An Unlikely Friendship Between A Dog And An Emu

6 years ago

Prepare for the funniest video you'll see today! It is absolutely hilarious, and you definitely have to check it out! Each dog video I see is simply precious, there's no doubt about it. And even though I've seen thousands of them, each day I look forward to discovering a new one. Who's with me? LOL! If you are like me, then let me tell you that today is your (our) lucky day. We have a hilarious dog video and it will make you smile all day long. We all know that our canine friend love making friends wherever they go, and the cutie in this video is no exception. The dog in this video has made a friend on a farm, and his new friend is the family's emu. The two are such a sight for sore eyes, and you absolutely have to check them out! I could watch them play all day long.

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