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Kings of Rome
Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner
Kings of Rome
Rome traditionally had seven kings, the last three of whom were Etruscan. This is one way in which the Etruscans exerted a massive impact on the development of early Rome. The first of these Etruscan kings was Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, who had an Etruscan mother and a Greek father. He expanded Rome’s power and territory through his military exploits. He also constructed the important sewer system in Rome.
Sabine, Etruscan or Roman
The first 2 Kings were Sabine. The Sabines were an Italic tribe who lived in the Apennine Mountains of central Italy and in Latium before the founding of Rome. They were often at war with the early Romans, but were eventually granted citizenship in 268 BC. The Sabines were often at war with the early Romans, but were eventually granted citizenship in 268 BC. The legend of the Sabine Women explains the amalgamation of Latin and Sabine stock. The story goes that Romulus, the founder of Rome, hosted a festival for the Sabines and other neighboring peoples, and during the festivities, Roman young men kidnapped unmarried Sabine women to be their brides. In 290 BC, the Romans conquered the Sabines and incorporated them into the Roman state. They were initially given citizenship without suffrage, but received full citizenship in 268 BC.
The last 3 Kings were The Etruscans. The Etruscans were an ancient people who lived in Italy and created a civilization that covered much of what is now Tuscany, Umbria, and Lazio. They were the first highly civilized people in Italy and were known for their trade, art, and religion: They created the most powerful nation in Italy. They established the first great civilization on the Italian peninsula and influenced the Romans and present-day culture. Some of Rome's first kings were from Etruria, and the Etruscans may have founded the city-state of Rome. Sabines and Etruscans were distinct peoples with their own unique cultures and histories before the rise of Rome. Romans emerged from a blend of Latin, Sabine, and Etruscan influences.
Sabine, but considered myth. In Roman mythology, Romulus was one of twin brothers, alongside Remus, who are considered the legendary founders of the city of Rome; according to the myth, they were the sons of Rhea Silvia, a human woman, and the god Mars, and were raised by a she-wolf after being abandoned as babies in the Tiber River. Romulus killed his brother Remus to control Rome. Romulus and Remus were born in Alba Longa, one of the many ancient Latin cities near the Seven hills of Rome. Their mother Rhea Silvia, also known as Ilia, was a Vestal Virgin and the daughter of former king Numitor, who had been displaced by his brother Amulius.
Numa Pompilius
Sabine. Numa Pompilius, second of the seven kings who, according to Roman tradition, ruled Rome before the founding of the republic. Numa was the second king of Rome, succeeding Romulus after a one-year interregnum. He is said to have reigned from 715 to 673. However, many modern historians consider Numa to be pure legend and regard his reign as myth. He was of Sabine origin, and many of Rome's most important religious and political institutions are attributed to him, such as the Roman calendar, Vestal Virgins, the cult of Mars, the cult of Jupiter, the cult of Romulus, and the office of pontifex maximus.
Tullus Hostilius
Roman. Tullus Hostilius was the third king of Rome, ruling from 673–642 BC. He was the grandson of Hostus Hostilius, a war hero who fought alongside Romulus in the Roman war against the Sabines. Hostus died in the Sabine invasion of Rome. Tullus Hostilius, the third king of Rome, was a significant figure in early Roman history. He decisively defeated the neighboring city of Alba Longa, integrating its citizens into Rome and doubling the city's population. This victory led to the construction of the Curia Hostilia, the original Roman Senate house, to accommodate the expanded body. Tullus also established crucial institutions, including the college of the Fetiales, responsible for treaty negotiations, and the office of Pontifex Maximus, the head priest of the Roman state religion. He further strengthened Roman religious practices by establishing the cult of the Vestal Virgins and the Salii. Through these military and political achievements, Tullus expanded Roman territory and solidified the city's power in central Italy. He famously punished Mettius Fufetius, the treacherous leader of Alba Longa, for his betrayal, serving as a powerful deterrent to future enemies.
Ancus Marcius
Sabine. Ancus Marcius, the fourth king of Rome, was a complex figure known for both his peaceful and warlike traits. He was the grandson of Numa Pompilius, the second king, and inherited a mixture of religious piety and martial spirit. During his reign, Ancus Marcius expanded the territory of Rome through military conquests, particularly against the Latins. He also made significant infrastructural improvements, including the construction of the first Roman bridge across the Tiber, the founding of the port of Ostia at the mouth of the river, and the establishment of Rome's first prison. While much of the information about Ancus Marcius comes from later Roman historical accounts and may contain legendary or mythological elements, he remains a significant figure in the early history of Rome.
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus
Etruscan. The first king of the Etruscan dynasty was Lucius Tarquinius Priscus. He was the son of a Greek man named Demaratus who had fled to Italy to escape charges of sedition. Demaratus married an Etruscan woman, unnamed in the sources.
Their son Priscus married an Etruscan woman named Tanaquil, who was said to have been skilled in prophecy. Priscus was unable to rise to political power in Etruria due to the ethnicity of his father. Because of this, his wife Tanaquil encouraged him to move to Rome. There, he was able to pursue political power. According to the legendary sources, an eagle stole his cap from his head as he entered Rome, but then flew back and returned it to him. His wife interpreted this as an omen indicating that he would be powerful in the future. After the death of the reigning king, Ancus Marcius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus convinced the leading political men of Rome to make him king.
Priscus was, by all accounts, a powerful king. He was said to have expanded Rome’s borders through military conquests. His three main enemies throughout his reign were the Latins, the Sabines, and his own kinsmen, the Etruscans.
He first led the Romans in battle against the other Latin tribes. He was victorious over them, resulting in many of the Latin tribes becoming united, with Rome as the centralized power. After this, he fought against the Sabines, although he did not conquer them and more Latin towns were conquered. In retaliation for keeping some Etruscans held in prison for participating in the Sabine War, several Etruscan cities warred against Rome. Eventually, Priscus defeated them in battle and actually conquered the cities involved.
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus was not just important for his military conquests. He also enacted some political reforms, such as adding many more families to the Roman Senate. He also commissioned the Circus Maximus, the first stadium built in Rome for chariot racing. More significantly, he constructed Rome’s great sewer, the Cloaca Maxima, as well as a wall around the city.
Servius Tullius
Etruscan. After Lucius Tarquinius Priscus died, he was succeeded by a man named Servius Tullius. However, he was not a son of Priscus. According to one tradition, recorded by Emperor Claudius, Servius was originally an Etruscan mercenary called Mastarna.
His mother was named Ocrisia. She was said to have been a noblewoman captured by the Romans during one of their attacks on Etruria. One tradition records how her husband was killed in the attack. A different tradition records that she was a virgin when she was taken, and she was impregnated by a deity. In any case, his mother was believed to be a slave in the household of the king. It is because of this “servile” origins that her child was named Servius.
Because of being part of the royal household, albeit as the son of a slave-woman, Servius Tullius was able to take advantage of some important opportunities. He married the daughter of Tarquinius Priscus and Tanaquil, whose name was Tarquinia. He ended up receiving political and military power while his father in law was ruling.
Servius was said to have performed many reforms in the city of Rome. In reality, many scholars today believe that these reforms occurred gradually, even over centuries. But in any case, one of the reforms attributed to Servius is that he allowed common landowners to vote. He also put into law the military obligations of all Romans. He reorganized the legislative body that had power over Rome and held a census of the people, which had never been done before.
Servius came to be remembered in later Roman tradition as a benevolent king and his death was viewed as a tragic event. But how did his death occur? Supposedly he was assassinated. His youngest daughter had married Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the son or grandson of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, the previous king. Together, they conspired to kill Servius. One day, Tarquinius Superbus went to Servius’ throne and sat himself down on it. He then gave a speech to the senators, strongly criticizing Servius for his background and his policies. When Servius arrived and was about to defend himself, Tarquinius pushed him down the steps. Tarquinius’ men then rushed over to him and murdered him.
Lars Porsenna
Etruscan. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus is generally considered to have been the last king of Rome, Etruscan or otherwise. However, there was another Etruscan king who may well have ruled Rome for a while. This king was named Lars Porsenna. He was the ruler of the powerful Etruscan town of Clusium. After his defeat at the Battle of Silvia Arsia, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus went to Lars Porsenna for help.
Porsenna then led an army against Rome. Whether he was able to actually enter and take control of the city is heavily debated by modern scholars. Some Roman sources say that he settled on peace terms with the besieged Romans and then withdrew. If he did occupy the city for a time, as some scholars believe, then Lars Porsenna would be the true final Etruscan king of Rome.
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
Etruscan. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus then became the next king. He became known as “Superbus,” which means “proud” or “arrogant,” due to his refusal to allow Servius’ body to be buried. He then went about trying to firmly establish his power over the Romans. One way he did this was by killing any senators whom he thought were still loyal to Servius.
Lucius then tried to expand his power even further by gaining power over the other Latin tribes. Through deceit and manipulation to remove his opposers, he ended up forming a military alliance with almost all the other Latin towns, with Rome as the ruler. One of the cities that had refused to join the alliance with Rome was Gabii. Tarquinius Superbus went to war against it, but could not take it. Therefore, he sent his son, Sextus, there and had him pretend to have been suffering at the hands of his father. The city took him in and gave him command of their troops. Sextus then killed or banished all the prominent men of the city and then handed it over to his father.
It is clear that the reign of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus was marked by cunning and subterfuge. He did not come to be remembered as a benevolent king. Many of the king’s actions disturbed the people greatly. However, what directly led to his downfall were really the actions of his son. His son, Sextus, raped a woman named Lucretia, the wife of Lucius Collatinus, one of the king’s relatives. Another relative of the king, Lucius Junius Brutus, took the lead in overthrowing the monarchy in retaliation for this act and for everything that the king had done.
Tarquinius was rejected by the common people as their king, and he fled in exile to the Etruscans. He received some military support, and with that he led an army against Rome. At the Battle of Silvia Arsia, Tarquinius was defeated, although the Roman army suffered heavy losses as well. Tarquinius tried a number of times over the years to regain control of Rome, but he was not successful.
Tarquinius Superbus's reign was short-lived. He was eventually overthrown, marking the end of the Roman monarchy and the beginning of the Roman Republic.
Before World War One, there were 5 German families that ruled the world. The Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns, Wittelsbachs, Wettins (Now Windors), and Luxembourgs. They all controlled Europe. The data shows these families started world war 1 and word war 2. They came together under one accord and created both the Axis and The Allies. The goal was to destroy the Ottoman Empire and take over Palestine to install Israel. These are the real Black Nobility Families.
509 BC is when the monarchy was finished. In 400 BC, Europe was a diverse and dynamic landscape, far from unified. The Greeks were a major force in the eastern Mediterranean, while the Romans were a rising power in Italy. Carthage, a Phoenician trading empire, held sway in the western Mediterranean. In central and western Europe, Celtic tribes dominated, alongside other groups like the Iberians, Illyrians, and Thracians. In the north, Germanic tribes were present. This period was characterized by constant political and military struggles between these various powers, with no single entity controlling the entire continent.
By 300 BC, the Mediterranean world was a scene of intense competition. The Greek city-states, while facing internal divisions, still held significant influence, while Rome was steadily expanding its power in Italy. Carthage, a powerful Phoenician trading empire, posed a major threat to Roman ambitions. In the north, Celtic tribes continued to dominate much of Europe, maintaining their own distinct cultures and societies. This period was marked by ongoing conflicts between these various powers, with the balance of power constantly shifting.
By 200 BC, Rome was rapidly expanding its power in Italy, while Carthage remained a formidable rival in the western Mediterranean. The Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage were intensifying, shaping the future of the Mediterranean world. In Greece, the Hellenistic kingdoms, successors to Alexander the Great's empire, were experiencing internal struggles and facing external threats. Celtic tribes continued to inhabit much of central and western Europe, maintaining their own distinct cultures and societies. This period was marked by intense competition and conflict between these major powers, with the balance of power in Europe shifting dramatically.
By 100 BC, Rome was the dominant power in the Mediterranean. Following their victories in the Punic Wars, the Romans had expanded their influence significantly, controlling much of Italy and parts of North Africa. However, the Roman Republic itself was facing internal turmoil, with growing social and political tensions. While Rome's military might was considerable, its grip on power was not yet absolute, and challenges remained from various external forces.
Since 509 BC, Rome was controlled by two factions. The Roman Republic and the Consuls. The Etruscans and the Greeks fought for influence. By 300 BC, Greek influence on Roman military tactics, philosophy, literature, art, and architecture was increasingly important.
In the year 200 BC Rome was battling the Phoenician Semitics from Carthage North Africa. The Carthaginians were fierce rivals of the Romans, and their conflicts, known as the Punic Wars, shaped the history of the Mediterranean world. While the ancient Roman families of Atilii, Fabii, and Valerii and the later European dynasties of Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns, Wittelsbachs, Wettins, and Luxembourgs share no direct genealogical links, their histories are intertwined. The Roman Republic, with its concepts of citizenship, law, and political institutions, profoundly influenced the development of later European monarchies and empires. Though separated by centuries and geography, the successes and failures of Roman families like the Atilii, Fabii, and Valerii undoubtedly served as inspiration or cautionary tales for the rulers of these later dynasties.
By 1 AD, the Roman Empire had emerged as a dominant force in Europe. Following the rise of Augustus Caesar, Rome had transitioned from a Republic to an Empire, expanding its territories significantly. Roman rule extended across much of Italy, the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), Gaul (France), parts of Britain, and significant portions of the Balkans. While not all of Europe was under direct Roman control, Roman influence was widespread, impacting culture, law, and infrastructure across the continent.
Augustus Caesar
Augustus Caesar became emperor of Rome in the first century BC. There were three family dynasties that controlled Europe:
The Julii Caesares
The Octavii
The Claudii
These family connections, combined with his own political acumen and military victories, allowed Augustus to consolidate power, establish the Roman Empire, and usher in an era of relative peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana.
Tiberius was Augustus's adopted son and step-son. He ruled from 14 AD to 37 AD. Caligula ruled as Roman Emperor from 37 AD to 41 AD. After Caligula, Claudius became Emperor of Rome. Claudius was Caligula's uncle. He ruled from 41 AD to 54 AD. After Claudius, Nero became Emperor of Rome. Nero ruled from 54 AD to 68 AD. After Nero, Galba became Emperor of Rome. This period, from 68-69 AD, is known as the "Year of the Four Emperors" because several emperors rose and fell in quick succession: Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and finally Vespasian. After Vespian Titus ruled from 79 AD to 81 AD. After Titus, his brother Domitian became Emperor of Rome. Domitian ruled from 81 AD to 96 AD. After Domitian, Nerva became Emperor of Rome. Nerva ruled from 96 AD to 98 AD. Following Nerva was Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius,
Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus, Severus Alexander, Maximinus Thrax, Gordian I, Gordian II, Pupienus and Balbinus, Gordian III, Philip the Arab, Decius, Trebonianus Gallus, Aemilian, Valerian, Gallienus, Claudius Gothicus, Aurelian, Tacitus, Florian, Probus, Carus, Carinus, Numerian, Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius Chlorus, Galerius, Severus II, Maxentius, Constantine I, Constantine II, Constans, Constantius II , Julian, Jovian, Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Honorius, Valentinian III, Petronius Maximus, Avitus, Majorian, Libius Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius, Julius Nepos and finally Romulus Augustulus.
After the fall of Rome in 476 AD, these 5 powers controlled Europe
* Visigoths: Controlled parts of Spain and southern Gaul.
* Ostrogoths: Established a powerful kingdom in Italy.
* Franks: A Germanic people who gradually gained power in Gaul, eventually establishing the Frankish Empire under Charlemagne.
* Anglo-Saxons: Invaded and settled in Britain, forming several Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
* Byzantine Empire: The Eastern Roman Empire continued to thrive in the east, exerting influence over parts of the Balkans and the Mediterranean.
* Rise of the Church: The Christian Church played an increasingly important role in European society, providing a degree of stability and cultural unity.
* Viking Invasions: Beginning in the 8th century, Viking raids disrupted much of northern and western Europe, leading to further instability and fragmentation.
* Emergence of Feudalism: The feudal system, with its hierarchical social structure and decentralized power, became the dominant political and social order in much of Europe.
Europe was controlled by the German Swabian houses starting in the 11th century until around the Spanish Inquisition or 1500 AD:
After these families, we have the 13 black nobility families who gained control and power over Europe:
Conti de Segni
Caetani Gaetani D’Aragona
Orsini Di Pitigliano
Chigi-Albani Della Rovere
Doria Pamphilj-Landi
The lineage from the German Houses to the Italian Houses are as follows:
Medici and Habsburgs:
Most Direct Link: Catherine de' Medici, a member of the powerful Medici family, married Henry II of France. Their descendants, including Henry IV of France, played a significant role in European politics. Henry IV's daughter, Henrietta Maria, married King Charles I of England, establishing a connection to the Stuart dynasty. While not a direct link to the Habsburgs, this illustrates how intermarriage connected Italian families to other major European royal houses.
Borgia and Spanish Royalty:
The Borgia family had strong ties to the Spanish royal family (Aragon). This connection, while indirect, links them to the Habsburgs through the marriage of Philip the Handsome (Habsburg) to Joanna of Castile (daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain). Este and German Dynasties: The Este family, through strategic marriages and political alliances, interacted with various German dynasties. While direct links to the Hohenzollerns, Wettins, or Wittelsbachs might be difficult to prove, their involvement in European politics created potential avenues for indirect connections.
Papal Influence:
Families like the Borgia, Farnese, and Medici, who held significant influence in the Papal States, often interacted with Holy Roman Emperors (often from the Habsburg dynasty). These interactions, while not always familial, created political and diplomatic connections.
The real recorded breakaways of the last centuries from the German Houses are the Borgia, Farnese, Este & Medici who descended from the 5 German Houses. These are the true powerhouses that have been controlling the world since 1500 until the Wettins took power under the name Windsors after 1665-1666 during the black plague when London was established as the financial center for the new world order. Central Banking was used to gain power and the Queen owned a lot of land.
It appears that the German Windsors have been in control of the world by controlling London, Washington DC and The Vatican. From my research, the Wettins Windsors are not related to the Borgia, Farnese, Este or Medici families. The Wettins (changed their name to Windsor): Held territory in Saxony. Lutheranism, Roman Catholicism, and a mix of both. Germanic Vandals and Suebi established themselves in Spain and later in North Africa, and the Visigoths exploited the disorder to rebel, especially after the election of Alaric as king. Marching to Italy, they demanded better terms, and, when these were not forthcoming, they sacked Rome on August 24, 410. Even though Rome was no longer capital of the empire, the sack was a profound shock for the people of the empire.
Wettins & Habsburgs
These are the two German Families that are controlling both sides. The Wettins are aligned with the Habsburgs. Whatever was left over since World War 2, the Wettins controlled the West and the Habsburgs controlled the East. 800 years of the House of Wettin who ruled over what we now know as the land of Saxony (eastern part of Germany). It portrays 35 margraves, electors, dukes and kings from 1127 to 1904. This is when they changed their name to remove the German Lineage. Advisors to King George V searched for an acceptable surname for the British royal family, but Wettin was rejected as "unsuitably comic". An Order in Council legally changed the name of the British royal family to "Windsor" (originally suggested by Lord Stamfordham) in 1917.
It’s the Windsors who are actually the ruling elite of today’s world who control NATO which is Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, The Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and The United States. Their rival are the Habsburgs. They both are friends and cooked up this plan for a new world order. This is the data. This is fact and Academia would prove me right, except for who controls what. The Psyop of the 13 illuminated families and the Zoroastrian bloodlines appear to be a decoy. Although the black nobilities, illuminati and Jesuits have helped pave the way for the two families, the data points to this revelation. And I wouldn’t have found the links unless I looked at the original Kings of Rome.
In fact, the real Kings of Rome are as follows: Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian., Titus, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus, Severus Alexander, Maximinus Thrax, Gordian I, Gordian II, Pupienus and Balbinus, Gordian III, Philip the Arab, Decius, Trebonianus Gallus, Aemilian, Valerian, Gallienus, Claudius Gothicus, Aurelian, Tacitus, Florian, Probus, Carus, Carinus, Numerian, Diocletian, Maximian, Constantius Chlorus, Galerius, Severus II, Maxentius, Constantine I, Constantine II, Constans, Constantius II , Julian, Jovian, Valentinian I, Valens, Gratian, Valentinian II, Theodosius I, Honorius, Valentinian III, Petronius Maximus, Avitus, Majorian, Libius Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius, Julius Nepos, Augustus Caesar, Franks, Anglo-Saxons, Habsburgs and Windsors.
They say all roads lead to Rome. Well, Rome was destroyed and dismantled. That road was detoured to London, Washington DC and The Vatican. All three entities are controlled by the Windors as King George is The World Postmaster. We know this because of Russell-Jay: Gould who captured the Title IV flag back in 1999 which put a dent into the Windsor plans for a New World Order. King George controls all harbors and posts. According to most sources, the Windsor family, or the British Royal Family, owns over 6.6 billion acres of land worldwide, which is roughly one-sixth of the planet's landmass; this includes land in the UK, Canada, Australia, and other Commonwealth nations. Most of this land is managed through the Crown Estate, which includes agricultural land, forests, coastal areas, and commercial properties. 1/6th of the world! According to most information, the Catholic Church owns significantly more land than the Windsor family, making them the largest private landowner globally; their land holdings include churches, schools, and other properties across the world.
The Catholic Church owns an estimated 177 million acres of land around the world, which is roughly the size of Texas and twice the size of Germany. This makes it the second-largest private landowner in the world, and one of the largest nongovernmental landowners. According to most sources, the third largest land owner globally is the Inuit people of Nunavut, who own a vast territory in northern Canada, with the land title granted to them by the Canadian government through the Nunavut Land Claim Agreement of 1993. According to the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, the Inuit people of Nunavut own approximately 86,486,883 acres, which is roughly a fifth of the total land area of Nunavut territory. According to most sources, the fourth largest land owner worldwide is Gina Rinehart, an Australian mining magnate and businesswoman owning 23 million acres estimated worth over 30 billion. Keep in mind the Windors control Australia. According to most sources, the 5th largest landowner in the world is considered to be the Inuvialuit people of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in Canada. This group owns over 22 million acres of land in the northern Yukon and Northwest Territories. According to most reports, the 6th largest landowner in the world is the Irving Family. The Irving family, owners of J.D. Irving Ltd., manage 1.9 million acres of forested land in Canada and the U.S. Their holdings are primarily used for timber and paper production, making them a powerhouse in sustainable forestry. According to most sources, the 7th largest landowner in the world is the Australian Agricultural Company, with the majority ownership held by British billionaire Joe Lewis; making him the primary figure associated with this large landholding of 17 million acres or 1% of Australia’s land mass. According to most reports, the 8th largest landowner in the world is the Singleton Family. The Singleton Family is often listed as the 8th largest landowner based on data from "The Land Report" which indicates they own around 1.1 million acres of land. The Singleton family is thought to have originated in England and immigrated to Virginia in the early days of American settlement. According to most sources, the 10th largest landowner in the world is the Handbury Group, which owns properties like "The Rises" in Western Australia and "Swinging Shovel" in South Australia. The Handbury Group is a large landowning company in Australia, recognized as one of the biggest private landowners in the world, primarily known for owning properties like "Swinging Shovel" in South Australia and "The Rises" in Western Australia; the family behind the group are the Handburys, with notable members including Paddy Handbury, who is related to media mogul Rupert Murdoch who owns 2 million acres of land.
All Australian and Britain companies and families own the largest masses of land except for the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation of Canada. The IRC was created to manage the affairs of the Inuvialuit settlement and to improve their economic, social, and cultural well-being. The IRC's mandate comes from the Inuvialuit Final Agreement, which was created to ensure that the Inuvialuit people have control over their land and resources. The Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee (ICPC) was founded on the principle that an equal partnership between Inuit and the Crown is essential to reconciliation. The Committee meets three times a year. Once a year, it is co-chaired by the Prime Minister and the President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. So, the Crown controls this land mass along with the Eskimos. This land mass the northern Canada which stretches all the way up the side of Greenland. The reason I bring up the 10 largest land owners worldwide is to prove that the Windsor Family owns more land than anyone else and I believe every one of those independent land owners are working with the Crown. I am reminded of the video that I saw of King Charles mentioning the Antichrist. Watch this:
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