German Husky Plays Monkey-In-The-Middle In The Pool

6 years ago

Nothing is better than spending time in your pool on a hot summer day, especially if it means spending time with your beloved family pet. The family pet, a German Shepherd Siberian Husky mix, is shown enjoying himself in the pool. Both breeds are known for their friendliness and swimming abilities. The dog named Bandit is shown playing a game where three kids try to keep a basketball away from their dog while he tries to catch it, the game is called “monkey in the middle”. It’s so much fun!

This short video clip shows a calm summer’s day where three kids are enjoying playing with their dog. German Shepherd Siberian Husky mixes are known for their athletic abilities and intelligence. German Shepherds for example are used by police forces and militaries around the world due to their abilities to track and herd objects and animals, shown in the video as the dog swims quickly back and forth trying to retrieve the ball. German Shepherds are also known to be loving animals. German Shepherds are one of the only animals that are trained to be service animals in Queensland, Australia, and to be featured as the loving dog that helped out families in the long running Canadian TV show “The Littlest Hobo”, also seen in the video by the dog’s friendly demeanor.

In addition to the dog portraying friendly and athletic characteristics of a German Shepherd, the dog is also mixed with a Siberian Husky. Siberian Huskies are known to be excellent with children which makes them a great dog for families. In addition, Huskies have excellent tracking and hunting abilities which come from their Alaskan heritage of being able to track animals in harsh conditions. The breed is known to be very athletic and loves to be outdoors. Siberian Huskies are incredibly loyal and family oriented dogs and have been known to venture on their own in the Alaskan wilderness, but always returning home with food when the winter gets harsh. This ancient ability and family loyalty of the husky can be shown in the video by the loving nature of the dog towards the children and the ability of the dog to have excellent stamina while trying to track and retrieve the ball.

Bandit, the German Shepherd Siberian Husky Mix, looks like he’s having a lot of fun playing monkey in the middle with his family. The dog’s tail is wagging with excitement and the kids seem to be enjoying themselves too. Playing with your family pets is a perfect way to enjoy the summer, especially when it is hot outside. Both the dog and the kids are able to beat the heat of summer while getting valuable exercise too!

What did you think of the video? Do you have a loveable pet that you like to spend time with? Be sure to tell us about your pet in the comments down below! If you enjoyed the video be sure to share it with your friends, especially if they’re fellow pet lovers!

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