UK Woman Gets Spat On By A Migrant… Cops Are More Upset With Her 'Offensive' Description Of The Perp

2 months ago

Posted • January 5, 2025: I say all the time that I want to return to London, which I visited the month before 9/11. My wife always assures me that no, I don't, because it's not the same city It was. I and the other editors here at Twitchy have done plenty of posts on people being arrested in Britain over social media posts. Just two days ago, our own Laura W. wrote a post on police arresting a man because his social media posts had caused some unnamed person to experience "anxiety." British police capture and arrest an elderly man because some of his social media posts caused someone anxiety. -- Look how many cops they sent. A day later, another video went up of British authorities visiting someone at home and inviting them to the police station to discuss a Facebook post that was considered "malicious communications."

🇬🇧 Britains Social Media Police: “Part of these investigations is me coming to interview you over a post on Facebook.” - “At the moment I’m leaving it open for a voluntary interview.” -- Just imagine how much time it takes the British Police to conduct these investigations into Social Media Posts. -- "… into Social Media Posts." That's a serious question. They looked the other way while grooming gangs raped young girls, but they have the personnel to monitor Facebook for malicious posts. At least they didn't put this guy in cuffs … his interview by the police is "voluntary." He's got a good question: Why can't they interview him about it then and there? There are two cops at his door. But no, they want to haul him down to the station to do a proper interview. About a Facebook post. -- I've asked before, but how can these police carry out these raids in good consciousness? They are just following orders. 🤮

If a police officer ever says come down to the station voluntarily, always take legal representation with you. Because they might say the word voluntary, but it's about as official as you can get. Voluntary? Don't attend. I'm sure it's voluntary, but if he doesn't show, they'll come back and arrest him. What an absolute waste of government resources. Are we really prioritizing social media posts over more pressing issues if police are dedicating resources to these investigations? Good Lord, they did take George Orwell's 1984 as an instruction manual. Still cant believe this is a thing. Get rid of the monarchy and get a bill of rights. Did wonders for America. We don't appreciate the First and Second Amendments enough. After I finished writing this post, I went back to X and found this: English law enforcement are such an embarrassing group of people. Woman gets spat on by a migrant and they're more concerned with her "offensive" description of the perp. 🤦‍♀️ Sad. England is lost.

Rumble: Absolute Disgrace: Watch As British Man Is Arrested Because His Social Media Posts 'Caused Anxiety'
Rumble: Here Are Britain's Social Media Police At Work Again Over A 'Malicious' Facebook Post

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