Maurice Ravel – Le Gibet (Woodwind Choir)

1 month ago

Le Gibet is the second movement from Maurice Ravel's "Gaspard de la Nuit".

The gibet was a hook (gibbet), usually found near the entrance of a medieval town upon which some law offender would be suspended, so as to warn visitors and the inhabitants not to offend. The ostinato throughout serves as a reoccurring focal point, much like the constant swing of the hook in the wind. Its dark, foreboding, and absolutely beautiful.

This is an arrangement by Richard Byrnes for 2 Piccolos, Flute, 2 Oboes, 4 Clarinets, 3 Bassoons, & Contrabassoon.

You can purchase this piece at &

In addition to “Le Gibet” by Ravel, we offer works by J.S. Bach, Brahms, Debussy, Dvorák, Fauré, Glazounov, Glinka, Gottschalk, Granados, Griffes, Lotti, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Richard Strauss, Turina, & Vierne.

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