An Air of Optimism for 2025: Can You Feel It?

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Pressing into 2025: Pastor Jack explains why he believes there is an air of optimism surrounding us as we head into this new year.
Abraham Lincoln’s disappointments and struggles eventually led to great success. We too have been hurdling disappointments – but there is a new day coming and 2025
looks like it may hold that day, Get your GPS from God
Pastor Jack has a Trinity of Heroes - People who were used tremendously by God: Lincoln, Washington and Samuel Adams – he explains why.

There ism a revival among Young People searching for truth. Youth are tired of being lied to. Many others have gone through struggles and growth recently. But that was for a purpose. Romans 8:18: "I consider thatour present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 28:And we know that in all things God works for the goodof those who love him, who[⁠i⁠]have been calledaccording to his purpose." What God does regarding those who love Him.

Join Jack and over a million others January 1st: LIFT
Daily Prayer: 5–10 minutes each day. Believers from around the world unite in prayer! What to Expect: Daily prayers that are rooted in Scripture for mercy, grace, healing, peace, guidance, and strength. Interactive participation: Leave your prayer requests and join in as we pray for each other. How to Get Involved: ⁠⁠ Facebook: Jack Hibbs
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** This interview first aired when Rose sat in for Hannity Dec. 30th 2024..⁠
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