Caring Couple Gives Boy School Supplies And School Clothes

6 years ago

You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you! A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. It's good to help others because it makes you feel good, it makes you feel hopeful and to know that because of you someone is having a better life is priceless. Because it will make you seem like a better person and have others have a better outlook on you. Because if you help someone in need they feel the need to help another. Ellen Degeneres always says: “Be kind to one another”! And that’s a motto we should all live by!

This couple knows the true meaning of helping people and how to be a better person! One engaged couple, Jessica Detrick and Jonathan Haltam decided to help a boy with school supplies who was washing cars all summer so he can buy them, however, he didn’t know that the good deed from Jessica and Jonathan will change his life! So amazing!

Info from Licensor: "The boy receiving the school supplies is named Javari. The one giving them to him is my fiancé, Jonathan. After learning that Javari washed cars all summer for school supplies and school clothes, we wanted to do more than just give him the $20 asking price. Javari lives in our neighborhood.

As of now, the video has touched so many hearts, we decided to start a fundraiser for the rest of the siblings to receive school supplies. As it stands we over $3,000 raised for the family. Jonathan and I had help from others growing up, and we wanted to do for him what people have done for us."

“This morning a boy knocked on my door asking to wash my car for $20. Instantly I said yes because I’m a sucker for kids. Jonathan Haltam and I proceeded to ask him what he was saving his money up for, he replied ‘school supplies and school clothes’ breaking our hearts into a million pieces we knew we wanted to do more for him,” Detrick posted.

The pure delight and appreciation all over are inspiring as this inconceivable couple blessings him with quality school supplies. Be that as it may, this generous couple didn't stop there.

Detrick chose to make a Facebook fundraiser for Javari's family. Detrick posted that Javari's younger siblings are still in need of school supplies and clothes. In only six days, they raised $4,410 by only 213 individuals.

Javari's mom was so thrilled by all the good people who helped her kids to have school supplies and also school clothes.

What a magnificent act of humanity and love from this amazing couple! It is encouraging to see the little acts of joy and love that have such a monstrous effect in just one family. Much thanks to Jessica and Jonathan who taught us a lesson that the smallest act of generosity can make huge differences to others! Real generosity is doing something for someone without waiting for something in return!

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