Chuck Schumer's Done Trusting Voters To 'Protect Democracy' (Guess Who He's Looking To NOW)

2 days ago

Posted • January 3, 2025: Before the November election the Harris campaign and Democrats were calling on voters to "save democracy" by voting for a particular candidate for president. Of course, by "democracy" they meant "Democrats." It didn't go well for them. -- Photo taken at Atlanta area dump today. Unpackaged Harris Walz yard signs— never to see the light of day like Harris’s presidency. -- Democrats like Sen. Chuck Schumer didn't like what voters democratically decided on election day, so now he's found others who have been assigned to "protect democracy": Senator Chuck Schumer on the Biden-Harris administration confirming a total of 235 federal judges: “These judges will be the shield that protects democracy.” -- "Shield that protects democracy" = Activist liberal/left judges.

By ‘shield’ Chuck means unconstitutional rulings that will be used to block a president implementing his agenda even though he won the popular vote. Democrats hate the will of the people. Democracy picked Trump. Political weasles like Schumer make it clear on a regular basis that "democracy" doesn't exist unless the Democrats win. And it's not just the presidency: President Biden is spending his final weeks in office undermining the Supreme Court and questioning its legitimacy: “It’s all about preserving the Constitution…The institutions are in jeopardy, in my view. And some of the decisions coming down, to me, made no constitutional sense.” If the Supreme Court doesn’t do exactly what Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Dick Durbin demand — then it’s illegitimate according to them. The Dems who are always lecturing about the Constitution and "rule of law" have proven beyond a doubt they are the biggest threats to both of those things.

Twitchy: Chuck Schumer's Done Trusting VOTERS to 'Protect Democracy' (Guess Who He's Looking to NOW)
Rumble: Sen. John Kennedy Calls Out One Of Biden's Confirmed California District Judges
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