Walking In The Spirit - 6

2 months ago

Most Christians know about walking in the Spirit. Unfortunately, most think that walking in the Spirit is something you do in special circumstances or when you have a special need. Paul tells us that at the instant of conversion, the Spirit of Jesus comes to live inside our bodies along with our own eternal spirit. From that instant, we are walking in the Spirit 24x7. Well, that is, until we decide to step out of the Spirit and walk in the flesh – the way we were before we made Jesus our Savior.

If we had a better understanding of what it means to be united with Jesus all the time, we would be less likely to go back to walking in the flesh. The other thing that would help keep us in the spirit is understanding just what it means to walk in the flesh. Walking in the flesh involves sin, and walking in the flesh is not just about sexual sin. There is a long list of things that could be categorized as walking in the flesh and Christians do them all the time without even knowing that they have stepped out of the Spirit and into sin. This teaching describes many of those “flesh” behaviors from the Bible.

One last thing about walking in the Spirit. Have you noticed how Jesus often referred to Himself with “we.” Why did He do that, and should we be doing that in our talking?

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