NYC halal worker catches pigeon, UK child grooming and raping cover up, illegal lightbulbs in CA

2 months ago

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Intro to Earth vs the Flying Saucers Movie (1956)

I Meme Therefore I Am on X and New York Post on X - NYC halal food cart worker caught catching a pigeon with his bare hands and returning to his food cart with it

Bilbro Baggins on X - showing magic tricks

Great Britain News, GBN - Camilla Tominey "I'm not going to call them grooming gangs I'm going to call them child rape gangs"

NEWSMAX - Jordan Peterson - "This is the Worst Scandal I've ever heard of on UK child abuse cover-up"

Nature is Amazing ☘️ on X "If you're having a bad day, watch this"

realmomsofconejo on TikTok - illegal light bulbs in California

MSNBC - "Trump will be the first felon to serve as President"

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