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  • yep...Ryan Dawson was Uncle Ted's pen pal.

  • I love the Stoic philosophy from our ancient ancestors. I gravitate to those of that architype nature. You 3, sure have that deep in your Spirit consciousness. I think anyone who possesses that architype within their nature is here to fine tune those principles. The modern day philosophy is crap and a dumb down version of that ancient mindset and character. Be aware of the "ism's" in modern day age. The "ism's" are a word play that developed by the social engineers (Club of Rome) mid 1800's prior to the last cataclysm in 1902 to usher in the destruction of the mind and character for the "Industrialized Revolution" to demonize everything natural and good. For example; Community - Communism.....Social - Socialism....Race - Racism....Material - Materialism....Spiritual - Spiritualism....etc....This is black magic psyche sorcery. The parasite class took what was pure changed up the word and basterized the meanings. This was not taught in school, all by design. They are changing words and meanings now right under our nose for after the next cataclysm RESET. I would like to meet y'all one day and shake your hand with a hug. I painted a canvas for each of you that came into my imagination symbolic that I would like to give to each of you. Maybe if you go on tour again, we can have a camp out in nature with community discussions, day time fun, a bon fire, a few acoustics and plenty of dark humor laughs that modern day society seems to have sacrificed for their materialistic technocratic Cloud Clown fake world. Much Respect guys!

  • Historical Data is Calendrics....This awesome presentation will reveal to you the programmed structure we live in and the repeated timelines and patterns of said programming. In addition, it will reveal how the masses participate in their programming and what is forthcoming for 2025. Suspend your disbelief and open your minds to the historical data as presented. It will remove a lot of your programming and anxiety that the controllers are playing out so you can get on with your lives and build strong communities with people who don't fall for the programming timelines. Sharing is caring folks....This presentation is for those who CARE because they are AWARE and don't participate in a perceived reality. They live within their true Devine Nature in service to others not the program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcEpviLV8a8

  • Sharing is caring....Who doesn't love their dogs. Spell dog backwards....HAHAHA!! Man's loyal unconditional and fierce protector. I don't take my dog to a Vet unless there is serious injury that requires surgery. I have the same mindset for any medical practice where Big Pharma is profit not the cure. I have treated my dog's ear infection, skin rash and arthritis naturally. She is now 13 years and in fine health thanks to holistic practice without chemical injection or drugs. This Veterinarian left Corporate allopathic medical practice and has been demonized for natural cures for our best friends. The programming is real folks and we must get back to Natural Health and Wellness, humans and our pets alike. The choice is yours to make. I'm not here to convince anyone rather share because I care. We are ruled by a Death Cult the Adversary to natural Devine source of life we all have within us that the Creator gave to us to thrive found in nature. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE_g8IIrh-A

  • Pet vaccination KNOWledge....Frequency of injections is not necessary. Pets are dying much younger and getting cancer from frequency of vaccination side effects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj9O3tkILew

  • 👻👻👻👻👻