Episode 221: THE PEOPLE'S PATRIOT PROJECT “Sorry about the Mix-Up” 06 October 2024 WGY6@6

16 days ago

October has many focus points that we should be aware of:
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Country Music Month
Emotional Wellness Month
National Depression Education and Mental Health Screening Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

This episode has the team from THE PEOPLE’S PATRIOT PROJECT discussing a host of topics - from what it means to be an American to what foods Petersen can imitate from his visit to Louisiana. A couple special guests popped in to say hi - Eric Oligschlager who is the founder of The Chad O Foundation dropped by, as did David Willis, Jr from Homefront SitRep. Its an exciting night to catch up on all the burning questions.

The music on this episode was choice by Petersen. He started with Kimberly Meyer - Out That Door, followed by Mike Donnell - With You, and finishing with CJ Garton - Ferris Wheel. Some of the most awesome songs and music artists we have had on the show over the years!

Next Week's Guests:
Jason Michael Carroll

The People’s Patriot Project exists to be the shock and awe when combating the deadly and invisible enemy that is killing our heroes. We will move forward building with new and old friends and loyalty, and with our boots on and ready to serve those who have served. WE are ready to Be a part OF, not apart FROM, and WE will conquer the world of PTSD and #suicide of our service people. Remembering is not enough, and there is #strength in asking for help, Even If It Hurts. While Only You are responsible for your own problems, there is still help and support for you. Figure out What’s your jam, and move forward with the good stuff!
#LetsGrow #thefamilythatcouldanddid #FindYour6 #WEgotyour6 #communityheroes #RescueMe #RonPayneJr #NeverForget #beapartofandnotapartfrom #BetheBestYou #PatriotPride #LetsGetThisDone #StickingTruetoourMissions #LetsAllDoBetter #ThereisStrengthinAskingforHelp #ToxicPositivity #GettingInvolved #BreakingBread #thingschangewhenweworktogether #veteran #suicide #PatriotPride #suicide #veteransuicide

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