IF The Earth Could speak

2 months ago

if the planet its self could talk about humanity would it be good just like how the abridged version of dbz krillon said just because we all live here the planet didn't consent for use to do all the horrible thigs we all have been doing but what is it and any other celestial body would think the same thing that humans are no more then destructive and to its self no less then a baby with a bomb Moses, Noah, lot and the other 25 of goods chosen where ridiculed and out of the 124,000 prophets went with there follow humans and there idol worship but to those who think you are doing something different you are not someone before you was doing the same thing someone after you will be singing the same tune god has let everyone knows that replacing humans is just a thunderbolt & storm or a hug catastrophe away from being modern humans back to the stone age where tech, money, net worth, politicians, celebrities are just back to people trying to prays the one god master of all worlds but let the jinn and man believe that they are higher this be a waring to all the stories are cautionary tails but if i had to choose i be on the one who can take your sight with the wind for god gives gifts and favors it just seem dementia is humanity's best friend so is being ungrateful humans bread and butter if it applies let it fly if you want to deny here a slice of humble pie

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