Dem Double-Think: C-SPAN Caller Hates 'Insurrectionist' Trump But Craves An Insurrection Against Him

2 days ago

Posted • January 4, 2025: A C-SPAN caller from California’s contradicting comment has many people scratching their heads Friday. The man says he can’t support an insurrectionist (meaning President-Elect Donald Trump), but adds he supports Democrats staging an insurrection against him. Say what? Hear for yourself. -- “I cannot support an insurrectionist — I just can’t. And I would really love to see Democrats and Independents do an insurrection on Donald Trump.” -- The Democrat Party's voter base in a nutshell. When these words came out of his mouth, why didn't his brain melt down due to the logical contradiction? This isn't even cognitive dissonance. This is stage 4 TDS. Some say holding these contradictory thoughts in his head at the same time would make George Orwell leap from his grave and say, ‘I told you so!’ What an hypocritical idiot! "I can't support an insurrectionist, but let's do an insurrection against Trump." Do they even hear themselves?!! 🤦‍♀️

Democrats: "It's not an insurrection when we do it…" Ah yes, the 'I can't support an insurrectionist, but I can suggest one' paradox… a masterclass in advanced mental gymnastics. It's not cognitive dissonance; it's Olympic-level irony, and they're going for gold. “I can’t support an insurrectionist, but I aspire to be an insurrectionist.” Some were astounded he could be against something while simultaneously being for it in the same sentence. That’s pretty impressive! I hope someone played this back so this clown can hear what he said. How stupid are people really? It's a perfect example Orwell's doublethink. It demonstrates a person's inability to think and reason independently. He's been captured by the Party. And the logic of someone with a personality disorder. The hypocrisy in the same sentence is astounding. Studies have shown the Left doesn't understand hypocrisy… it's science. Thank God they haven’t learned from their mistakes.

Democrats and others on left are not handling Trump’s re-election well. They have learned nothing from their loss. Expect even more abandonments of logic and reason as his term begins and his agenda works its way through Congress. Prepare for maximum lunacy. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Dem Double-Think: C-SPAN Caller Hates ‘Insurrectionist’ Trump but Craves an Insurrection Against Him

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