Man Has Serious Case Of Height Fright

6 years ago

A man named Keith experiences a sudden bout of acrophobia at the top of Blackpool Tower with amusing results.

It is a bright sunning day in Blackpool, England. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and a middle-aged gentleman named Keith has decided to make a trip to the top of Blackpool Tower to enjoy the spectacular view of the surrounding area. Unfortunately for Keith, it turns out that high places are not exactly his cup of tea. As we now discover, our protagonist has acrophobia, a fear of heights, and it appears that the top of a tower is the last place that he would like to be right now.

The sparkling blue sea and the spectacular view of the horizon do little to dampen poor old Keith’s fears. Keith shows very little interest in the surrounding views, choosing instead to cling on tightly to the red walls of Blackpool tower, and slowly shuffling his way back towards the exit. He appears to be smiling and putting on a brave face, but grimaces and keeps his face to the wall, trying to avoid looking down at the ground below him.

The person filming poor Keith’s predicament, presumably his friend, appears to find the situation quite hilarious. He does little to help Keith and continues to laugh at his misfortune as he hugs the wall of the tower in desperation. The whole situation seems ludicrous to him and he seems to be taking great pleasure is watching Keith struggling with every step as he makes the way to the exit.

When the focus is not on Keith, the video offers a few glimpses of the view available from the top of Blackpool Tower. It appears to be a rather fine day to be outside, with clear blue skies allowing visitors other than Keith, the enjoy the wonderful scenery that Blackpool has to offer. While apparently none of this does appear to be of any interest at all to poor Keith, it certainly does look like Blackpool Tower is an attraction well worth going to for people planning a visit to Blackpool.

At around the fifty-two-second mark, we see a woman and a small child also at the top of the tower. In stark contrast to Keith, they seem to be calmly enjoying the view, oblivious to the commotion happening around them. The video concludes with Keith, straining and wincing in fear, reaching his friend who is still laughing uncontrollably at his predicament.

While it is highly unlikely that Keith will visit Blackpool Tower again anytime soon, it is good to see that he has survived his brush with fear without suffering any harm other than a bruised ego. Keith’s misfortune seems to have proven highly amusing to his friend, so perhaps he can take some comfort that his experience was not entirely bad, well, at least not for him.

It is a short but funny video, offering some good laughs as well as some unique views of Blackpool and its surrounding areas. Hopefully, Keith will be able to look back at this video and have a laugh as well.

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