American Doctor exposes Anthem Health’s plan to stop paying for patient’s anesthesia

1 month ago

American Doctor exposes Anthem Health’s plan to stop paying for patient’s anesthesia

“They were actually going to cut off your anesthesia, stop paying for it — during your procedure, during your surgery, if it went too long”

“I'm a physician and I'm thinking to myself, if I were in surgery and I'm going into surgery, I would now be waking up with three concerns:

- Number one, am I going to wake up dead? Because you always worry about that kind of thing

- Number two, how's the surgery going to go? Is it going to be successful? Or in other words, am I going to be cured?

- Number three, am I going to be bankrupt?

— So they have repealed this, (for now) I found out a few weeks ago.”

“You know, back when I started my practice, I was very surprised to find out that it was the insurance companies that were telling me and my patients what I could do or not do.

They used euphemisms like cost cutting or savings, not cost cutting, but savings, quality assurance.

They weren't saving as it turns out. They were making money.”

He says “The experts got pushed aside” and the insurance company doctors make all the decisions

This shows you what’s to come, this will 100% be our future if something doesn’t change

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