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Trump DEMANDS Resignation Of Newsom Over LA Wildfires, Video Shows ARSON In LA, Fear Of ECO TERROR

24 days ago

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Trump DEMANDS Resignation Of Newsom Over LA Wildfires, Video Shows ARSON In LA, Fear Of ECO TERROR


  • 0/2000
  • Hmm. So Newsom's state doesn't have enough water to fight fires after a year of quadruple the average rainfall, and they pulled millions in funding from firefighters and DEI'ed TF out of what's left of their fire departments. This in a state with annual problems with massive fires and a retarded forestry policy that prevents the state from removing the fallen, dead, rotting timber in these areas that act as kindling. So yeah, Newscum and the LA mayor are to blame for this, should be fired, and should be shamed.

  • I found it very interesting that the insurance companies could see this coming and dropped the policies weeks ago.

  • this is not incompetence.. This is disgusting, tyrannical, over governance

  • Record snowfalls and all the water ran to the ocean as opposed to utilize the existing water retention basins because of environmental policy. The leftist mind is reactionary garbage

  • I also must say it's funny how the state has a problem with fires and yet they feel more inclined to increase female leadership and membership in the fire department than getting qualified people. "Oh my god, there is a female fire chief! I mean, there isn't enough male firefighters to do shit, but omg, did you hear there is a female fire chief? It's so wonderful! Female power!" - democrats That's not even mentioning that they refuse to get rid of the vaccine mandate that is kicking their ass.

  • This is Holomodor 2.0 by the khazarians who run govt and the insurance companies. Burn the people from their lands, the land is bought by the "elites" and calling out the truth is "anti-semetic."

  • Huh, Commiefornia guffawed with glee when the South East was slammed with hurricanes. I say FEMA ignore all the homes with Democrat signs. It just seems fair. Ignore Republican homes in the Southeast, ignore Democrat homes in Commiefornia.

  • the mayor of pacifix palisades cut 17 million from the fire department what a bunch of morons. Just one and many stupid shit policies of these commies. You can't even get fire insurance anymore. A lot of the people who's houses burnt down are screwed

  • Great rant Tim! Amen!

  • The problem is not just Newsom. Water shortages have been going on for decades in large part because the democrats have intentionally crippled water infrastructure in the state. At this point they would need to repeal bans on technology just to fix the problem and that isn't going to happen.

  • But...Gavinor clarified that a "real president" stopped by to tell everyone he has a grandkid and he's missing the football game. 👍

  • You would think that, if nothing else, they would fill tankers with seawater and use that. I guess it is what it is. You have people who don't know their jobs, and you end up like that.

  • Want to know why you don't ban dams? This. Want to know why you don't ban desalination plants? This. Want to know why you don't cancel water infrastructure expansion projects in the name of the environment? This. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  • Watch out! wealthy elites like Oprah are going to swoop in and get some sweetheart, pennies-on-the-dollar real estate deals on fire-ravaged property.

  • Tim tells a story. Not the story!

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