REGENERATIVE POWER - VITAL REJUVENATION - William Walker Atkinson (1922) - HQ Full Book

15 days ago

This book deals with an important, though comparatively little known principle of Nature, and involves several facts of tremendous importance to the human race. Its basic truths were known to the ancients, and have also been stumbled upon by several modern teachers, but for the most part they have been distorted by reason of being attached to some weird, fantastic doctrine. "Regeneration" means: "The generation of new life, strength, or vigor to a living being." "Rejuvenation" means: "The art or process of renewing youth, or the qualities of youth." Vital Rejuvenation, then, means: "The process of regenerating the individual by imparting to him new life, new energy, new vigor, and, thereby renewed youth." The Secret of Regeneration is this: "Nature's Generative Power may be employed as Regenerative Power." The Generative Power, commonly known as Sex Power, may be employed to give new life to its owner, just as it may be employed to transmit life to a new being. This book contains valuable instruction concerning both the fundamental principles involved in Regeneration and the efficient and effective methods of employing them. Though it deals with the essential principle of Sex Power, yet it is not in any sense a "Sex Book" of the usual (and often objectionable) type. Its teaching is advanced, but it is in no way contrary to the highest principles of conduct approved of by the best teachers of morality and religion.

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