UNIT Perverted Pride.

2 months ago

Note: all tracks recorded under the names Academy 23 or UNIT are the property of DNA Records and protected by copyright, regardless of who wrote the works concerned. This is a track from our 50th album ‘E Pluribus Unum’.

All you lesbian women and homosexual men:
don’t you ever feel embarrassed every now and then
when you see a high school teacher tell a little child
that being ‘gay’ is normal? Such scum should be reviled!

If you value who you are, your sense of self resolved,
that’s fine by me provided children are never involved.
Marching through our streets without a hint of any shame
you call ‘gay pride’ but I can give it quite another name.

How can you be ‘proud’ to be a freak,
an accident of nature, so to speak?
What you all are cannot be denied
behind whichever flag you choose to hide.

You tell us all you desire is ‘equality’
but special treatment’s what you really want, it seems to me.
Judeo-Christian principles provide our set of rules
so your ‘gay pride’ flags and banners have no place inside our schools.

Text & Music: Andy Martin.

If you are interested in the work of 2 earlier groups, The Apostles (1982-1989) and Academy 23 (1990-1997), each related to certain members of UNIT, their complete recorded works can now be found on our Bit Chute channel. Type Bit Chute Andy Martin to locate it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The paypal address is now ctmurrell1970@gmail.com.

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