsenal. This is why my children, I need you alert. I need you awake. I need you to know who you are with me. In your Capitol right now O United States, they're making sacrifices at an unprecedented rate to summons evil and darkness like never before! But, your prayers are stopping it!

Your authority I have given to you is pushing them back. So keep standing up against their demonic attacks; against you and your nation. The spiritual battle for the soul of this nation will intensify to a greater level. So stand strong and do not let anything move you. Your enemies will be defeated no matter how it looks with their next attacks.

They are not bigger than me; and I live in you. Do you know why I must constantly remind you of this truth? Because your adversary is trying everything for you to forget it because it makes you easier to defeat when you can be deceived out of what's already yours. No longer allow this truth to be denied or to be deceived out of it.

You are mine! Children of Almighty God, this time is yours! It is no longer your enemy's time to take. Fight spiritually like never before for the promises I have given to you. Learn more of me in this time and it will destroy every lie and trick of your enemy. My glory will fill this earth no matter the battle, the war or the army against it.

My children, you are at a pivotal moment to take back and receive a restoration you never knew it was possible. You will receive answers to prayer quicker and miracles more easily. It is that time where two worlds collide; good and evil, and good always wins! So believe my words. Stand and see them come to pass for you, says the Lord of Hosts.

Whispering Pines, this location will be in your news for surprising reason. A military base will be in your news for a significant reason. A government contract will be in your news for a shocking reason. And many more of these types of contracts will be exposed, and it will bring down the machine controlling them.

The US Ambassador to Italy will be in your news for a shocking reason. I will show you everyone just like him and they will all be removed.

Alejandro Mayorkas. I say this name again. There are secrets you are keeping, and they will soon all be released. I will show how you are paid under the table to hide things from this nation and its citizens. Every place you weakened this nation and its security for your own financial gain will all be put out on display.

Mayorkas, you are being removed by me and judgment will be served, says the Lord.

Karine Jean-Pierre, you will not get away with what lies you've been told to the American people. Or Karine Jean-Pierre, excuse me. You will not get away with the lies you've told to the American people. You flat out lie day after day, and the truth is coming for you. Even though you leave your post as press secretary, it doesn't mean judgment

is not coming for you. And Jen Psaki, or anyone else just like you, you lie to the world, and now you'll be judged in front of it, says the Lord. Every RINO will be drawn out. Every traitor to this nation will be exposed. My children, many things you're about to see is to draw out your enemy, so each one is removed by me.

Do not fear what you are about to see, because it will lead you to a victory, says the Lord, your Redeemer. Now, we've been seeing a lot of victories. We've been seeing a lot of exposures. And one of the exposures that we have seen just recently, Remember what God's been talking about with the January 6th?

The architects, the blueprints and everything that's going on behind it and the January 6th committee. There's been bombshell reports against Liz Cheney. That wall and that lie is going to fully come down. God's been saying for years. He's going to expose it. He's also been saying for years that those people behind all these things were going to fall, and judgment and justice was going to be served.

And so as we're seeing all this exposure, and as we're seeing these bombshell reports that God says we're going to see, there is that shaking. That people have to know and be aware of what's happening, shaking to wake people up, shaking to draw out the enemy and also to command them and cause them to fall their empires to fall their entities to fall their economic control to fall everything they designed against us will fall.

As you see in the book of Exodus, there was a shaking. As you can see in the book of Exodus, there was judgment. Before the entire empire of the Egyptians fell, God allowed his people to see that judgment. He allowed his people to see that shaking. He allowed his people to see those unprecedented events that took place right in front of them.

But one of the things that we also have to know is what he was showing to us again yesterday that we are in this world, but we're not of it. But another thing that he has given to us. Is that we are more than conquerors and one of the first scriptures I want to give to you this morning And I want to read it.

I quote it all the time, but I want to read it is first john first john 4 4 This is a scripture and God wants us to know he's been saying this repeatedly Prophetic words he's been telling me repeatedly to give out this scripture because with the revelation of having and knowing that God, the one, the greater one who lives on the side inside of you, that's greater than he who's in the world.

That revelation is so powerful. It destroys the power of the enemy against you if you know that truth. That truth will set you free. And so 1 John 4, 4 out of the Amplified, little children, you are of God. You belong to Him and have already defeated and overcome them, the agents of the Antichrist, because he who lives in you is greater and mightier than he who's in the world.

That's not a scripture that we should just glance over. That's not a scripture that we should just read. That's a scripture that we should meditate and stay on it and say, thank you, Father God. I have a revelation that you are the greater one. You live on the inside of me. I thank and praise you, Father God, that I have that revelation when I'm coming under attack.

I know as I speak your words, I am not alone. As I speak your words, it's with your authority is with your power is with your dominion you've given to me. Because of the blood sacrifice, because of Jesus Christ, and because of what he's done for me, I thank you that I am free. You see, the power of scripture, they're not just words on a piece of paper.

God's word is spirit, and it's life. It's said that in John 6, 63. God's words are spirit. They are life. God's words are power. Let's go to John, 1 John 5 and verse 1. 1 John 5 and verse 1. Everyone who believes, adheres to, trusts, and relies on the fact that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, is a born again child of God.

And everyone who loves the Father also loves the one born of Him, His offspring. Now again, everyone who believes Adheres to trust and lies on the fact that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. You are born again. So if you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and you know that he was a son of God who came on this earth to destroy the power of sin.

to destroy the power of the curse, to destroy the power of the wicked one, and you know that you'd say, I thank you, Father God, that I receive you as my Lord and Savior. I receive my redemption rights. I receive that you died on this earth and you were risen again. I thank you and I praise you that you are the Son of God.

I thank and praise you that you are now my Lord and Savior, that I am a born again child of Almighty God. I thank you that I'm in this world, but I am not of it. I thank you that I'm a new creature, creation in Christ. That is such a powerful revelation that a lot of Christians take for granted. We have, we are a new creation in Christ.

We can do all things through Christ. It's not by ourselves, not by our own ability. It's not by our own power. It's by His might, His words, His name, His blood, that we can do all things. That restores our soul. That renews our minds. That puts a new perception on how we see things, a new perception of how we see our situations and circumstances and tests and trials.

Our perception is so important. We need to change our perspective of what we see and what we're expecting, what we're receiving. Because God has already done it all. 1 John 5, 4 and 5. And again, I'm reading this out of the Amplified. And it says, For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world. And this is a victory that conquers the world, even our faith.

The reason why God was giving us this prophetic word instead of spiritual battle is brewing, He's saying, don't you fear it. Because He gave us the scriptures that we're more than a conqueror. He gave us the scriptures that He always causes to triumph. And now He's telling us that we're world overcomers.

Because we're trusting, we're adhering to, we're believing and relying on God and the trust of what Jesus has already done for us. So even though there's a spiritual battle brewing, we can stand and not be moved. We can still hold that line. We can still fight that good fight of faith. Because again, we're knowing that truth, and we're knowing that we are world overcomers.

Why? Look what happens right here. Verse 5. 1 John 5 and verse 5. Who is it that is victorious over, that conquers the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God, who adheres to, trusts in, relies on that fact? That's why I can boldly say that we are world overcomers. That's why you can boldly say that I'm a world overcomer.

Why? Because we're believing and trusting and rely on the fact that Jesus Christ is the son of God. He is the one who came upon this earth and he's the one who disarmed our enemy, destroyed that power. And what it says in Hebrews two and 14, it says, Jesus, he brought his power, Satan's power to nothing. He brought him to not.

The one who has the power of death. And so, again, if we're relying on God, because we can be under the utmost attack, we can either panic, get stressed out, get into fear, or we're going to say, Lord, I trust you. Lord, I will not be moved. Lord, I will not get into fear. Lord, I thank you that as I speak and declare your word, as it says in your word in Job, when I declare a thing, it shall be established.

So I declare and decree that I am more than a conqueror. I am more than a conqueror over these situations, over these circumstances. I thank you that I have that healing. I thank you that I have that restoration. And then what I'm standing on is for my son today. We can stand on the word of God, knowing.

That God is faithful to perform His work. That's why we can stand and not be shaken and not be moved. Because when our situations and circumstances are in Almighty God's hand, that's what should be anyway. His hands are big enough to fix the issue. God can be trusted. Let's go to Luke 10. A lot of Christians don't know, because a lot of churches don't talk about this, is the power and authority that we've been given.

Let's Luke 10, 19. Luke 10, 19. Behold, I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you. So when Satan's trying to harm you and he's trying to attack you, you say, Lord, I thank you.

It is written. Remember when in the book of Matthew and the book of Mark. In the book of Luke, when Jesus was tempted by Satan. If you read it, I'm gonna hold on for a minute, cause I'm gonna, I'm gonna go to that really quick.

In Matthew 4, I'm gonna hold on my place and Luke, cause I'm not done there yet. Matthew 4, when Satan tries, again, he tries, Satan always tries to attempt. He tries to tempt you into fear. He tries to tempt you into doubt and unbelief. He tries to tempt you into panic. He tries to tempt you into that darkness and that hopelessness and despair.

And he brings all these bad thoughts. He brings all these bad circumstances, all the bad sensations and the feelings in your body. And he's bringing all these bad reports in your life. He's tempting you to get off the Word of God. He's tempting you to quit and believing and trusting in what God's Word says is true.

And Satan was trying to tempt Jesus. What did Jesus do? He says in Matthew 4, in verse 4, But he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone But by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God So when Jesus was being tempted by Satan, Satan lost, but he always said it is written.

Jesus is our example. So when Satan was trying to tempt him, and the reason why Satan failed was because Is because Jesus kept giving the word of God. It is written. It is written. It is written It is written and he spoke the word of God and look how powerful that statement is When people don't believe and I did do a rebroadcast last week people don't believe in the power of words But why did Jesus send these things then?

Why is it scriptures all over the place in the bible talking about the power of words? I've seen it for myself in life and death situations The power of words can change a situation. First words are important in a situation like that. And again, Jesus said, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

So we're supposed to be speaking the words of God. Now, let's go back to Luke 10, 19. Behold, I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall in any way harm you. So when people don't know the authority of the believer, so when attacks come your way, they don't know how to fight it.

They don't know how to stand against it. How do we stand against this battle that's raging against us? How do we stand against intensifying of the enemy's attacks and all the weapons they're throwing our way? We always say, it is written. Use the authority, the name above every name. So again, when you're fighting a battle, use the name of Jesus.

When you say the name of Jesus, all heaven stands at attention. That name is above every name. Jesus is the King of kings. He's the Lord of lords. He will not be denied. So when we say his name, all hell quivers at that sound. And they shake because they know the power of that name. All heaven stands at attention because of the power of that name.

We have to have more revelation of the power of that name. Because when we use that power Okay, he's bringing me to Acts.

I didn't have this one written down. Acts chapter 3 in verse 16. Acts chapter 3 in verse 16. And his name, through and by faith in his name, has made this man who you see and recognize well and strong. Yes, the faith which is through and by him, Jesus, has given the man this perfect sound as a body before all of you.

It's faith. In that name. It's faith in the name. So people can just say that name, but they don't have faith and the power that's backing that name. If we just have faith in the name of Jesus, trust and reliance in the name of Jesus, as we speak that name, heaven's listening, as we speak that name, hell is quivering, as we speak that name, every knee must bow.

If we have faith in that name, our life can change. So as he's warning us in this prophetic word that the spiritual battle is brewing, If we have faith and trust in that name and we also say it is written and we know the word of God That's why this is a tool. This is an answer to every one of your issues See, this is how much I am in my bible.

I love I have new bibles Okay, I do have new bibles, but I love this bible And it's hard for me to get a new one because I love this one and I do use other ones sometimes too But this is the solution to every key. It's the answer to every problem in this world. This Word of God stands and lasts forever.

God is active and performing His Word. He's watching over His Word to perform it. So what we have to do is give Him something to work with. Speak His name. Speak His Word. Speak and trust in Him that He will follow up. That he will back you up when you're standing up against the enemy. Let's go to jeremiah 1 10

So we know we have people that are against us. We know that there's wars raging Spiritual wars physical wars. We know that there's things going on everywhere and jeremiah 110 I stopped passing over it. It says see

I have this day appointed you To have oversight of the nations and of the kingdoms to root out, pull down, to destroy, to overthrow, to build, and to plant. God is telling us that we have oversight of the nations. We're supposed to overthrow. We're supposed to root out. How do we do that? With the Word of God.

You can say, Julie, how am I supposed to worry about the nations and everything that's going on around the world when I can't even fix the problems in my own life? A lot of us have had those thoughts. God All of us at one point in time has had that thought, but if we're so focused on everything that's wrong in our life, then we won't be focused on what God wants us focused on, because we're magnifying the problem.

We're not trusting and relying on God that he's fixing that problem. And so, we trust God. Say, God, I give you that mess. I thank you. You are handling my business. You're handling my life. I thank you for fixing everything that's wrong. I thank you for, I trust you. I trust. Now it's not the fact that you're, you're not fighting that good fight of faith.

You are because you're not getting into fear. You're not getting into worry. You're not getting that doubt and unbelief. You're standing and trusting and believing in God. He's fixing it. He's fixing it. And now say, I thank you, father. God, I will focus on your business at hand. You've got my back. You're, you've answered my prayers because it is written.

You've made me more than a conqueror. It is written that you always caused me to triumph. So I'm going to speak life over the situation. I'm going to speak blessing over the situation. I'm going to speak healing and wholeness in this situation. I think father, I have the victory in this situation and I praise you.

So now that you're dealing with this over here, what do you have for me to do?

I'm doing that today. There's so many things that God has for us to do, but your enemy wants to take you off and get you focused here. So here's another one. Let's go to Psalm let's see which one to do first. Psalm 32.

I'm trying to go slow. As I said, we can't have the scriptures on the screen, so I'm trying to go slow.

Psalm 32 and verse 7.

Psalm 32 verse 7 says, You are my hiding place for me. You, Lord, preserve me from trouble. You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance. So we're sitting there thinking, if we're surrounded by our enemy, and remember that story in 2 Kings chapter 7, or sorry, 2 Kings chapter 6, when Gehaziai saw the armies Surrounded him in the mountain with him and Elijah.

And he was, I mean, he started to freak out and panic because they were surrounding him and they had no way out. And then Elijah says to him, or says, Lord, open his eyes that he may see. Well, Yahazi, I said this before, Yahazi's eyes were already open physically, but it was spiritually. And when his eyes were open spiritually, he saw horses, chariots of fire, God's arming.

That was surrounding and protecting them from the enemy army. So if we knew, because our enemy wants to trick us into believing that when we're fighting something, we're by ourselves. We're not by ourselves. We're never alone because God says in his word that we're not alone. He says in his word that he always is with us because he never leaves us nor forsakes us.

So, if we know that God doesn't leave us, He doesn't forsake us, then we know that we can stand our ground and we can shout and fight that good fight of faiths because we know even though it may feel like we're surrounded, and it may feel like we're ending up gonna lose, God says He's made me more of a conqueror, and I know there's more of us than the rest of them.

That's what we do. We stand on God's Word. And again, you are my hiding place for me. Psalm 32 verse 7, amplified. You are a hiding place for me. You preserve me from trouble. You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance. He surrounds us with shouts of deliverance. God, the Lord of hosts, or the Lord of angel armies.

We are not alone. And we need to say that on a continual basis. I am not alone. Because your enemy wants you to believe that you're alone, so you give up and become more hopeless and full of despair. Psalm 47

in verse 3, He subdued people under us, And nations under our feet. He subdued nations under our feet. We're not supposed to be subject to the ruling and reigning class, especially if they're against God. We're not subject to that kind of dictatorship. We serve the Lord. And remember, He is the ruler over all the nations.

We've seen that in so many different scriptures. I've given them to you to prove that God does have something to say about who's in charge. But he's also telling us we have been put in charge. Because of his name, because of what he has done. He said again, he subdued people under us and nations under our feet.

So we have all these governments, we have all these leaders, we have all these dictators that are trying to destroy the earth. They're trying to bring in war. They're trying to bring in famine. They're trying to bring in pestilences. They're trying to bring in all these things to try to destroy God's people and destroy what God has planned.

And God says, no, I put it under your feet. And how is it underneath our feet? Go to Ephesians 1.

God's church is more powerful. And then that prophetic word he gave me I think I pre recorded it for you when I was moving last week. I think it was like last Monday's about the year of 2025 that God's church will come alive. God's church The body of Christ will come alive when they know the power and have faith in the power of that name.

When they realize the power of God's glory and tap into it. When they know that when they speak His words, they can be bold as a lion. Because we're like the lion of the tribe of Judah. He lives on the inside of us. So we can roar like a lion and that's like when this morning when I was praying over my son I didn't care who was all sleeping in the house when he called me and told me what was going on I started roaring as a lion Speaking God's Word standing on God's Word for him and shouting the name of Jesus as above all names So when we are under those attacks, if we sit there and we just, we don't be quiet as I speak God's word and a lot of people think of that, you know, like this, when I raise my voice and I'm, I'm, I'm shouting and I'm, I, you know, I'm mad.

No, that's authority. You don't use God's word against the enemy when he's attacking you or there's a life or death situation and you're not wimpy about it. Don't go in there and you attack timid or afraid. You go into an attack with boldness like a lion knowing. That God's made you more than a conqueror, knowing that He's given you the victory.

He's given you the name above every name. He's given you the blood covenant. Because of the blood of Jesus has brought our enemy to nothing. He's disarmed him. So we have all that we need. The devil wants you to believe that you don't. He wants you to believe that he's more powerful and so that you can't fight him back.

But God says it's contrary. Let's go to Ephesians 1, in verse 17. The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of Him. So God wants you to have a revelation and knowledge of Him. His authority, His power, His dominion, His name.

He wants you to have that revelation. In verse 18. That the eyes of your understanding, being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. I'm sorry, I'm reading this out of the New King James Version. New King James Version, I apologize.

That I didn't tell you different. So again, I'm so used to having them on the screen now, but I can see what version I'm reading. I wasn't paying attention. So the new King James version, and this is for Ephesians 1 19. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to his working of his mighty power.

So his power to us who believe, if you don't believe in that power, it's not going to be, it's not going to be useless to you because you don't believe in it. It's for us who believe. And then it says in verse 20, in which he had worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at the right hand in heavenly places.

Now, who do you see in heavenly places? Jesus Christ. You say, okay, but how is that under, how does that go to, for anything to do with me? Look what it says. Far above all principality, power, might, and dominion, every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in which is to come. Verse 22. And he put all things under his feet, gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullest of him who fills all in all.

Jesus is the head, we are the body. Where's our enemy? Under our feet. Jesus is the head, we are the body, Satan's under our feet. And so is everybody with him. That's why we can stand and use the Word of God with boldness and authority of how God wants us to use it. That's why he's giving us these warnings.

That's why he's giving us these heads, this heads up and these prophetic words to let us know that when we stand in attention, that we're not gonna be fear no matter what happens around this world. I thank you, father. God, we are more than conquerors. I thank you, father. God, we had the victory. I thank you, father.

God, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. That's how we're not moved when we know the truth and the truth will set us free. Okay. Now I'll go back over this prophetic word once again. This is the first one from the 15th. And it's called A Spiritual War is Brewing. My children, a spiritual war is brewing.

Your enemies are kicking things in high gear against you. They are using witchcraft, sorcery, sacrifices at a level like never before. Your enemies know my glory is coming to fill this earth. They're trying to stop it with everything in their arsenal. This is why my children, I need you alert. I need you awake.

I need you to know who you are with me. A lot of people don't understand the spiritual realm. They don't understand that there are people that have, that are performing witchcraft or sorcery. Oh, that's just, that's just fable. And that's just, that's, it's not true anymore. That's just, that is false. How can you say that?

That is blasphemy. No, it's not. It's true. And they count on you not believing that they're doing it. We've ran into people at tent revivals before who are practicing witches. There are them out there. They try to go into these revivals. They try to go into these places of healing signs and wonders and miracles because they go and try to stop it.

We have to be aware that there are people out there doing things against the body of Christ. And so what we had to, they know, they even said people who were practicing and now are have turned to Christianity, they know the power of their words and they know that the church doesn't and they count on that.

So what we have to do is have the upper hand and knowing no matter what spiritual war is brewing, we know the power of God's word. Again, we know the power of his name. We know who is with us, that he is mighty. He's on the inside of us and he's mightier than who's against us. That's why he needs us to learn awake.

I need you to know you are with me if we know that we're with God Then we'll have an attitude adjustment. We'll have an attitude change. We won't think the same ways We won't give up so easily. I need you awake Well, of course he needs you awake because if you're in battle, you're not going to, you're going to be useless if you're asleep.

Spiritually. That's why God needs people awake. I need you to know who you are with me. A lot of people try to figure out things on their own. God says, don't do that. Do things with me. In your capital right now, oh, United States. They are making sacrifices at an unprecedented rate to summons evil and darkness like never before.

Some people will laugh at that. They'll mock that and they'll say, how stupid is that? But how true it seriously is, and a lot of people don't understand how true it is. I could feel it overwhelmingly when I was there the first time. You guys know that story. I was there the first time in April 2022, never have stepped foot in Washington, D.

C. before. And I could not even get out of the car the first time because of the darkness that was there, because the evil that was there. I was saying and praying because there was so much oppression. And it's not just in the District of Columbia right there in the Washington, D. C. area. They controlled all the matters of this country and others.

This is a spiritual war we've been in, not just with people. This is not like a Democrat Republican thing. And that's why God keeps telling us, It's not an election that would save our country. It's gone.

He says, but your prayers are stopping it. Your authority I've given to you is pushing them back. So keep standing up against their demonic attacks against you and your nation. We've been praying for this nation. We've been calling their walls down. We've been calling every plan, the plot planning schemes and attacks and everything they have against us.

We've been calling it to be annihilated. We've been calling God's hand to move. We've been calling their exposure and their removals and God saying, keep it up because it's working. The spiritual battle for the soul of this nation will intensify to a greater level. So stand stronger and do not let anyone move you.

Your enemies will be defeated no matter what it looks like with their next attacks. They're not bigger than me and I live in you. Do you know why I must constantly remind you of this truth? Why has God constantly had to tell us that he's the greater one, that he lives on the inside of us, Why does he keep reminding us that our enemies are nothing compared to him?

Why does he keep reminding us that our enemies, no matter what they try, they're going to try things? He keeps telling us and warning us, they are going to try something. Does it mean they're going to be successful? He said he was going to cut them off. He said he was going to remove them. He said the giants were falling.

He's been saying all these things. So what do we do? We trust him, but he's saying, why do I have to constantly remind you of this truth? Because your adversary is trying everything for you to forget it. If you forget the greater one lives on the inside of you. If you forget that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

If you forget, you're not alone. If you, if you forget all these things, then that's when the enemy has the upper hand. That's what he's doing. He's constantly reminding you. of him living on the inside of you, and that you have the victory. And that he's greater than any adversary you're facing. He wants you to know this because you have the upper hand.

Then you have a different perception and perspective of what's going on in your life. You're renewing your mind and you'll have a new found boldness standing up to the enemy.

He wants, he's trying, your adversary is trying everything for you to forget it because it makes you easier to defeat when you can be deceived. I was yours. What's yours? Your victory. What's yours? A healing. What's yours? Restoration. What's yours? Soundness and wholeness. That's already yours. Satan's trying to steal it.

He's trying to deceive you out of what's already been paid for. Jesus has conquered our enemy. He's already conquered him. We are more than conquerors, so when we are relying on God, remember, if we rely on that fact, That changes our circumstances. He says, no longer allow this truth to be denied or to be deceived out of it.

You are mine, children of almighty God. This time is yours. The enemy wants this time to be theirs. They want to bring in their new world order. They want to bring in their great reset. They want to bring in this global government, a one world currency, a one world religion. They want to shut the world down.

They want to do everything. Again, they were bragging. I told you this. Somebody said, send this to me, they were bragging about a week or two ago, the day after President Trump takes office, they're going to put out 11 different viruses.

They're bragging about this stuff, because they think that we're too weak, we're too stupid, they think that we're not going to do anything, because they've always had the upper hand. But God's saying He's healing our land. God's saying He's bringing a restoration. God's saying He's bringing His glory.

God's saying He's moving His hand. So which report do we believe? What they're doing, or what God's doing? And we stand in faith, and know that God's on our side, and know that we have the power of the greater One living on the inside of us. Then we won't back down. This time is ours. It's not theirs. You know, this time is yours.

It's no longer your enemy's time to take. They've take, they're trying to take time away from us. He said fight spiritually like never before for the promises I've already given to you. Learn more of me in this time and it will destroy every lie and every trick of the enemy. So how does the enemy get things?

By tricking you, deceiving you, deceive, distract, destroy. That's what he does. And if he can deceive you out of things, then you'll lose him. But Jesus has already paid for it. So I refuse to deny what Jesus has already done for me. And I refuse the enemy to take it away from me. And that's what all of our attitudes should be.

And I just have to get more fierce about it sometimes. My glory will fill this earth no matter the battle, the war, or the army against it. My children who are at this pivotal moment to take back and receive a restoration you never knew was possible. You will receive answers to prayer quicker and miracles more easily.

It is that time where two worlds collide, good and evil, and good always wins. So believe in my words, stand and see them come to pass for you, says the Lord of Hosts. Now Gideon is saying, my glory will fill this earth no matter the battle, no matter the war, or the army against it. We have a major army against us right now.

We have them trying to attack us in all different fronts, in all different ways. But if we have that revelation that we're more than conquerors, and then we had the victory, then no matter what the shaking is, and how bad it could get, we will not be moved.

Then I don't even know where this is at. I've heard this name before, but he's actually said this is a location. Whispering Pines. This location will be in your news for a surprising reason. I don't know where it is. You guys can do some research for me, but Whispering Pines will be in your news for a surprising reason.

A military base will be in your news for a significant reason. A government contract will be in your news for a shocking reason. And many more of these types of contracts will be exposed and it will bring down the machine controlling them. So watch for government contracts and they're going to be shocking news reports because we're going to start finding out more and more truth.

That's been hiding in in our government. And just like, what President Trump said the other day, the government knows about the drones. The military knows about the drones. Where they came from and who's controlling them. But they're not telling you. Ask yourself this question, why? Somebody says, Canada.

There's Whispering Pines, North Carolina, too.

So, it must be Whispering Pines, North Carolina. There's a Whispering Pines in California, too. So Canada, North Carolina, and California. There's one in South Carolina. Okay, Whispering Pines is a very popular name. So wherever this is, you'll know it because it'll be in your news. So I'll go back to what I was saying about the government contracts and what's been going on with these drones.

No matter what it is, God said, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. He said they're going to try things in the skies. He even talked about drones several months ago. I think it was back in like May. He talked about things that they were going to try to do. But no matter what they're hiding, God is bringing it out.

The U. S. ambassador to Italy Will be in your news for a shocking reason so watch the u. s ambassador to italy I don't even know this person's name. I will show you everyone just like him and they'll all be removed so a u. s ambassador and then Alejandro mayorkas now he is, dhs And homeland security department of homeland security And as everyone knows You he doesn't just and I don't like to use this terminology, but it's the best terminology I can use right now He sucks, but he's not doing that on on accident. He's doing it on purpose.

So, Alejandro Mayorkas, I say this name again. This is not the first prophecy that I've heard his name. And about his judgment and about his removal. I say this name again. There are secrets you are keeping and they will soon all be released. I will show you how you are paid under the table to hide things from this nation and its citizens, every place you weakened this nation and its security for your own financial gain.

will all be put on display. Remember, God said that our government has been giving our intel to foreign governments. They've been giving our intel to people that have infiltrated this country. The reason? For open borders. There's a military, foreign military militia right here. And so, God is saying that he's been paid under the table either to write certain reports, Make things look better than what they are or deny, deny, deny, and lie, lie, lie.

And that's all the government people I can do. They know what's going on at our border. They know what's going on in all these cities. They know what's going on with the drones. They knew what was going on with the Chinese spy balloons. They know what's going on in all these different countries, and they still choose not to tell us.

Why? You ask yourself this question. Why? Because they have something to gain from it. Every place you weaken this nation and its security for your own financial gains, again, follow the money, guys been talking to us about following the money, will all be put on display. Majorchists, you are being removed by me and judgment will be served, says the Lord.

And you can say, you know what, he's being removed because there's a new administration coming in. Oh, no, no, no. Just because he's not going to be where he is doesn't mean that there's not going to be a form of judgment. And God did remove him and is removing him because President Trump is going back in power.

Because if you think about it, if Kamala would have won, then Mayorkas would have stayed there. Because what was happening with the election, he's being removed. God's been saying it for years now. That he was going to be removed, but just because he's being removed doesn't mean there's not going to be judgment that goes along with it.

U. S. Italy Ambassador Jack Markle. Thank you. I did not know that. Jack Markle. Somebody says Pastor, they're looking, the drones are looking for dirty bombs. I did hear that, and there's actually prophetic words I've had regarding dirty bombs. So that could very well be there's something else to do with.

What else was I told about it? There's something going on that supposedly the Biden administration lost great radioactive stuff. I don't know. There's a lot of different things that are going out there again. I only go by what God is saying. This is all prophecy. God's been talking about it. That's the reason why I'm hearing some of these things as being shown to me.

So, anyway, whatever's going on with the border, whatever's going on with Mayorkas and our security in this country and the intel and what's going on with the drones, it's all gonna come out. Now, I don't know if I'm saying her name right. I know I spelled it right, but Kreene, K I A R I N E, Jean Pierre or John Pierre.

She's a press, the White House press secretary. So Kareem John Pierre, however you pronounce her name, you guys know I'm not always good at pronouncing names. I'm just real with you. God says you will not get away with your lies and what you told to the American people. You flat out lie day after day and the truth is coming for you.

This is not the first time he's had a prophecy on her or Jen Psaki. He said John Psaki was going to be removed and it wasn't going to be by her own choice. She supposedly stepped down. She's on MSNBC. It doesn't matter. She didn't get away with what she did. Even though you leave your post as press secretary, it doesn't mean judgment's not coming for you.

And Jen Psaki or anyone else just like you, you lied to the world. Now you will be judged in front of it. Says, Lord, people will be judged in front of the world. They did things against the world. Now they're gonna be judged in front of the world.

And again, no matter what's going on. And if they cause I just said something else that you guys said something about, hold on. I heard they're going to start leaking radiation in the cities, no matter what it is. If you are in New Jersey, if you're in any of these places where these drones are at, you have the power of Throne and Dominion to pull all these things down.

That there's no weapon formed against you to prosper and any attack that they make and they try to take, it will fall flat. It's not going to work. Remember, we're in this world, but we're not of it. This is the last paragraph. Every RINO. So people just think because these prophecies, it's all about Democrats.

No, it ain't. It's not just about Democrats. It's about any person who is against God. Every RINO will be drawn out. One of them, I truly believe, is Liz Cheney. She's a RINO, and she's being drawn out. And the other person with her on that January 6th committee, that they've been caught lying. Because there's text messages, apparently.

I don't know. He says, every traitor to this nation will be exposed. My children, many things you are about to see is to draw out your enemies. So then he says, so each one is removed by me. Do not fear what you are about to see because it will lead to your victory, says the Lord. So we cannot be afraid with what they're doing.

A lot of people are getting into fear because they're panicking and worrying what are, what's wrong with these drones? What are they doing? Oh my gosh, is it the dirty vod? Is it going to go off? Is it radioactive material? Is it going to be, are they going to leak it somewhere? Are they going to do this?

And people will start panicking in fear. That's what satan wants us to do But God has told us they're trying to attack us. He's been telling us about this time period to be watchful over this time period Because they were trying they were not going to go down without a fight They were going to try to do everything to stop president trump and everything to stop this nation from moving forward So we shouldn't be surprised that they're trying to attack no matter if it's nuclear or radiation and whatever We have to stay stay alert and stand our ground.

That's what we have to do So i'm going to pray heavenly father right now in jesus name We lift up this day to you. We lift up this nation to you We lift up the nations around the world lift up the body of christ to you this day this very day father God We know that the storm is intensifying against us.

We know this storm is intensifying against our nations, but you, oh Lord, you are mightier and you're the one who lives on the inside of us. So we thank you Father God right now by the power and by the authority of your name that we will declare and decree that every plan of the enemy is destroyed right now by your name, the name of Jesus Christ.

And I thank you, Father God, any attack of the enemy, whether it is with radiation, whether it is nuclear bombs or dirty bombs, whether it is, Father God, war, whether it is an economic, whether it is viruses, it doesn't matter the plan of attack. You Father God are the great I am, and you said it in your written word, it is written.

That you sit in the heavens and you laugh because you see the defeat of the enemy coming. We thank you, Father God. We call the defeat of the enemy now. We say their walls are coming down, their secrets exposed. We thank you, Father God, everything that's keeping them where they are. We thank you for ripping them in those positions of power, Father God, in this hour, because this is a time of shifting.

This is a time of change. And so I thank you for a greater revelation that every person at the sound of my voice, they have this revelation of who they are in you, with you, that you surround us, that you are in us, that your army goes before us. And if our enemy comes against us one way in Deuteronomy 28, 7, they flee before us seven ways.

So we thank you, Father God, it also says in your word in James 4, 7, resist the devil and he must flee. So we resist him. We neutralize that power. We deny their access in our minds, in our bodies, in our families, in our cities, in our finances, in our, in any part of our lives. We deny their power against us.

And Father God, I thank you that we have greater revelation of the authority of the name of Jesus. They have greater revelation, Father God, of the blood covenant that we have with you. They have greater revelation of how powerful, how forcible are right words, like it is written in the book of Job. When Job realized how forcible are right words, teach me to hold my tongue.

Father God, I thank you that we always say the right things. That you need necessary and that we were always at the right place and the right times that we will never be caught off guard or by surprise. Because father God, we have the helper, the council, the teacher, the advocate, the standby, the you are fortress.

You are everything that we need. And we thank you for this very day. And every day we declare that we're more than conquerors. We declare father God with our families. And like I've been declaring today with Carter and everybody else, I'm declaring over that's watching right now. All is well. I declare and accrue today and everybody's bodies.

Peace in their bodies right now from any type of sickness and disease, germ virus and infection or food poisoning or any other type of attack from the enemy. All is well, peace, soundness, wholeness, restoration, from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet. And I thank you for it in Jesus name.

Amen. And amen Now as of right now, I will plan on being on with pastor dave I'm going to be calling christopher to make I know he's watching to make sure what's going on with carter But I will plan on being on with pastor dave today because I know again all is well, so, if anything changes I'll see you We'll make sure that we let you guys know.

But other than that, I will see you later on today at 11 o'clock. But if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, go to our website at jgminternational. org on our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 46 20 East, 53rd Street, suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 5 2 8 0 7.

And also if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to three sons That's three sons All of us encourage you today. Please like, subscribe, and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free.

God loves you. I love you. God bless you in half a wonderful day.

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