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Hidden in Plain Sight

11 days ago

Look at the picture.

Goodness it took me about 10 minutes to find it.

Have you heard the saying "Hidden in Plain Sight" before?

The idiom "hidden in plain sight" means that something is not easily noticed or recognized, even though it is easily visible or apparent to everyone. It implies that the object or information is so commonly found that it remains unnoticed by most people.

As we are following Jesus step-by-step, we see that He is telling parable after parable explaining to His audience what is happening and what is to come. Telling of things of old that people have heard and known for centuries, but for many people their understanding is clouded, even though it is staring them in the face. Why is that? That's what we are going to explore today with Jesus.

Do you see it yet?

Look closer!

Not just with your eyes, but with your heart. For if you really are ready to listen and learn from Jesus, removing all of your biases and pre-conceived notions, then you will be able to see what is "Hidden in Plain Sight" and it will change your life forever.


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