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Col. John Mills: “This Is A Chinese Malign Influence That Could Topple South Korea.”

2 months ago

Aired On: 1/4/2025


  • 0/2000
  • We need to get our military and businesses out of ALL of these countries and start fighting the real enemies: the deep state and the globalists.

  • I'm Korean Canadian currently residing in Korea. Everything said in the report (except for the numbers of chinese nationals participating in Anti-President rallies) are accurate.

  • china runs the white house threw cia obama biden and the global mafia ....it stops in 2 weeks

  • I am South Korean. South Koreans want to stop Lee Jae Myeong and CCP. We support the president Yoon and his heroic activity. The politicians of Korean Democratic Party, Constitutional court, Election commision and many of the heads of polices are seemed to got China money. We lack forces. We need USA's interference to stop China's dominence over Korea. USA, Japan are South Korea's closest allies. If China takes South Korea, China will use our weapons against Japan, Taiwan and USA.

  • im korean, i agree 99% on this video, The forces that oppose the president are a trade union, feminists, lgbtq

  • Chinese Embassy in Korea released a warning chinese resident in Korea to NOT participate in political rally Jan 4th. What do you think that means? Col. Mills may have been wrong about other things, not on this on this report.

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  • South Korea currently has about 2-3 mil Chinese nationals in Korea at all times anyway. Flying hundreds of chinese to Korea happens everyday anyway.

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  • China exerts influence on South Korea. The attempt to impeach the South Korean president was orchestrated by the pro-China leftist party that was elected through fraud. The pro-China leftist party in South Korea attempted to impeach the administration nearly 30 times. As a result, the president legally declared martial law in an emergency similar to wartime. When the president investigated the election agency under martial law, the leftist party impeached the president and even the acting president, and issued illegal warrants to threaten the president. Legally, the president cannot be arrested. The leftist party in South Korea should be punished for inciting rebellion. All media in South Korea have long been pro-China and are participating in crimes.

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  • ‪Please help Korea. The court just allowed the 2nd arrest for President Yoon. Police and Military are coming! We can't stop them because everything is so corrupted

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  • If USA helps Korea defeat China's malign influence over South Korea, South Korea will allways be USA's greatest friend and use our force in the upcoming world war 3 to help USA.

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  • I sincerely hope people around the world take notice: China, driven by insatiable greed, seems determined to seize everything in its path. The United States, South Korea, Ghana... how many nations are grappling with the consequences of fraudulent elections? Please do not take lightly the gradual encroachment by communists. By the time you realize it, it may already be too late to reclaim what is yours. Korean people have placed too much trust in the media. As a result, they now face the risk of losing everything, including their voting rights, to China. Chinese individuals are pretending to be Koreans online, spreading propaganda, and unlawfully participating in gatherings to manipulate public opinion. Despite these tactics, the majority of South Korean citizens are now speaking up, refusing to be deceived by such schemes. The people of South Korea will fight to the end for their rights and their future.

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  • This has needed to happen fot a long time.They have sent many salvos over our head many times without an answer.

  • If the Conservatives in South Korea are outnumbered by a large majority, what can their prospects be?

  • What's happened to War Room? The same shows are posted for days without a lot of new content.

  • Yes, there are Chinese people protesting, and it seems that the Chinese government is pretending to be Koreans and participating in the protests. Today, one group was confirmed to be Chinese. Korea is in a very serious situation. The CCP, the Korean Communist Democratic Party, and pro-American forces are fighting, but the CCP's direct and indirect support is too strong. The media is pro-China due to Chinese influence and money, and they take one side unilaterally. We are fighting as best we can, but we may need the attention and support of the world and pro-Western countries. The Korean Communist Democratic Party wants to fight the security forces with armed police to illegally arrest the president. They believe that President Yoon should be arrested before Trump's inauguration. Bloodshed could break out soon.