Learning: Nim Part 2

2 months ago

Streamed on 2025-01-03 (https://www.twitch.tv/thediscouragerofhesitancy)

Today we played some more with Nim on the old Advent of Code for 2021. Not much to report. We made it through the Day 5 puzzle without too much trouble (learning the difference between ref and ptr in Nim ... still not 100% comfortable with which is used when).

The Day 6 puzzle was easily solved for part 1 with good old fashioned brute force, but part 2 of it gets too big, so we have to come up with something more clever. I played around for a bit, but didn't get it solved before I had to end the stream. I probably should have drawn myself some pictures and worked by hand some smaller examples. But in the end it isn't Nim holding me back, just my sleep-deprived, over-sugared, streamer brain.

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