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Col. John Mills On Radical Islamic Terrorism Infiltrating The U.S. Military

2 months ago

“This Is The Fruit Of DEI And CRT.”

Aired On: 1/2/2025


  • 0/2000
  • Fuck ISIS Fuck AQ Fuck MB But guess what? They are not the same. Anyone with any actual understanding of ME politics knows that AQ/ISIS are bitter enemies of the MB. The MB infiltration narrative was dropped when Obama left office and now that Bannon's Israeli allies are getting criticized by the right for the first time, the decision has been made to circle the wagons with this story again. Fuck Muslims. But they simply are not a serious threat to the country. Is Islamic terrorism real? Yes. Is the military full of Muslim terrorists? No. This attack is being pounced on as away to curry support for Israel. It really is that simple. These clowns are trying to link the border issues (the real issue) with Islamic extremism so they convert MAGA into a pro-Israel grouping for good. You can see the media rollout of this strategy (the CIA officer who was on Shawn Ryan's podcast is a good example of this).

  • So why didn’t the guy in the Tesla set a timer to give himself a chance to get far away and then have the bomb or fireworks or whatever they are go off? If this was planned, why in God‘s name did he decide to take his own life

  • they need to stop taking refugees to our military bases.. training?

  • Mossad runs and uses the Moslem Brotherhood.

  • John Brennan has been in the WH since 2021 with Biden as a Special Advisor for the Middle East - it was in the News briefly then disappeared after the Afghanistan Mess ; Nowhere to be seen - But Guaranteed Brennan hasnt gone Anywhere he lives in DC - Its not on his Wiki page where he had a lot of nonsense now temived about his education and awards and tenures in eg the Dean of an University In Ireland ( A Spy School ) Hes A Monster he was Removed as Head of the CIA in 2003/ For Corruption --CONGRESS Actually Voted To Impeachment / and he resigned all the trillions hes stolen have bern used in places to build up his sick ego as an intellectual - All BS

  • Yeah, its because Israel (through HIAS and others) sends all the terrorists they create to America and Western Europe. Its called forced resettlement. NO, WE ARE NOT GOING TO INVADE IRAN FOR SATANYAHU zionism is cancer

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  • SICK

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  • Are the intel agencies corrupt? Yes. Are they infiltrated by the MB? No. Bannon knows this but for understandable reasons he had to pick a side in the Mossad-Likud civil war. There is no infiltration because the CIA owns the MB. Just look into what happened in Libya under Obama and what is just went down in Syria. The idea that the MB is somehow inside the agency is such horseshit. There is a relationship there but it is not because the intelligence heads are trying to implement Sharia law. They deal with everyone from the cartels to the mafia. This is just how the shadowy world of intelligence works and I would be against the CIA cutting communication with the cartels because that would be counter to controlling what happens in Mexico. I support Bannon and I understand that he is playing a cunning political game on behalf of American workers by siding with the Likudniks but listeners should keep their eyes open to the reality that the issue with the deep state is not the fact they are secretly working for Erdogan.

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  • This guy is jewish, he's distracting from the real infiltration of all our institutions by jewish Israeli MOSSAD agents

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  • Don't ask don't tell remember ????what sperm burping president made that happen ??? you're all a special kinda stupid .....this war folks act like it !!!

  • mk ultra?

  • DEI is a recipe for failure and anyone who has not been brainwashed can see it plainly. Set asides for certain skin color and women were taking hold when I started looking for employment right after four years in the USN. Veterans were not looked up to or thanked for their service at that time to say the least as it was right at the tail end of Viet Nam. It was called Affirmative Action then and the result was that those less qualified were given preference in hiring. How does an employer succeed with personnel who don't preform their assigned tasks with a degree of skill which was common a decade before? They don't. Imagine a basketball team comprised of short, fat, White men. Qualifications matter and just maybe Vivek hit on something by accident. DEI needs to end and be replaced with merit, letting the color and gender chips fall where they may.

  • Naw. They are invited in by the commies that run our country for the riches it brings them.