Bible study on the Gospel of Luke "In honor of the fallen" chapter 10 - part 3

2 months ago

In memory of our brothers and sisters that have been slaughtered in Afghanistan this week, the underground church has been hunted down and wiped out - we honor the sacrifice of faith they have given, and we remember the great cause of Christ for which they stood.
They have fought a good fight, they have finished their course, they have kept the faith!

A walk through of the letter of Luke - chapter 10:11-16

Here's the link to the Bible study I wrote on how to deal with opposition to the faith -

Apologetics, Debate, Bible Discussions, Evangelism, and much more

A Bible study on personal works and fruit bearing -
"The mystic fruit bowl" Mark 7:5-23 -

(Discussing discipleship) Bible study on Luke 9:60-62 "Let the dead bury the dead" -

To know more on how to be saved, what are the requirements and such, please see our playlist on the Gospel and Eternal Security (assurance of salvation) -

Our Ministries Website -
1John 5:20) "And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life."

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