Exposing the Hidden Agendas Behind COVID-19 - Debbie Lerman

1 month ago

***Must See → **Very Important to Know this. EVERYONE needs to know this. This is Good.

“One of the Most Ingenuous aspects of the Global Covid Operation is that it was so Brazen, so Extreme, so Huge, so Inconceivable, that it can actually hide behind it’s own Impossibility.” – Debbie Lerman.

You can read this full description here for future to bookmark for future reference --> https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/exposing-hidden-agendas-behind-covid-19.html

Debbie Lerman did some excellent research to discover the heirarchy of government control and the hidden agendas behind COVID-19.

Did scarf lady, Debora Birx have more authority than Anthony Fauci?

Just how much power if any does the President of the United States have?

Who was really behind COVID? Was it really China?

One of the things we all thought about when the media went Ape Sh*t over Covid is “ if I get this, am I going to die?”

A lot of us actually thought this because of the FEAR – (False Evidence Appearing Real) that media was instilling. The media literally influenced people into believing that they would die if they got this “deadly” contagious viral infection.

Then of course, they had Operation Warp Speed to achieve the “solution” that would ease the mass hysteria.

The media was talking about tens of thousands of people could die. But when you think of it, in the flu year of 2017 – 2018, there were over 50,000 deaths. Most do not know these numbers, so when the media said there could be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of death, that scared the hell out of people.

The US has roughly 325 million people – say 100,000 people died, that is less than .0001% of the population.

It was basically just like the flu – in fact the flu numbers were included in the Covid numbers because the flu just magically disappeared in 2020.

The point – this was FEAR PROPAGANDA.

There was NO reason whatsoever to quickly develop an UNTESTED, EXPERIMENTAL Novel mRNA vaccine and mandate it. That is exactly why the Nuremberg Code was written. And yes, this was a violation of the Nuremberg Code. Those who violate, the punishment can be death.

This was a FABRICATED Emergency. In other words, it was a FAKE Emergency.

It was a way to get these mRNA drugs approved very quickly without being tested for safety and efficacy so the criminals running the governments could reap in the profits.

Fake Wars used to be their way of robbing the tax payers. Now, they have learned that fake Pandemics can be even much more profitable.

Biotech – what does Biotech mean?

Biotech is using biological systems and processes to do something that is useful in humans.

They are Weaponizing Health just as they once did Nations with weapons to fight each other. It is still war, just a bit different as they are using lab made viruses and mRNA “vaccines” on the masses.

What easier way to steal the wealth of nations? A silent war on the global population in disguise as being the savior of the population. It is one grand illusion.

It’s just a game about how they can fool the masses into believing the emergency pandemics that they declare are real and they want to “normalize” them. They would love a good pandemic about every 5 to 8 years to reload their bank accounts.

Just a note: in the future they will have bioweapon wars by “Bioweapon Terrorists” and they will be go to Drones to do testing with their super reliable PCR tests and will have Self-Spreading Vaccines and Self-Amplifying mRNA’s. Watch this → ***Self-Spreading Vaccines, Drone Surveillance & Self-Amplifying mRNA – CDC & Johns Hopkins Playbook -- https://rumble.com/v65c2va-self-spreading-vaccines-drone-surveillance-and-self-amplifying-mrna-cdc-and.html & on Blog -- https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/self-spreading-vaccines-drone.html

There were 500 new Billionaires created during the pandemic.

Elon Musks wealth grew by close to a Half TRILLION Dollars since 2019.

In 2024 alone, Elon Musk averaged over $500 MILLION every single day of the year. Think about that. These tyrants, eugenicists, transhumanists, technocrats are getting so wealthy, they will be able to buy up all the land in the coming decades and leave the peasants to their mercy in “smart cities” to be under constant surveillance and control.

This is the Global Elites way of playing with matches around refineries of gasoline. It’s a very dangerous game because they really do fund gain of function and they really are playing with real viruses and manipulating / engineering them to be more contagious and lethal to humans and for that matter, more able to pass from animals to humans.

There are two streams that lead to Pandemic Response: One is a public health stream and one is National Security.

The Public Health Stream is about Naturally occurring outbreaks of Diseases.

The National Security Stream is about Bioweapons.

A Bioweapon is defined as pathogens that occur naturally but are released intentionally that leads to disease and death.

After the Anthrax attacks – a week after 9/11, Billions of dollars began flooding into Biodefense.

This led to a Partnership with the Pharmaceutical Industry to develop “Countermeasures.”

Countermeasures are what is used when there is Biological Warfare. As mentioned earlier, this is the plan of the One World Government.

On the other side – The Public Health Stream they diagnose cases of disease and make decisions according to each case. If a person – “case” needs isolation, then that may be recommended. If hospital capacity needs to be increased it will be increased.

The main goal of public health is keep everyone calm and keep the anxiety / fear levels low.

This was the protocol they were following for the first two months of Covid.

On February 27, 2020 this switched to a public lockdown until vaccine message. This is a Bio-response to a Bioweapon or Bioterror attack.

Were we told this?

No. Fauci did everything in his power to say this came from some Bat in China and covered everything up. Watch this to learn about how he did this → ***Thank You Dr. Fauci – Jenner Furst --https://rumble.com/v6571ts-thank-you-dr.-fauci-jenner-furst.html & on Blog → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/thank-you-dr-fauci-jenner-furst.html

This was the first ever “outbreak” in which Bio-Terror – Bio-Response was put in force and “Countermeasures” were ordered.

What changed? Why did they take this route all of a sudden?

Debbie Lerman says that global structures evolved and public – private partnerships were formed.

So, what is a Public – Private Partnership?

That is when the public agencies that are supposed to be looking out for our best interests partner with private corporations that are responsible to their shareholders.

In other words, our public agencies have just merged with the private Big Pharma Industrial Complex.

That merging is a MAJOR conflict of interest, which is bypassed – meaning, our public agencies like the CDC, FDA, NIH, AMA are no longer representing the people and protecting the people.

Public Agencies should be as FAR away from Private Corporation Industry as possible. That’s not what happened.

Now, there is no longer any agency protecting the public interest. It’s now all controlled by Big Money interest.

This is Global Corporatism – the public agencies are now operating in tandem with the private corporations all to expand their power and their control. They have become one big giant monster entity. It is no longer public or private – it is public/private partnership.

Fauci wasn’t the man in charge. He was just a man like Trump, chosen to perform a specific role. His role was to sell the policy, he was the public relations face of the policy.

Deborah Birx is a representative of the National Security State.

The Government Agency that was in charge was the National Security Council.

Didn’t you all wonder like me, why that lady always weaing a scarf with right up there with Trump and Fauci?

The National Security Council is definded as the leaders of the Military Intelligence arm of Government that advise the President on National Security. *This was the definition BEFORE Covid.

Now, anything that requires “National Coordination” will be under the authority of the National Security Council.

Public Health has been merged / incorporated into this under what they call Bio-Security Framework.

Biosecurity Framework / Biodefense Framework– is based on a biodefense response to pathogenic outbreaks, which is Lockdowns until Countermeasures.

This was supposed to be at a much smaller scale, like an Antrax attack in which they could shut down the city until it was deemed safe. It was a temporary deal and was limited to specific locations geographically.

EUA – Emergency Use Authorization of Countermeasures was originally supposed to be for small locational attacks and was meant for TRUE DIRE Emergencies in which there really wasn’t any other kind of “countmeasure” availabe.

Now, it is being totally misused and abused – AGAINST the public, such as in COVID-19.

It is now a main tool for when the government pulls a false flag operation.

This Biodefense Framework – the protocol, is being applied to the whole world.

This is completely against Science, Medicine and Public Health. It’s truly insane.

The WHO is doing this on a global scale.

Public health is just a fiction.

In the Declared National Emergency – FEMA became the lead Federal Agency and Department of Health and Human Services were left completely out.

Every country in the World did the very same thing with the exception of ONE country. Sweden.

The WHO, their partners in crime, the UN and the WEF team up to “consult” to all World Governing bodies.

The WHO were the ones running the “Pandemic Response.” They were the ones giving the instructions.

Why would all the countries follow what the WHO was saying?

The WHO invoked Intelligence and Military Defense Treaties with the United States, New Zealand, Canada, Australia and the UK – they have this “Intelligence” agreement and the same is true with all NATO countries.

Is this not a One World Order already?

Which country is not involved or a member of NATO? Sweden.

So, you have all of these “Partnerships” – and you have all these divisions within divisions, the NSC, Homeland Security, FEMA, Department of Defense, Military, NHS, HHS, FDA, CDC, WHO, UN, WEF, NATO – who is really in charge?

Then you have offices like the President of the USA.

How much authority did President Trump have? Trump had absolutely NO Power during the Covid Pandemic. NONE.

Trump was tweeting things like “We must open up.”

Well, if he had any authority he could just order the USA to be released from the Lockdowns. He couldn’t do this because he was not in charge.

That should have told everyone right then and there that something is amiss here. Why is tweeting the we should open the country back up when he is the President. He is acting like a citizen tweeting to their president to tell their president to stop the Lockdowns.

Scott Atlas, who was on Trump’s task force said that Trump said “We all know who actually is the problem and it’s not Fauci, it’s Deborah Birx.”

Deborah Birx was the one who was taking orders from the National Security Council.

NATO – how could NATO be responding to a Naturally occurring Virus? Nato is a military alliance.

NATO would only be involved if it was a Bioweapons attack.

The Dutch minister actually said they were following NATO orders during COVID.

This was the PSYOP of all PSYOPS.

The very ones that were likely in the KNOW on all of this were the ones giving orders on how to deal with it.

It’s like a man accused of murder going to trial and he is his own jury.

“Public” Health Officials were not in charge, they were taking orders and if they disagreed with the orders and questioned them, they were either censored or removed from their positions and replaced with a “ball player.”

As mentioned previously, the US Military Industrial Complex used to depend on Wars to gain more wealth, power and control, now they are moving to Viral Pandemics & Countermeasuress to gain more wealth, control and power.

It’s a new way of robbing the tax payers and conditioning the minds of the masses to confirm with tyrany.

We are now entering a perpetual state of global pandemics, this was just the beginning, they have man more planned. They will use “Emergencies” as their main tool of control and authority to develop and dispense their countermeasures.

The government used their psychological expert units to creat propaganda that everyone needed to be vaccinated as it would help get back to normal and help protect everone else. They ALWAYS say it’s for the “Greater Good.”

There are still people out there that think this way and this is why information like this have to be shared. People are still sleeping and still believe everything they see on the Nightly news.

You find much more Truth in Sci-Fi movies than on the evening news.

If you look back at the Propaganda on the news, you now can clearly see that this was a coordinated, planned event. They were prepped for this. They worked in Lockstep.

If Trump didn’t know before that he would be able to do very, very little as a President, he definitely knows now. He knows he can make a lot of money just being the chosen figurehead of the Corporation of the United States.

But, Trump knew. He knows he has no say in what the Global Elites do. He is buddy, buddy with one of them, Elon Musk, who openly is for the New World Order, who is openly for depopulation and owning everything we have.

Watch this on Elon Musk → Why Would Elon Musk Were a Suit with the Words “Novus Ordo Seclorum”? -- https://rumble.com/v5ikk5p-why-would-elon-musk-were-a-suit-with-the-words-novus-ordo-seclorum.html

It is sad to know, to wake up and realize that Trump is just a puppet figurehead playing with all of us. And he has to know this himself. Which I totally believe he was chosen decades ago to play this role, but hey, what do I know, just take a look at Source #6 below to find out what I do know.

Trump knows he is not the boss.

ABOUT Debbie Lerman:

Debbie Lerman explains how the world worked together in Lockstep to push this fear porn on the entire world.

Debbie Lerman is a Brownstone Institute Fellow and retired science writer.

Debbie exposes the hidden agendas behind COVID-19.

Drawing from her research in The Catastrophic COVID Convergence series, Debbie breaks down how National Security priorities reshaped the pandemic response and the lasting consequences of intertwining health with power.

Lockdowns, mandates, and the weaponization of health—where did these pandemic policies really come from, and what do they mean for the future of public health and national security?

This is an eye-opening discussion on the policies that changed the world and what we can expect in the future.


1. FLCCC Alliance -- htps://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/FLCCC-WEBINAR-121824_FINAL:6

2. ELON MUSK – My Elon Musk Rumble Videos & Blogs


3. ***Thank You Dr. Fauci – Jenner Furst --https://rumble.com/v6571ts-thank-you-dr.-fauci-jenner-furst.html & on Blog → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/thank-you-dr-fauci-jenner-furst.html

4. ***Self-Spreading Vaccines, Drone Surveillance & Self-Amplifying mRNA – CDC & Johns Hopkins Playbook -- https://rumble.com/v65c2va-self-spreading-vaccines-drone-surveillance-and-self-amplifying-mrna-cdc-and.html & on Blog -- https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2025/01/self-spreading-vaccines-drone.html

5. ***THE GREAT SETUP: How & Who Pulled off the Covid-19 Plandemic – Part II of II – by Dr. David Martin -- https://rumble.com/v4ff0uu-the-great-setup-how-and-who-pulled-off-the-covid-19-plandemic-part-ii-of-ii.html

This is Part II of II.

The Great Setup Part I can be found here → https://rumble.com/v4feiw9-the-great-setup-dr.-david-martin-how-and-who-pulled-off-the-covid-19-plande.html

6. View the Topics of Trump Rumble Truther Videos – https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2024/10/trump-truther-rumble-videos.html


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***PLEASE FOLLOW My BLOG → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/

END. 1/7/2025 3:00 PM


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