Central intel

2 months ago

This man Tommy Clayton. Who is central intelligence. I’m guessing deactivated due to injuries. He seems almost desperate and angry. About getting his truth out for the masses. He says he has only been on Tik Tok for a couple days. He is already shadow ban. And they took down a video of just a photo. Of Hillary Clinton’s book. He thinks it’s because it is for sale for 99 cents.
He seems new to the facts. Of having to watch what you say online. Telegram, Rumble, Internet archive and X. Are the only places you can ALMOST say what you want.
I’m praying for this guy. I think he may be saying more than the powers that be. Want anyone to say. But I don’t think we have long. Before non of that matters anymore.
His videos are free To download. As many are. I think he is desperate to get this stuff out into the world.

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