Energetic Pupper Won't Stop Until He Takes Off His Shirt

6 years ago

A woman attempts to calm her hyperactive dog by putting a t-shirt on him but it does not work. After getting the advice that was said to work, she decided to use a t-shirt to help and calm the behaviour of her hyperactive pooch.She decided to put this theory to the test and record the results of her little experiment.

The video begins with a rather annoyed looking dog, wearing a black t-shirt, jumping and rolling around on a lounge. The dog looks frustrated and appears to be irritated by something. It quickly becomes apparent that the black t-shirt he is wearing is the cause of his annoyance, and that his erratic behaviour is due to his unsuccessful attempts to remove it.

The dog frantically jumps around the lounge suite, biting at the t-shirt, desperately trying to pull it off, but without success. It is unclear whether it is the colour, cut, or style of the t-shirt that is not to the liking of the dog. It appears that the t-shirt does not seem to improve his mood, and has perhaps even worsened it.

At around the ten second mark, the dog’s struggle with the t-shirt has now ended up with him falling off the lounge, and on to the floor. Its battle against the cursed garment continues, and he continues desperately to try and tear off the t-shirt with his teeth, as though it was trying to strangle him. Despite his most valiant efforts, the t-shirt continues to have the upper hand in this conflict and shows no signs of giving up its grip on the unfortunate dog.

The change in location has not done the dog any good and soon the fight between the t-shirt and the dog has resumed in the lounge, with the t-shirt still winning. At around the thirty-two second mark, the dog rolls over, pauses to rest, and pants frantically. It appears the fight has worn him out, with the t-shirt showing no signs of giving up. Looking defeated, he lies there motionless, with his head pointing to the floor.

Just when the dog looks like he has given up and has resigned to his fate of having to join the ranks of the involuntarily clothed, he finds a second wind, leaps into the air, and again starts trying to tear off the shirt with even greater ferocity. The video ends before we get to see the conclusion of this conflict, but suffice to say, it looks like the dog has come off second best, with the stubborn t-shirt showing no signs of releasing its vice-like grip on the helpless dog.

At the end of the video, it remains unclear whether using a t-shirt can help with the behavioural issues a dog might have, especially one as hyperactive as this one. In the case of this particular dog, it clearly does not help, and it definitely does not provide a good example for dog owners who would potentially use this method to calm their dogs. They say that every dog has its good or bad days, but today definitely was not a good one for this poor canine.

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