Neil Oliver: Modern Banking is a Ponzi Scheme, Inflating Away Wealth and Freedom

1 month ago

Neil Oliver exposes the "Ponzi scheme" that is the modern banking system. I can't believe this was allowed to air on UK television.

"Inflation is caused, always and only, by the printing of money... It's a transparent attempt to disguise a Ponzi scheme... which is the conjuring into existence of money from nothing, which only banks are allowed to do."

"Every time they magic up more money... all they do is devalue any money you had in your pocket, or in savings. This is deliberate."

"Since the creation of the so-called Federal Reserve... the actual value of the dollar has fallen by at least 90%... Inflation is the invisible tax."

"Our government, everyone's government... uses banks to put people into debt, and then continuously devalues the currency by creating more money, always out of nowhere, and so making it harder and harder... for anyone ever to be free of that debt."

"If all debt was repaid, all money would vanish."

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