Home by Kinsland

2 months ago

"Home" from Kinsland's debut album 'Keepers Of The Flame'

Purchase the song, digital album, or cd here:

Copyright 2024, Kinsland Music Publishing

Band contact: kinslandmusic@gmail.com

Music by Dan Mongiello

Lyrics by Ben Kuzay

Home inspires wonder of cosmic mystery
Home is entwined with ancestral memory

Ungrateful residents filling the land and air
With transportation devices manned by those without a care
Killing off all life that is a part of me
I do not belong to you; you belong to me

The most exquisite creation, highest intellect
Spiritually completely void with daft nearsightedness
Rain will come and wash away your urban abominations
Tsunamis high as the sky execute a glorious cleansing

Home inspires reverence, questions you'll never know
In the process of seeking answers, do not lose your soul

Your biggest mistakes are to think
That you're entitled to more than other creatures
And to try to penetrate the mysteries
Desperately prying at pandora's box

Home is sentient and regenerative
More than you could know
If you continue waging war
The one who dies won't be me; it will be you

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